Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1991: Hope of repairing Tongtian Lingbao

The hope of the restoration of the first thousand nine hundred and ninety-one chapters

After the leaves of the red leaves, Lin Xuan lived here.

This trip to the Jiuxian Palace is indeed dangerous, but more is the surprise.

Xueyang Leihuojing did not mention it for the time being. However, Lin Xuan was half-happy and half-happy about the transmission array. In his heart, it is really difficult to make a choice.

After all, the destroyed transmission array has been fixed, and it can work undoubtedly, but it is only a superficial appearance. It will not go wrong when it is transmitted. Even the mage who repairs it does not dare to express anything.

The transmission of the boundary is related to the law of space. If something goes wrong, what is the danger? Lin Xuan has a few...

So how about giving up?

Lin Xuan feels sad again.

The sea of ​​relics is not so good, the existence of the three demon kings, the six sea kings level, also fallen in the inside, the slightest news.

Although Lin Xuan asked himself, the strength has been better than them, but will it be safe?

He is not sure, the danger of the unknown is the most terrible.

What's more, if you leave you 10,000 yuan, even if you are lucky, you can find a transmission array on the fifth floor. If so, how can the five-layer transmission array be guaranteed to be intact?

It is the center of the ancient battlefield, and the possibility of being destroyed is too great.

Careful analysis, it is not the right choice to ask for the farewell, and it is more reliable to leave from the Jiuxian Palace.

Shaking his head, it is still too early to make a decision. Anyway, it is not necessary to rush to leave here immediately. It is entirely possible to consider more time.

Lin Xuan thought so in the heart, suddenly there was a wave of fluctuations in the outside prohibition, and a fire entered the line of sight.

It is a note!

Lin Xuan sank into the gods, a soft and sweet voice, the money was introduced into the ear: "Qi禀 predecessors, the palace owner sent people, escorted two cultivators, said that you want."


Lin Xuan’s sleeves glanced, the halo flashed, and the outside ban was suddenly opened: “What are you waiting for, bring them here.”


Outside the attic, a girl in the Yuan Ying period took a ceremony and then turned her head: "Two, the predecessor's decree, let you go with me."

The two men are the scholars and the snow fairy. At this moment, the look of the face is really a tiger's hole, and like a wolf's nest, the experience of these two days, for them, is almost like a dream.

Originally thought that paying a large amount of goods, you can rescue the younger sisters. Since then, the sea is wide, the sky is traveling, the world is double, and it is wonderful...

I know that I was discovered by the vice-president, and both of them were cold.

I thought that this time I couldn't escape the end of the soul-splitting, I didn't want to see the dark, the palace owner got out of trouble, and the ancestors of the flowers that had been squandered became traitors.

Everywhere, I thought that this time, the good days are finally coming, but suddenly there is a loss of input to the ear, the mysterious old man of the hole Xuan period, actually named to see their own couple.

I came here with great enthusiasm. For the fate of the future, the two hearts are full of fear. The high-ranking monks are eccentric and eccentric. I don’t know the old monsters in the mysterious period. I want to see my husband and wife. What is the intention?

The future is full of ups and downs, but how can they be, the cultivation of the fairyland is the weak meat.

The strength of the two sides, the gap is really too much, they simply have no room for resistance, face, still dare not reveal the slightest dissatisfaction, low head, followed the palace dress woman went in.

"Giving a gift to a senior."

The three men bent their knees together, but compared with the graceful appearance of the palace girl, the Xiucai couple became obviously unnatural.

"Okay, don't have to pay more, go out." Lin Xuan looked up and swayed the girl in the palace.

"Yes." The woman lowered her dagger and had no objection. She was blessed with respect and respectfulness.

"I don't know what the predecessors summoned the villain and couples. What is the command, as long as they can do it, the younger generation will not dare to quit." The show licked his tongue and had some fearful openings.

"You don't have to be afraid. Lin is not malicious. There is only one treasure. I want to ask the friend to transfer it." Lin Xuan's faint voice was introduced into the ear, but the two sighs were relieved, and at the same time, there was some curiosity in the heart. They are not only in the Yuan Ying period, but what treasures can be seen in the Dong Xuan period.

"Predecessors please say that as long as the villain has it, it will never be embarrassing."

"Of course you have it, that is the family treasure, can you let me."

"Heirloom, the predecessors want that thing, of course."

Xiu Cai did not hesitate to say that, in terms of peace of mind, he is somewhat disappointing, but this result is much better than originally expected. He is happy with his sister and sister. He is very happy, but heirloom, but It is a foreign body.

A gown of gowns, the flash of light flashed, and a long jade box flew out.

Lin Xuan’s eyes were slightly stunned, and his face showed a few expectations. The jade box was not his own thing, but it exudes a familiar atmosphere.


The scholar held a jade box, and his eyes showed a trace of reluctance, but he was still respectful.

Lin Xuan reached out and gently opened the lid, and a broken sword came into view.

Without a hilt, it seems to be a fairy sword, which is broken from the middle. The box is filled with a half-edged blade. It is also covered with dense cracks, giving the impression that it will break off at any time.

However, it is such a broken sword, but it seems to be full of spirituality, obviously an extraordinary treasure.

Lin Xuan even recognized it at once, this half-cut sword, and the magical sword in his hand, was originally from the same origin, which made his heart not happy.

The Magic Sword is one of the most fancy magic weapons he has today.

It is a pity that it is only half a mile. However, even if it is a defective product, the power exerted by it is not the same, and it can be called a killer.

Lin Xuan had thought about it and fixed it. However, I didn’t know what to do.

Tongtian Lingbao, the kind of treasures of the same order, even if it is a distracting period, it is difficult to see the mystery. Although Lin Xuan will have some refining techniques, if he repairs this treasure, he is far from enough. I didn't expect the chance to coincide, but I saw the other half of the Magic Edge sword here.

The joy of Lin Xuan’s heart can be imagined, the broken sword is renewed, he is impossible, but only the two broken swords are spliced ​​together. Lin Xuan is naturally confident that the Tongtian Lingbao can be repaired. May not be happy?

After a little play, Lin Xuan reloaded the broken sword into the jade box, and then smiled and said: "Daoyou, the heirloom, wants to be a treasure, but I don't force the juniors. What benefits do you need? Although, as long as Lin can do it, it will not be postponed."

Originally thought to be flying over the disaster, I did not expect the peak circuit to turn, the show was a big smile on the face: "Thank you for the kindness of the predecessors, the younger generation has no requirements, and hope to leave the Jiuxian Palace together with the sister."

***: Second, there will be 9000 outbreaks today. Do you have a look at the friends? Is there any ***? Please support me, thank you.

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