Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 2144: Killing the distracted monk

The 2,140th chapter kills the distracted monk

The humming sound made a big noise, and the little pale silver worm swarmed toward the other side.

At this moment, the worm wall laid by the blood fire ant was broken by a blockage, even if it was self-destruction, it could not stop the old demon. Although the mana consumed a lot, but as the distance approached its face, it showed a smirk .

I saw his left hand shaking, white light flashing, and the heart-rending white bone spear emerged in the palm of his hand, and there was a gray-white arc.

The screaming sound of the screaming sound was heard in the ear, making people more and more upset.

The old devil was a **** spit, bursting into a **** fog, quickly absorbed by the grim face on the spear.

I saw that it was a very happy look with a slap in the mouth, a **** light on the spear, accompanied by a suffocating temper.

In the distance, Lin Xuan could not help but reveal the color of dignity. Although the strength of the old devil consumed a lot, but at this moment, he is obviously desperate.

Therefore, the power of the spear quickly soared and soared. If it was not mistaken, the old devil would not want to continue to wear it here, but prepared to hit the battle and kill himself.

Lin Xuan’s guess is correct. The ancient magic dream never imagined that it would be a hole in the district to cultivate the immortals, so that Lin Xuan’s treasures and the complexities he learned made him feel tricky.

If you fight like this, the old devil is really scared, one is not good, maybe it will turn over in the gutter.

Even if there is no such bad ending, and if you win, it will be a triumph.

That is not what I want to see.

In short, the old devil can not afford, so he simply bite his teeth, spelling a lot of energy, even if this time to go back, to retreat for hundreds of thousands of years, to restore the life of the real yuan, it does not matter, in short, first this evil The kid is killing here.

At this moment, the old devil is ready to use the bottom of the pressure box, in the shortest time, the winners and losers.

The grimace absorbed his blood, but it seems that it is not enough, the face of the ancient devil, it is more and more ugly.

Damn, my own mana, has it lost to this level?

Biting his teeth, the old devil took a bite, and a black man flew out and wrapped around his left hand. Suddenly, the **** were broken.


The same burst of blood, more than just to be richer, grimace is overjoyed, help a drum, such as long whales absorb it into the water.

Then, the grimace quickly swelled up and soared to the square of the mu, which looked terrible to the extreme, and there was a faint black awning in it.

Lin Xuan's pupils were miniature, and his sleeves were smashed. He was driven by a law. Under his drive, the jade worms moved more and more quickly, and they quickly rushed to the front of the old devil.

The ancient devil did not care.

Although this insect looks more fierce than the blood fire ant just now, but how about it, such a small cloud of insects, do you still want yourself?

That is absolutely impossible!

However, the next scene, he was shocked, **** fire ants and defensive, can not break through the defense, but did not block the impact of the jade bee.

The light curtain of the white bone shield was not broken, but the jade roe bee had a double wings and it was actually hard to get into.

"How is this possible?"

The old devil was stunned, but his reaction was extremely rapid, his sleeves shook, and a gray-white halo flew out, with claws flashing inside, and the corpse itself contained highly toxic.

The jade bees that rushed in were all wrapped.

The sound of the cockroach was introduced into the ear, and the jade bee was hit by the claws, and it fell.

But there is no degeneration, and there is no one. After the advanced, this kind of magic insect is much harder than before. Although it has not reached the point where the fire and the gun are not invaded, the general attack is useless to it.

Soon, it was again slammed up.

This time, the ancient devil has no time to hide, such a good opportunity Lin Xuan naturally will not miss, the dozens of jade bees rushing into the shield have already covered his body.

The pig-like roar is deafening!

Lin Xuan stunned, his face could not help but reveal the color of the stunned, it is reasonable to say that the other side as a distracted period of cultivation, even if it is cut off the hands and feet can not be so miserable.

Could it be that……

The thoughts in my mind have not been turned, and the jade bee crawling on the old devil has fallen by himself.

Just like the bees in the secular world, they will die once they are married.

The fog spread out, revealing the ancient demon. On the surface, although there is no difference, the horror in the old magic is difficult to describe in words.

He feels that the life of the body is flying fast.

Time poison!

The old devil thought of an old legend!

Suddenly, the soul flies away.

He quickly breathed deeply and began to mobilize the mana of his body to resist the poison of time.

