Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 2134: Xuanwu Seven Masters

The second two hundred and thirty-four chapters

The low voice came into the ear and turned out to be a monster with only a bronze armor.

The eyes are protruding, and the appearance is extremely extreme. Needless to say, it is natural to smelt the body.

Looking around, there are tens of thousands of shadows.

On the tower, in the nearby buildings, the demonizers are stunned and swallowed.

Copper corpse, how can there be so much?

These monsters are exposed to each other, and they are the lowest. They are also equivalent to the cultivators in the late stage of the condensate.

Yuan Ying, the clutch is also not a minority.

The strongest corpse kings, the breath that comes out is even more extraordinary, and the old monsters in the hole Xuan period, that is also a fight.

In the distance, Lin Xuan hides in the crowd, his eyes are slightly stunned, his face is also a bit strange, but when he thinks about the identity of the other party, he is relieved.

He is the elder of the corpse, as an old monster of distraction. God knows how many years of living, even if there are so many smelts, it is not surprising.

The strength of this old guy is really far from being comparable to the same level. The Tianfeng City has been razed to the ground, and it is not something that he can't do.

Lin Xuan felt a big fear and fear, but did not act rashly.

As the saying goes, there is no vain under the prestigious name.

As the number one mortal city in Tianshuang County, the demonized masters gathered, Lin Xuan did not believe that it would not have the power to fight back.

That is absolutely impossible.

So I don’t have to do anything now, let’s wait and see what happens.


"You can go to die."

The old konjac's big laughter was introduced into the ear, his voice just fell, the low snoring sounded, and the gray light passed, but the bronze corpse flew to the tower.

Suddenly, the exclamations came one after another. As far as the entire Tianfeng City is concerned, the number of demonizers is certainly far more than this.

But they are scattered everywhere.

As far as the local part is concerned, it is the number of smelting corpses that form an advantage.

Moreover, there is an ancient devil sitting here, the demonized person with a slightly higher level is easily eliminated by this old monster.

Of course, the rest could not withstand it. In a flash, the wall was occupied by the corpses.

"A mortal is a mortal. In the final analysis, only this strength can be compared with our cultivators."

The face of the ancient devil was full of sorrow and pride. He turned his head and his eyes had locked Lin Xuan. The kid was still the slightest mana fluctuation.

Can it be said that he relied on this to conceal his identity as a monk.

A good man's temperament!

There was some embarrassment in the ancient magic, but it was quickly replaced by sneer.

What about mystery?

Strength is king, I see where you are now running?

There was a different awn in his eyes, and there was more murder around his body. However, at this moment, he turned his head like a sense.

"One, two, three ... seven, a total of seven, there are seven caves of the mythical demonizers are quickly approaching." The expression of the ancient devil, but also some dignified.

Originally, the strength of the demonizer could not be seen with the gods, but at this moment, the seven elders deliberately put the momentum in full.

When they noticed the plundering of the corpses, their dawn, more and more quickly, they soon came to the gate of the city.

And this is only the first wave, behind, there are a lot of demonizers rushing here.

What about the old monsters in the distraction period? Is it true that he is alone, will he pick the city?

The singularity of the old monsters, but the demonizers are enemies.

As for ordinary mortals, of course, they dare not come to drowning, or even dare to stand too close.

The city gate is in flames, but it will catch the fish.

But they stood in the distance, and they all cheered for the demonizers.

For a time, the ancient devil became a rat across the street, and everyone shouted.

However, the old monsters did not change their color. How about the seven holes, in front of themselves, is also rubbish, they can't change the battle.

The strange laughter was introduced into the ear, and the ancient left hand was slightly waved. A beam of light with a bowl of mouth was shot out.

This light column is as black as ink, and a majestic spiritual pressure will not be able to permeate.

"No, hide!"

The silver-haired old man was shocked, but it was too late. He saw that the bald man was about to be hit. The man screamed, his left hand and his right hand lifted up, his fingers clenched, and his fists touched his chest.

As he moves, the khaki halo emerges from the surface of his body, a phantom appears, and the shape is strange, looking like a tortoise shell.


The popping sound was transmitted to the ear, and the sneak attack of the ancient demon did not have the expected effect, but the bald man was not good, and there was a red blood spilling over the corner of the mouth, but no matter what, in short, he was blocking the other side. Remember to attack.


The face of the old devil is a bit strange, but the other side is only a demonized person in the middle of the hole in the middle of the hole. This defense is too outrageous. Is it a fusion of the mysterious turtle nucleus with the blood of the heavens and the earth?

Compared with similar monsters, the toughness of turtles is not the same, and only in this way can we make sense.

The expressions of the seven elders in Tianfeng City are ugly, and when this is the case, there is no room for manoeuvre. Only the real chapter is seen under the hand.

"It's not good, we fight alone. We are definitely not the opponent of this old devil. We can't let him break through each other. I can quickly arrogate the seven sects of the martial arts. Only by borrowing the power of the tactics can we compete with this old monster." The silver-haired old man has a big face. Changed.

