Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 2033: Lin Xuan’s hope

The hope given by Lin Xuan in the second thousand and thirty-three chapters

The rain is coming from the wind.

Seeing a big battle, it will erupt between the ancient demon and the immortal.

Both sides are accumulating strength, because this final battle will determine the tenth state of Tianyun, the final affiliation, whether it will become the next devil, or spend it safely.

No one knows.

Although the morale of the cultivators has recovered a lot, most of them are still guilty. After all, the strength of the ancient devils, most of them have seen it, although there is one more sacred cultivator who was passed down to the gods. However, he only has one after all. The so-called good Han enemy is not a lot of people. Can this person really turn things around?

Different from the optimism of the lower-ranking monks, many old-fashioned Yuan Ying period immortals are worried.

However, they can't show it, because it will affect morale. Nowadays, the situation that people can use is very rare. If there is no confidence, how can they fight against the ancient demon?

In Tianzhou, the atmosphere is also dignified. However, those who are in the clutch period are very relaxed. How about the monk in the tunnel? As long as the hail is coming, it is not an ant.

On the surface, they sent their men to kill the immortals who went to Linglong Valley. In fact, it was just a look. From the heart, they couldn’t wait to gather more cultivators, and then they met with the saints they led. And Pingding Tianyun 12 states, the most time-saving and labor-saving, but the distraction of the immortals only gave them a headache, which killed a Zongmen family, and then emerged elsewhere.

Xianmeng order, huh, huh, that’s great.

They deliberately showed weakness, let the Dong Xuan period monk named Lin Xuan happy for a while.

Who said that the ancient devils were only fierce and warlike, and they were not weak, and these guys were very embarrassing.

They will count on them, and they want to introduce Lin Xuan and the immortals of Tianyun Twelve States into the trap.

For the time being, everything seems to be very smooth, but the last one is the winner. Lin Xuan has been accustomed to conspiracy and illusion since he stepped into the cultivation of the celestial world. Does he really not see the trajectory of the ancient demon? Still don't have any considerations, no one knows.

Every day, the immortals in all directions come to Linglong Valley. These monks have different realms. However, no matter how they are repaired, they have not seen Lin Xuan noodles for the time being.

In fact, don't talk about them, even if they are the cultivators of the Baixuan Pavilion, these days, I have had the privilege of seeing Lin Xuan. Of course, the four gimmicks are excluded. Lin Xuan is not afraid of them. Come, Lin Xuan has always been very generous to his own people.

Basically, there is no need for Tibetan mastiffs. It can be said that there is nothing to say.


A sigh of voice passed into the ear, Lu Yinger's face was full of silence.

"what happened?"

Lin Xuan brows one pick: "Don't I just explain, don't you understand?"

"Of course not. The young master explained carefully and clearly. Although Xiaozhen’s qualifications are weak, how can he not understand it?" Lu Yinger said a little embarrassed.

"What happened then?"

Lin Xuan is increasingly puzzled. Although he is a clever and intelligent person, as the saying goes, the woman's heart, the sea needle, and the idea of ​​capturing a few gimmicks are still very difficult.

"Sorry, let the young master worry, Yinger sinned, I was thinking, the world is impermanent. If it is a few hundred years ago, listening to the young master to explain the cultivation of distress, Xiaoyan may be able to go further on the road of cultivation, but now, my life Yuan has no geometry, I’m afraid..."

Lu Yinger said that Liu Xin and Wu Yuner are also picking up. In fact, they have been turning in their hearts for a long time. However, there has been no break, and among the four women, the age of the bottle is relatively If you want to be small, you may break through the clutch. As for the three of them, you will know it now. I am afraid it is too late.

For a time, the hall was quiet, and the atmosphere in the air was a bit more sad than just.

It was so quiet for a little while.

"I'm sorry, it's a little bit sentimental, and the young master and the sisters are not happy." Lu Yinger took care of the haircut: "In fact, people are content, and I can meet the young master again in this life. I am very satisfied. The remaining Shouyuan does not. There are many, but there are still decades of good work, and there is no need to be unhappy."


Liu Xin and Wu Yuner look at each other and say so, but how can the shadows in the eyes be concealed? As a cultivator, when there are not many birthdays, who can really achieve the lightness?

"We don't have to worry." Lin Xuan's face, but with a bit of chest and color: "Our situation, I have a natural heart, the young master, I will not care..."

Lin Xuan’s voice has not fallen, and a few women have looked at each other and will not care. This sentence obviously has an implicit meaning. Can it be said that...

"Young master, you... can you help us break through the clutch?" Lu Yinger was a little unbelievable, and the eyes of the other three women became very focused. At this moment, the tension and expectation in my heart is conceivable.