The skin that began to age, the dry skin, began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

On the surface, it seems that the jade bee is also holding the old monster, but at this moment, the ancient devil is actually vomiting blood.

The general mana has no way to suppress the poison of the jade bee. At this moment, he consumes the true yuan.

You know, this kind of thing, but a little less, although not unrecoverable, but the time spent is not a day or two, but dozens or even hundreds of years.

However, the old devil has already refused to pay attention. If Shouyuan has passed away too much, it is very likely that the looting will soon land. In that case, isn’t he dead?

After all, when there is a strong enemy peeping on the side, it is self-evident.

Weighing the pros and cons, the loss of the real yuan, although the old devil is also very distressed, but he can only do so, there is no choice.

The distraction of the immortal is indeed a small matter, and the poison of time is actually suppressed by him.

However, for the old monster, the crisis has not ended, or at this moment, he has already lost his mind.

The old devil cares about suppressing the poison of time, but ignores the manipulation of the magic weapon of this life. This thing is really a sin, a bad one, but it will counter the master.

At this moment, the grimace that has soared to the square of Mu, the eyes are fierce, but the object of his hatred has been turned into an old demon by Lin Xuan.


A terrible sigh of relief came out, and then the face opened his mouth and spewed a wave of light.

The light wave is strange in shape, looks like an olive, pure black, with a long tail flame, a grayish-white arc on the surface, and countless fist-sized runes.

Although there is only the size of the wheel, the momentum is eye-catching, and even the space is slightly collapsed.


Lin Xuan’s heart is overjoyed, and he will give up after such a good opportunity.

It is a good time to clean up the old devil.

Lin Xuan's sleeves glanced, and the spirited sword re-flyed out. Lin Xuan stretched out his hand and shouted, and the mana that was in the hand was desperately injected into the treasure in his hand.

In the meantime, Li Mang rises up, and a majestic aura, centered on the fairy sword in Lin Xuan’s hand, screams around.

After a flash, actually split into four shares.

Every way, the nature is different.

Then four auras were aggregated, and Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu, four huge ghost beasts emerged.

The roaring sounds one after another, and the original wall that was still intact on the other side of Tianfeng City was actually collapsed.

The illusory shadows of the four spirits in midair, the more embarrassing, lifelike, violent momentum, dispersed from them, and then rushed toward the enemy.

"This time see how you hide."

Lin Xuan's cold voice is passed to the ear, even if it is a distracting old monster, there should always be a limit.


The earth-shattering crackle came, and Lin Xuan expected it. At this moment, the old devil could no longer display the space-like spell, and was hit by the black light wave from the ghost face.

During the time, a devastating atmosphere swept the world, and the hurricane began.

Then the whole sky dimmed, and a black hole appeared in sight.

However, just like it, there is no suction from the inside.

The power of this attack can not be described in words. After the gleaming face emits light waves, it is much smaller, and it seems to be weak. Then it is slammed into the ear, and the white bone spear falls to the ground.

The nightmare of the old devil did not end. After being defeated by his own magic weapon, the spirited sword was also killed. This time, there is no reservation, and he has nowhere to hide.

As the beast of the beast was introduced into the ear, the black mang was not over yet, and he was swallowed up by the four-color aura.


Lin Xuan sighed with relief, took a pot of spirits from his arms, and then poured his head into his mouth.

Lin Xuan did not use Wannian Lingru, and there was not much left in this treasure. Secondly, it was not needed.

The old monsters in the distraction period are strong, and can even be said to be far beyond imagination, but then how, what they have, after all, is not undead.

If such an attack does not fall, then there is really no reason.


Lin Xuan was right, there was no movement since the explosion.

After a full effort of tea, the dust in front of it spread out, and the ancient magic was re-engaged.

However, it can't move, such as stone-plastic wood carving.

A breeze blew, and the body of the old devil actually weathered into sand.

All of them belong to nothingness, and it seems that even Yuan Ying did not escape.


Lin Xuan sighed with relief, this battle is really thrilling and extreme, the distracted monk is strong, can be said to far exceed his own imagination.

so close!

I tried my best to solve all the problems. In such a situation, I almost fell.

Lin Xuan wiped the sweat from his forehead and thought about it.

Then the eyes looked like Tianfeng City.

Originally, the ancient devil and the seven elders ruined the city a little while, and then destroyed the other half. Poor Tianshuang County's first big city, although not razed to the ground, but the difference is not far.

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