Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 2122: Seventy-two changes in magical power

The second thousand one hundred and twenty-two chapters and seventy-two changes of the magical power

This old monster, but a stern figure, when he saw the traces of the traces, immediately hesitated without hesitation, no nonsense.

The white bone sword is mixed with endless yin, and in an instant, it has already reached the front.

Lin Xuan was in crisis, but his face was calm and extreme. He did not sacrifice any treasures, but his shoulders shook slightly.

Suddenly, where he stood, the space rippled out like a small stone that was cast into a calm lake. Lin Xuan’s afterimage was still in the distance, but the people had disappeared.


As if the wind blew from the canyon, the soothing sound came into the ear, and the white bone sword had been smashed from the place where Lin Xuan had just stood. However, it was only a residual image, but its true body was long gone. Know where you are going.


The Confucian monk dressed in a small eyes, but the next moment, space fluctuations, Lin Xuan has appeared on his side.


The popping sound was transmitted to the ear, and Lin Xuanyuan was demonished. He saw a flash of light, and the shape of his left hand had changed. A claw-like thing appeared in front of him.

Then a little waved, the sound of the air broke more and more harsh, countless green claws emerged, lasing toward the other side.

At such a close distance, the Confucian scholar simply could not hide, and was directly hit by a shining claw.

Lin Xuan’s attack was not over yet, his right hand was lifted up, and then he swung down slowly. With his movements, a long-shouldered blue-colored sword light emerged, and the stab was like the other’s head.

After all, the other party is the cultivator of the Dong Xuan level. It was not difficult to make him seriously injured, but it was still a long way from the fall.


There was a sigh of energy next to him. The other party was not alone. The sinister monks and the glamorous women naturally did not look at the companions. After a big bang, they shot one after another.

The blue-colored swordsman had just just let go, and the several blue-gray swords and the black mans that flew in the face were intercepted, and bursting sounds burst into the air.

However, taking advantage of this gap, Lin Xuan’s figure flashed and disappeared again.

The predecessor did not forget the teacher of the aftermath. Just the Confucian scholar was attacked. At this moment, Lin Xuan’s technique was re-applied. Under the three horror, he did not seek meritorious service, but he did not ask for it. He quickly offered his defensive magic weapon. Then I looked up slowly and raised my head.

"Not good, his goal is..."

When I saw where Lin Xuan was, the makeup woman was discolored, but it was too late to stop. A dazzling light glides from Lin Xuan’s sleeves. A turning point has turned into a gray hurricane. , will be just three people used in the transmission array package.

The faint voice was introduced into the ear. When the hurricane spread out, the transmission array was turned into powder and completely destroyed.

In terms of the strength of Lin Xuan, even if the old three-hole Dong Xuan period old monsters, it will not fight, but if the other side comes to the reinforcements, it will be troublesome.

Therefore, Lin Xuansheng hit the West and ruined the confidant.

The face of the three corpses of the corpse was ugly, especially the old monster of the Confucian robe. When he was careless, he was severely damaged by Lin Xuan. At this moment, his face was even more ruined.

He took a shot at the waist, took out a gray-white plaque on the body, and then swallowed a few pills. Suddenly, the blood flow slowed down.

The injury is temporarily controlled. Of course, in this case, the strength will be somewhat affected.

But it doesn't matter. They have as many as three people. Just because they are too big, once they are serious, the other side can't compete with their three masters.

"Kids, the old man will sculpt you, let you regret coming to this world."

The Confucian face flashed a glimmer of color, and he already hated Lin Xuan.

"Yes, but I am afraid that there is no such strength. It is better for the Taoist friend to hand over his life to Lin. I promise to let you die without pain. This transaction, the Taoist friends should consider it carefully." Lin Xuan The voice of the smile came into the ear.

"The mouth is smooth, do you think you can win with your mouth?"

The Confucian monk became more and more angry, pointing out in front of him, and the sound of the screaming sound was transmitted to the ear, and the surface of the bone sword flashed, which turned into a shape of a brush.


Lin Xuanyi, the life magic weapon can change the shape when fighting the law, this situation he has never encountered before.

However, what about it, the soldiers will block, the water will cover the soil, and the sleeves will be smashed. Lin Xuan also sacrificed the treasures. The nine-day moon ring has swept away and flew around him.


Lin Xuan has a dozen fingers, and several tactics spurt his fingertips.

With his movements, the halo of the surface of the nine-day Mingyue ring became more and more dazzling, and then the nearby heaven and earth, gathered together, and swarmed into the treasure.

A white hurricane emerged, and even the earth was grounded, sweeping away toward the other side.

"The worms are small and dare to show off here."

Confucian students shouted loudly, and both hands were shaking. With his movements, the treasures that changed from the white bone sword began to take away the dragon snakes, and one rune emerged.

"this is……"

Lin Xuan can clearly see which of the runes seems to have been seen in the classics, but for a moment, I can't think of it.

The thoughts in my mind have not been turned, and there is a thick voice coming into the ears.

"Hey, yeah, oh, oh, oh, oh."


Lin Xuan’s face suddenly changed, and he remembered it. This is a six-character curse.

The six-character curse is the supernatural power created by the power of a ghost.

In his early years, this man had suffered from the sorrow of the Buddha's sorghum, but he was defeated by the six-character curse. However, he just lost and was not eliminated.

The ghost road is full of pains and pains, creating a magical power that can compete with the curse of the demon, that is, six evil spirits.

Although there are only a few short sentences in the six-character curse, it is said that in the end, there are seventy-two changes in the cultivation, and the evil curse is the same.

I don’t know the old monster of the corpse in front of me.

With the sound of "哼" falling, the surrounding space was actually torn apart, yes, a gap in space, and then into the eyes.

From the inside, there was an endless yin, and then an arm came out, followed by the body, and a evil-faced evil spirit appeared in sight.

The monk of the human world, who cultivated the martial arts to the extreme depths, can appeal to the magical possession of the famous demon who has the surname in the upper bound, and this old monster of the cave is still much more powerful, through six The evil spirit curse actually creates a gap in the space and summons the ghosts of a sinister world.

Ps: There were too many things in the previous game, and the update was unstable. Sorry, from today, it will resume normal update. At the end of the month, ask for ***, thank you for your friends.

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