Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 2077: Bewitcher

The second thousand seventy seven seven chapter demonizer

The thorns made a big noise, and a black light ball emerged out of thin air.

Accompanied by this, a hundred miles away, all the world's vitality, all rushing toward it, then the black ball was slightly flashing, replaced by a space crack.

There are a lot of things to do, and there are no problems with the number of people passing through.


The scene in front of you was so shocking that everyone was shocked, let alone those people, even the claws of the dragons stopped the movements on their claws, looking at the crack in the head, the face was full of fear, although the mind did not open, But instinct is enough to make it fearful.

"This... what is this?"

It’s a round-faced girl who looks like a 17-year-old girl. Although it’s not beautiful, it’s still cute.

Then the waves fluctuated together and two figures appeared in sight.

A man and a woman stand together.

It seems that it is only twenty years old, and the man is wearing a green shirt and looks ordinary.

As for the woman next to her, there is a tendency to pour the country into the city, but compared with the average woman, her facial features are more clear, and her temperament is also very stable, and it reveals a heroic spirit.

Looking at the sudden emergence of a man and a woman, whether they are the Terran or the Clawed Dragon, they are caught in a petrochemical state.

However, it didn't last long, maybe it was too fearful. After just a few moments, the claws of the dragons went mad without warning. They opened their mouths and bite toward the front.


And the round-faced girl seems to be scared, except for screaming, even hiding does not hide, seeing Xiangxiang Yuyu here.


At this moment, there was a cold noise, Lin Xuan was not the main child who could not help but die. The sleeves were smashed, and a sword swelled out. The blue light flashed, and the scorpion dragon had been smashed into two halves.

The area of ​​the base period of the demon beast, even the strength of the condensate is not, naturally not enough to block Lin Xuan's blow.

Clean and tidy, the dozens of boys and girls were stunned, and the monsters that almost made them all over the army were actually killed so easily.

If you don't see it, you can't believe it.

Are these two people a cultivator?

And repair should be good.

The young people swallowed a spit, and the head of them had struggled to stand up and bowed to Lin Xuan: "The villain sees the fairy teacher, thank you for your great grace, or else the villain and I am afraid that these younger generations have really fallen."

"You are not a cultivator, it seems... not a demon?"

Lin Xuan’s eyes swept over the people in front of him, but his face showed some doubts.

His knowledge is absolutely broad, but the image of the person in front of him is too strange. It seems that at the age of forty years old, he is not required to face, and his appearance is quite handsome.

It looks like 70% of people. The reason why he says 70% is because he has the same body, eyes, ears and nose, and he has the same personality as the human race. But he has some black and red scales, fists and elbows, and spurs. What's even more striking is that at the center of his forehead, there is a nail-sized crystal that looks like a crystal.

In this way, there are some like the Yaozu. However, Lin Xuan released the knowledge, but found that the energy flowing in his body is obviously not the demon power, and there is a big difference between the demon spirit and the demon spirit.

"Not a demon, not a demon." Lin Xuan said to himself, his face also showed a color of interest.

"The villain is of course not. The younger generation is just a mortal." The middle-aged man stood up and his face was more respectful.

"What, mortal?" Lin Xuan almost did not believe in his own ears. Does mortal have this image, and the energy in his body is strange, but the intensity is almost comparable to that of a mid-term monk.

A mortal, even if it is a martial arts master who stepped into the heavens, the strength is far behind.

The middle-aged man would look at the words and see the doubts on Lin Xuan’s face. He also felt a bit strange, but after thinking about it, he seemed to understand it again. He tried to open his mouth: “Predecessors should be the first time to come to our dragons. Well, if you are a visitor to another interface, you have never seen a demonizer like us, but it is not surprising."

"Fairy, what is that?" The cold voice of the peacock was introduced into the ear, and it was also a big doubt.

Compared with Lin Xuan, Yuanyuan, who came to the spiritual world for the first time, is more novel than anything she sees, but what makes her most happy is the aura of this world.

Rich and incomparable!

This is not unusual, you know that even in the hundreds of small interfaces that make up the spirit world, the dragons can be ranked in the forefront.

"Predecessors are the immortals who came here from other interfaces. It is really not easy to explain this matter. If you don't disappoint them, it is better to visit my Star Peak City. The younger generation will explain how to do it." Said the face.

"Yuan Yuan, look at it..."

"French can take the idea." Peacock smiled and said, the general situation of the spiritual world, she has heard her husband said, do not know this time, the husband and wife are coming to which interface.

But no matter what, the husband's strength is far from his own comparable, and once went to the spiritual world once, in love, she certainly listened to Lin Xuan's idea.

"Well, my husband and wife, when I first arrived in the land, I wanted to ask a lot of things. If that is the case, then I am disturbed."