The voice did not fall, he had reached out and soon, a green flag appeared in the palm of his hand.

The other elders did not dare to neglect, but the artifacts they took out were different, there were symbols, gold plaques, swords, and even a treasure of the shape of the soul.

Although the shapes are different, but after they are taken out, there is actually a resonance sound coming into the ear, and then several demonizers sacrificed the seven treasures together.


The whole sky suddenly fell dark. Although it was not stretched out, the sun was faint, and then a cloud of darkness appeared in sight.

And quickly aggregated, and still rushing.

The dark clouds that grew in a row were getting bigger and bigger, and soon the sky, which was dozens of miles away, was completely shrouded in.

This is just the beginning, and then the shape of the dark cloud begins to change.


Lin Xuan, who is mixed in the crowd, has changed his face to be surprised by his indifference.

The dark cloud actually turned out a monster in the shape of a turtle, but the tail is a bit like a python.


Although this spirit beast Lin Xuan has not seen it with his own eyes, but the classics are absolutely astounding.

One of the famous four spirits.

Its power is unquestionable, of course, just the shape of the dark clouds is a bit like it.

I don't know what it is to have a real basaltic.

Or what kind of mystery is hidden in the Xuanwu Qijie array.

Lin Xuan did not know that at this moment, there was no time for him to go deep into what.

The face of the ancient demon was also surprised, and a whirlpool suddenly appeared at the bottom of the black cloud.

The diameter is enough for seven or eight feet, and the bottom is not deep.

Unleashes amazing suction from the inside.

It looks quite similar to a black hole.

And its goal is only one, the ancient devil.

The old monster naturally refuses to bind, but there is no use, the suction is too amazing.

Although he tried his best, he only insisted on a few bites of effort, and then he was inhaled and entered the dark cloud in the shape of the mysterious turtle.

"We are also leaving."

The seven elders looked at each other and nodded. Then they shook their hands and opened the treasures of the Xuanwu Qijie array. From the head of the mysterious turtle, the chest, the limbs and the tail, respectively, the light was illuminated, followed by seven Taiji patterns. When they came into view, they looked happy and flew without hesitation, and entered the cloud from the Taiji figure.

Eight people have disappeared from the trail.

But after only a moment, the thunder-like popping sound was madly introduced into the ear, and the dark cloud in the shape of the mysterious turtle kept vibrating, and it was faintly visible that there were various colors of light flowing incessantly.

However, because of this array of methods, it is not so good to say how the situation is.

Lin Xuan’s face showed a hint of joy, and the layman watched the excitement. The insider looked at the doorway. His knowledge was so extensive that he could naturally see the mystery of this array. Although the specific power is not clear, the seven holes are demonized. With this object, maybe you can really resist the ancient devil.

Even if it is not, it should be able to consume a lot of mana.

This is no doubt.

It’s really a mountain of water and there is no way to go.

The expression on Lin Xuan’s face is easy to move down. Nowadays, this situation is more beneficial to himself.


In the dark clouds of the basaltic form, the eight masters played a lot of fun, and near the castle tower, the smelt and other demonizers, the battle is also glued.

The strength of those bronze corpses is not trivial, and they do not need to be manipulated by the old devil.

They themselves can fight alone, and they are not afraid of death, although the number is not as demonized, but because of bravery, they do not fall.

Lin Xuan’s eyes swept over the field, and the expression on his face became more and more smug.

Then he saw no one paying attention to himself and quietly left the place.

Of course, it is not to escape, there is no need at all, the rivers and rivers fight, the fishermen benefit, Lin Xuan is not in a hurry, the situation is very beneficial to himself.

After seven bends and a turn of tea, Lin Xuan came to a quiet place.

His eyes swept, and there were no mortals or demonizers nearby.

Lin Xuan's face showed a satisfactory color, his hands were gripped, and the crackling sound of the smashing screams was heard into the ear, and the mysterious light flashed, and several mysterious unusual runes emerged.

It was fleeting, and then Lin Xuan had untied the devil's baby.

There is a reason why Lin Xuan dares to do this.

The prohibition of Tianfeng City is also flawed. When the monks enter the city from the outside, they will be discovered, but after entering, the prohibition will not be effective.

Therefore, Lin Xuan will not have any hindrance to this secret.

Of course, Lin Xuan still does not want to be exposed to his identity. Therefore, while releasing the Devil's Baby Dafa, Lin Xuan immediately applied the temperament technique. At this moment, there is still no moment to reveal his identity.

Ps: The update is a bit late. Today, I actually wrote eight thousand words, but the remaining three thousand will stay until tomorrow. There is no way. I will go back to my wife’s house tomorrow, my father-in-law’s birthday!

Very busy, but the rain will work hard, seek ***, the beginning of the month, the competition of *** is the most important, do you have friends, please support the magic rain, support Bailian, give me ***!

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