"It can be said, but I don't have 100% confidence in this kind of thing. The final result depends on our own."

"Young master, please say."

After doing the Lord of the Xuan Pavilion for so many years, Lu Yinger has long been able to collapse in front of the mountain without discoloration. However, at this moment, the sound is a little trembling, and entering the clutch means that Shouyuan can be increased for a thousand years or even have a chance. Like the young master, he flew up to the spiritual world. You said how she might not be nervous.

"Our situation I have calculated, if you take a break from some body-building techniques, as long as there is nothing wrong with it, there should be no problem if you live for another ten years."


A few women nodded, but *** ten years for the mortal, it is very good, almost a lifetime, but for their level of cultivation, it is nothing, it is possible to close once Life and death are not enough.

The bottleneck of the clutch period, how easy it is to break through, *** ten years, is simply not enough.

"The normal situation is certainly not enough, I know." Lin Xuan looked at a few women in front of him, except for the spiritual root of Ye Pinger, very good, Wu Yuner can only say that it is still acceptable, Yinger and Core It goes without saying that the Chinese people’s money is gone.

But he dares to say that, naturally, there is some certainty.

"The normal time is not enough, but we have the cultivation experience that I have provided. This will save the detour and save a lot of time. Of course, the clutch is not so good, but if I add it from the spiritual world. A panacea..."

When a few women heard this, their eyes could not be brightened. How did they forget that the richness of the resources of the spiritual world is far from being comparable to the human world. There are countless wonderful elixir, since the young master is from the spiritual world. Come back, there is definitely no such elixir in the storage bag.

Seeing the excitement of a few women's faces, Lin Xuan felt that it was time to pour a cold water on them.

"The medicinal herbs in the spiritual world, the young masters do have it here, but let us not forget, no matter what moment, the medicinal herbs are only auxiliary effects for the cultivators, not to say that I will give you some panacea, it must be It is guaranteed that we can break through the clutches and what kind of results can be achieved in the end. The key is to look at our own."

"Small is clear."

Lu Yinger is still happy and happy: "The reason why the practice is based on hard work has been said, how can Xiaoxi forget it, but before we had a chance to break through, now the young master is at least giving us some hope."

"Oh, not at all, as long as we work hard, there should still be a chance of five to seventy percent."

Lin Xuan’s smiling voice was introduced into the ear, and he was confident in his own medicine from the spiritual world. Although the East China Sea is not a thing for the whole spiritual world, it is even an interface of garbage. In comparison, it is not the same.

What's more, the medicinal herbs on his body are common and comparable. When they are purified by the blue star sea, the effect is even better. The chance of five to seventy percent is not that Lin Xuan exaggerates.

However, a few women listened, but they almost did not believe in their own ears. The hardships of the road to repairing immortals, they will not be clear when they come to this day, let alone seven, even if it is 50%, it can be called against the sky. The chances are...

In addition to gratitude or gratitude, but they naturally will not say to Lin Xuan that they are not thankful, then see the outside, can go to this step today, are the virtues of the young master, if necessary, even Lin Xuan will this They are also willing to pay for them.

Must be advanced clutch, otherwise it is too disappointing the expectations of the young master, the two women secretly vowed, but Liu Xin slightly lowered the dagger, although she did not want others to see their feelings, but it is really difficult to cover up live.

The four sisters, with the help of the young master, Yinger sister and Yuner sister have great opportunities to advance the clutch, the bottle sister will be much younger, the Linggen is excellent, the life is sufficient, there is no problem.

In the middle of the Yuan Ying, the remaining Shouyuan and the two sisters are almost the same, how to advance, even if there is a young master to help, the drug and cultivation experience is impossible.

In the end, it is useless to be alone. Is it still sitting alone?

However, she did not say these words, because in the end, it was their own fault, and even the young master could not help.

However, in this hall, there are only a few people, and how her sad look can escape the eyes of others.

Lu Yinger’s lips moved, but she didn’t say much, because she didn’t know how to comfort herself. The four sisters had been screaming for hundreds of years, but their feelings with the core were the best, but at this moment, they simply helped. Not busy with anything.

The expressions of the other two women are similar. At this moment, how can they be, and the young master is not omnipotent. In the face of this situation, I am afraid that it is no match.

However, this thought has not been turned, Lin Xuan's voice has been passed to the ear: "Head, don't cry."

***: The update is sent at night, the 9000 word burst is completed, and the middle of the month is over. Please see if there are any new *** in the storage bag. If so, please support Bailian into a fairy. Thank you. Thank you, everyone.

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