Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 2124: Fighting

The second thousand one hundred and twenty-four chapters

The weakness has had an effect, and the other party has fallen into his own calculations.

Lin Xuan’s face flashed a hint of ambiguity. This time, he did not hide, but took a breath, and the body’s mana moved slightly. Suddenly, an amazing momentum spread.

The realm has not changed, but the momentum that comes out of it is more than doubled.

Lin Xuan raised his right hand and waved past the other's claws.

At the same time, a mouth, a group of four-colored glass of flame spewed out.

As soon as the illusion of the fire broke out, it slammed into the wind and turned into a huge fireball with a diameter.


The fireball exploded and turned into a small group of flames.

Then the flames swelled slightly, such as the young birds out of the shell, each with a long-footed flamingo emerged from the inside.

The appearance is different.

The attributes are also different, representing cold, poisonous, corrosive, and swallowing.

Goshawk Bo rabbit, also use all efforts.

Lin Xuan does not shoot, this shot is the thunder of the strike, and strive to hit the enemy.

"Oh, this kid is actually tempting the enemy!"

The monster's face was ugly, and it was too late to escape. Under furious, he could only reach out and squat toward his chest.

With this movement, there are several quaint and unusual black runes on the surface of the body.

The yin is too big, and the runes are also rising in the wind.

Then it turned into a huge bucket of thick buckets, opened a large **** mouth, biting toward the four spirit birds, watching the momentum, is trying to swallow them into the belly.

In terms of size, giant pythons are much larger, but when they are in contact, what they show is the opposite result.

The illusion of the skyfire has almost not let Lin Xuan disappoint, even if it is the ice sorcerer, it has been a mess of this magical power, not to mention that at this moment, it is right, but a fellow monk.

The konjac looks fierce, but when it comes to face, it is subdued.

Some are frozen into ice sculptures, some are highly erosive, and some are directly annihilated for nothingness...

In short, the end is not the same.

The face of the old monster suddenly became wonderful.

You must know that the rune secret technique that he just used is not the same as that of the small ones. Even the life of the life is consumed a lot. It is so easy to be broken. I thought that even if I could not win the flame of the other side, I could get a little time.

The wishful thinking was broken, and now even the change is too late, he can only deceive his teeth, smashing his body and surging with the corpse, forming a sinister shield.

It looked very thick, but there was no half-effect. The four spirit birds that were smashed by the magical fires broke and then the four spirit birds rushed to him.


The screams came into the ears, and the flesh was stained with the magical skyfire. How could the old monsters withstand it, even Yuan Ying had no chance to escape, and was directly annihilated to nothingness.

The whole process is complicated, but it is completed in an instant.

The inferior monk and the bright makeup woman were shocked. However, they wanted to rescue, but it was too late. When the two crossed the distance, they came close, and the companion had already fallen.

Needless to say, the faces of the two people are naturally haunted to the extreme, and they are lost when they are carelessly filled. Who can think of this little guy named Lin, who is actually showing off the enemy, and the real supernatural power is so sharp, a face-to-face, The monster that merged Confucianism and Devils was destroyed.

The two looked at each other, and while they were angry, they also feared their fears.

The strength of the enemy is far beyond imagination. Even if their brothers and sisters join hands, there is no grasp of victory. If they can, they really do not want to be enemies with Lin Xuan.

However, the tasks assigned by Shizun are even more dare to give up. Otherwise, although the dragons and dragons are big, they will not have their own places.


At this moment, the two men woke up like a dream and regarded Lin Xuan as a terrible and awesome opponent.

The woman with a bright makeup took a deep breath and calmed down some of her nervousness. Then she reached out and took a shot at her waist. A treasure of silk-like appearance emerged.

In the middle of the silk, there are nine dragonflies embroidered, each with a fingernail size, but it is vivid.

Then the woman waved her hands, and the fingers slammed into the fingertips. As her movements, a large amount of black gas appeared around her body, and the silk pad was quickly drowned.

The ghosts cried and the nine cockroaches came out.


The woman once again pointed to it, and then those who became three, three to nine, nine to...

A short amount of effort, even blocked the half of the sky, a bit of chewing in the mouth, issued a screaming screaming, screaming of phosphorus, and killed Lin Xuan.

The sound was astounding, and Lin Xuan’s face also showed a hint of unexpected color. The sleeves slammed and thousands of willow knives swam out.

Thin as a flap, sharp and extreme.

"go with!"

Lin Xuan snorted and suddenly made a big noise, and the iron feather flying knives rushed forward.

With so many evil spirits, it is most appropriate to use this magic weapon.

Soon, both of them were short-handed, bursting loudly, and the spirits and yin were intertwined, and two treasures were smashed.

In a short time, it is difficult to distinguish who is strong and who is weak.

However, Lin Xuan was not confused by the current situation. Suddenly, he turned his head like he felt, his right hand raised, and a blue sword light spurred out from the palm of his hand.


The violent sound was transmitted from the void into the ear, and a black flying fork appeared.


The face of the woman with bright makeup is very strange. The slyness of the woman just now looks very different. The fact is that it is the role of the enemy. The real killing is the flying fork.

This magic weapon can completely confine the mana, but I was still discovered by the other party.

The face flashed differently, and her hand was moved, and the flying fork was re-hidden.

"Hey, I really don't know how to live and die. Do you dare to sneak up and down again and again?"

Lin Xuan’s mouth flashed a hint of ridiculous color. After using the phoenix to transform, the effect of Tianfeng’s purpose became more and more obvious. Simply put, it has the effect of blessing.

He danced with both hands, and the nine-day moon and the moon flew out, and he did not hesitate to spur a spot like a void.

The result was another burst of sound coming into the ear, and the flying fork was once again intercepted.

Lin Xuan saw this scene, his face showed a satisfactory color, his body flashed, and disappeared from the place again.

Nine days of microsteps!

The bright makeup woman yelled, busy with a shot at the waist, while the white bone shield flew out, the yin gas was done, and the wind rose wildly, and it was protected.

"I thought, is it useful?"

Lin Xuan screamed, and the five fingers were barely clenched. At this time, his hands had been restored to normal shape by the claws, and they punched out.

Ps: This chapter was written... It took me three and a half hours. The idea was a bit uncomfortable. I went out for a while, then came back and continued to code the next chapter. At the end of the month, I really need ***, please support my friends. ,Thank you.

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