Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 2004: Lu Yinger's determination (below)

The second thousand and four chapters of Lu Yinger's determination (below)

"You can say that you can say that the other side will be surrounded by Linglong Valley. One person is not prepared to let go. How can we pass on the Taoxuan Pavilion and avoid the disaster?"

The sound of the leaf bottle was introduced into the ear, and Liu Xin’s face was full of curiosity: “Yes, big sister, what should we do?”

"I naturally have a way."

Lu Yinger sighed slightly, only to see her jade hand lifted up, and a fire flew out of the sleeves.

It is a note!

Just a dozen times of effort, a twilight into the hall.

The light converges, but it is an old-fashioned dragon, full of silver hair, wrinkles on the face like bark, this is also a mid-infant immortal, but after entering the hall, the face is full of respectful color, after all, the status of each other That is totally different.

"When I see the four owners."

"Okay, in an extraordinary period, Mrs. Long does not have to be polite."

Lu Ying's indifferent voice was passed into the ear, and then turned to the head: "Three sisters, the origin of Mrs. Long, everyone should be clear, since she joined the cabinet, just in case, I told her to be at the main rudder , to establish a one-way giant transmission array like the outside, and in the last two days, the formation has finally been completed."


Liu Xin and Ye Jinger stayed, and his face could not help but reveal a ecstatic expression.

The origins of Mrs. Laolong, they are the owners of the house, of course, I know that this person is only the immortal in the mid-Yuan Ying period. In Tianqiaomen’s many skilled craftsmen who are good at miscellaneous learning, it is enough to rank in the top five, and she The hunted is the technique of the array.

After the Tianqiao Gate was destroyed, there were a few disciples who escaped from the eyes of the ancient demon. This lady is the lucky one among them.

However, the catastrophe is to cover the entire Tianyun twelve states. There is no such thing as a paradise and pure land. Although the lady of the dragon is a cultivator in the middle of the Yuan Ying period, she is good at the technique of the tactics, but if it is used as a scatter, it is still Nowhere to go, relatively speaking, it is safer to join the sect.

With her strength and previous experience of cultivation, the ordinary small-small group of course looked down on it and finally invested in the Baixuan Pavilion.

In fact, there are many such situations. Since the disaster, the Baixuan Pavilion has hosted a large number of cultivators from other sects.

During this period of time, it has grown a lot. Otherwise, in the face of the crazy attack of the ancient demon, I am afraid that it will be wiped out.

"Yinger's sister, I mean, the giant transmission array is arranged successfully. That's great. Can we leave here?" Liu Xin's face is full of joy, it is really a mountain of water, and there is no way to go. It is.

Those ancient devils, their anti-drug thoughts, I am afraid to fall through.

However, Lu Yinger sighed: "Stupid sister, I thought too naive, can send a large number of monks' giant transmission arrays at the same time, complicated and extremely, it is so easy to arrange, not to mention the time is really limited, Mrs. Long is exhausted. The resulting transmission array is also flawed."

"Defect?" Ye Jianer looked at the sisters next to him and had a bad feeling.

"Yes, it can only be used once, that is to say, only a handful of disciples can pass away." Lu Yinger's voice was heard in his ear.

"Then why can't you hide a few, so can you send more people?"

"Return to the second cabinet owner, it is because the material is not enough." This time, it was the old man who bowed his head and answered.

“There are not enough materials?” A few women are somewhat awkward. Although the Baixuan Pavilion is not as long-lasting as other big forces, it has a profound foundation, but it started with a commercial alliance. Over the past few centuries, it has accumulated countless treasures. And let it all, can only create a giant transmission array?

Lu Yinger nodded and several women did not speak. For the older sister, they were unconditionally convinced.

"Sister Ying, what are you going to do?"

"Bai Xuan Pavilion was founded by the young master. His ethics must not be broken in our hands. Even if the general rudder is broken today, we have to leave the inheritance of the fire, so my plan is like this, the core, the bottle The two of us have led the evacuation of 998 disciples. The maximum carrying capacity of the transmission line is only a thousand. So this part of the disciples, we must carefully select, not necessarily how much Great, but there must be potential for development. In this way, I will be able to make a comeback once again, and we should understand what I mean."

"Big sister, what about Nao and Yuner's sister?" Liu Xin was shocked.

"I and Yuner, the discussion has passed, we will stay here to lead the remaining disciples to fight against the ancient demon." Lu Yinger said calmly.

"What, how can this be, 妳 云 云 云 云 云 留 留 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云It is also necessary to stay. "Hundreds of years of hardships and the same boat, Ye Jianer and a few women are also like sisters, and swearing."

"Yes, if you want to go, go together, or leave, then we will not leave." Liu Xin also nodded, his face flashed.


Lu Yinger broke off with a burst of anger, but he was so angry that his face was flushed and a pair of Liu Mei was gently erected.

"big sister..."

Seeing my sister's anger, Liu Xin and Ye Jinger couldn't help but shrink their necks, revealing the faint color.

It is no wonder that Lu Yinger manages the martial art. Although he has decided to kill the sect, he has never been soft, but he has treated his sisters a few times, but he has always been close to his mother. The so-called long sister is like a mother. This is on Lu Yinger. It’s reflected in the best, and I’ve never seen my eldest sister angry with me. It’s no wonder that the two women will be lost.

"We are really confused. Now it is a time of willfulness, staying, let alone two of us, even if there are more than one hundred yuan in the infants, what are the uses, the strength difference is too big, can only be killed in vain "But." Lu Yinger's cold voice was heard in the ears.

"Sister knows, this is the case, why don't you take the big sister?" Ye Pinger said inexplicably.

"How can I go, I am the chief of the Pavilion, everyone is watching, if I am gone, no one will support the overall situation, then the defeat will be defeated, let the ancient devils stamp, this kind of The situation is what we all want to see, let alone..."

Lu Yinger said here and sighed: "The other side is besieging our three major forces this time. The purpose is not only to remove the nails from the eyes, but more importantly, to combat the morale of the Tianyun Twelve States, I am leaving, oh Not let the ancient demons feel good..."

***: *** Anxious, you, friends, please turn over the storage bag, I urgently need everyone's support, the rain is thankful here.

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