Lin Xuan thought a little, and nodded and agreed. The strength of the middle-aged man is equivalent to building a foundation. It is not worth mentioning, and those young disciples are even more outrageous. There is no fluctuation in manpower, but it is a mortal. However, in their meridians, there is a flow of infuriating power, which should be the martial arts of the mortal.

I hope that the Star City will not threaten myself, so Lin Xuan is generous to agree.

"Thank you for your predecessors, I am..."

The voice of the middle-aged man did not fall, but a fierce cough, just slammed the claws of the claws, the injury is really heavy.

Lin Xuan sighed, a sash of gowns, a jade bottle flew out, the middle-aged conditioned reflex.

"If you don't be a mortal or a demon in your mouth, I like the ink in this bottle should be useful to you."

Listening to Lin Xuan said that the middle-aged people showed ecstasy, and the family and the cultivators had made a lot of matches. The medicinal herbs they produced were indeed unimaginable.

“Thank you for your greatness.”

He said, while pulling the cork out, he poured out a black bean-sized black medicinal herb, and a spicy gas was introduced into the nose. He hesitated a little, and swallowed it in the head, hitting the other side. As for the power to kill the claws, there is no need to count on yourself.

When the medicine was turned on, the chest suddenly felt a warm feeling, and the injury suddenly improved.

The middle-aged man was relieved and his face was more and more happy.

"Thank you for your predecessors."

"Okay, a little bit of nothing, not worth mentioning."

"The younger generation still has a ruthless feeling, and I want to ask the seniors to agree." The middle-aged man was a bit embarrassed.

"You said." Lin Xuan seems to be pleasing to the eye.

"The strength of the older generation, this fierce claw dragon must not be in the eyes, but for the younger generation and others, it is a rare monster material, I do not know..."

"If you want, take it."

Lin Xuan did not care, the monsters in the base period of the district, and how he and the peacock could look in the eyes.

"Thank you for your predecessors."

The middle-aged *** hi, Chong Lin Xuan repeatedly thanked, followed by a few leap, came to the side of the body of the claws, the light flashed in the hand, the bone spur actually changed to a short sword, the action is skilled, In a few moments, the body of the monster was unloaded, and a useful storage bag was placed in the waist.


Lin Xuan blinked, but found something unexpected. The right hand lifted up, the white light flickered, and the thing broke free from the middle-aged man's hand. If there was spirituality, he flew to him.

It is a husk-sized nucleus, exquisitely cut, looks like a crystal, and the demon power contained in it is quite abundant.

"This is really a bit strange." Lin Xuan said to himself, just now, he did not find the demon from the other's body, to know that unlike the monk condensed into Jindan, the demon no matter how strong it is, it is reasonable to say There should be a demon, but this guy does not have such a crystal nucleus.

"Yuan Yuan, look at it."

Lin Xuan handed it to his wife, the peacock is a Yaozu, of course, for the family, it should be better known than himself.

"I have never seen it."

However, after a little detailed, Yuanyuan shook his head, which is obviously different from the demon.

"Predecessors, this magic crystal is also unique to our dragons. As for the specific situation, the younger will naturally explain in detail later. I don't know if it can be..." The middle-aged man carefully opened his mouth and knew that for them, this claw All the materials on the dragon are added together, and there is no magic crystal, which is the primary purpose of their coming here.

"Get it."

Lin Xuan is also somewhat curious. Although this thing looks like a rarity, but the value is not worth mentioning to him, naturally it will not compete with the younger generation.

"Thank you for your predecessors, thank you."

The middle-aged man quickly took over, and his face was full of gratitude. He was really afraid that Lin Xuan would take this thing for himself. Then he could not think of it except depressed.

"Well, you said you want to go to Xingfeng City, can you set off, what is going on in this dragon world, and Lin wants to hear from you."

Lin Xuan has such an opening. When I first arrived in the city, I would like to know as much information and information as possible. I have never heard of it in the Dragon World. I don’t see the description in the East China Sea, but from the concentration of Aura, Lin Xuan Yin has already judged that the interface of this flight is not the same.

This person should not be able to lie in front of him, but what is the demonizer in his mouth, and this strange crystal, too many doubts, Lin Xuan wants to figure out.

"Yes, the predecessors, we set off." Then the other hand reached for a shot, the blue light flashed, and the long-soul Ling Zhou flew out.

Lin Xuan’s eyes are awkward, but he doesn’t feel surprising. Such a flying instrument, also in the East China Sea, only appears in the hands of a self-proclaimed mortal, which is a bit of an accident.

The demonizer, what is going on, the strength of the immortal, why do they blame themselves?

Ps: This chapter is a bit flat. Just arrived at a new interface, it needs some over-extension, some new elements are integrated, so we need to introduce one or two.

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