Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1959: Mysterious old man

The first thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine chapter mysterious old man

Waiting for a sitting is boring, but for the immortal, this is nothing.

Lin Xuan’s two hundred years of hard work can be passed over. For him, it’s just a drizzle, not worth mentioning.

The corpse is likely to return here at any time. Lin Xuan naturally cannot meditate. Although practice requires hard work, it is completely unnecessary to have everything.

Although Lin Xuan also sits cross-legged, but only to adjust the interest rate, so that he can maintain the best state at any time, Lin Xuan this is a few days of hard work, motionless, as if a big stone, has been there since the ancient times.

On the early morning of this day, the sun just rose, but the surrounding area was still filled with thick fog. No matter what the weather, the island’s corpse was thick and never dispersed.

Suddenly, Lin Xuan’s eyes were slightly stunned. Ten thousand miles away, he found the trace of the corpse, and the other party was running fast and running here.

Since the advanced stage of the hole, Lin Xuan's knowledge has become very powerful, comparable... No, it should be better than the late monks of Dong Xuan.

The old monster of that level, the gods know, but only eight thousand miles, Lin Xuan can be as long as a thousand miles.

In his realm, it is not an exaggeration to call it a horrible one.

At this moment, Lin Xuan felt that the corpse came back here.

A little bit, Lin Xuan did not ambush, but continued to sit in the same place, after all, the guy, what happened during the two hundred years Lin Xuan is not clear, it is difficult to say that the enemy is a friend, Lin Xuan decided to static brake, Wait for the other party to come, see the situation and make a decision.

Miles, for mortals, nature is out of reach, but in the eyes of the existence of Dong Xuan, although it can not be said, but also can not spend a lot of interest.

Soon, the other party came here.

However, he has not found the trace of Lin Xuan, this is the return to the true magic.

Of course, the more important reason is that the corpse did not expect someone to come to this secluded place. After all, he has hardly been disturbed for two hundred years, so he did not release his knowledge to search nearby.

Otherwise, it is magical to return to the original, after all, it is not a gas-filling technique, Lin Xuan will still be discovered by him.

When I stepped into the canyon, my eyes swept over Lin Xuan, and the calm face of the corpse changed suddenly: "Who are you, why are you here?"

While talking, while releasing the knowledge, swept through Lin Xuan, and spy on his cultivation, the expression is even more gloomy: "You are actually... Dong Xuan period immortal?"

In this sentence, he almost bit his teeth and said it in a word.

And the other side.

The horror of Lin Xuan’s expression is also much better than the corpse.

Whether it is the body of the corpse, or the knowledge of the sick Yuan Ying, it was clearly erased by herself. Although the two are combined into one, no matter from which angle, it is just a flaw.

This is no doubt.

This time, the other party actually has the intelligence, and not low.

"No!" Although Lin Xuan is shrinking, if he is not mistaken, this **** is not a coincidence of the corpse himself, and then evolved again.

Take the lead!

Lin Xuan made a judgment in an instant.

This corpse is as if it was taken away.

You must know that its realm is the hole mysterious period, the monster that can win it, the strength will be worse, Lin Xuan suddenly as the enemy.

Suddenly stood up, then raised his head and looked at the corpse.

This look, Lin Xuan is a stay, the expression becomes very weird.

In the past, the corpse had once recognized the Lord, and Lin Xuan personally sacrificed it. Although the connection between the two seems to have been erased by the other side, it will definitely remain a little more.

So Lin Xuan can recognize it at a glance, but now the guy who comes into view, the appearance is the same as the corpse.

It seems that it is like an old man wearing a square scarf, his spirits are sturdy, his robes are not stained, and there are no surprises in the hemp shoes under his feet.

The feeling of giving people is that they are full of learning.

However, if you look closely, you can see that although the other party is well concealed, but there is still a corpse in the body, and with the remaining connection, this guy is the corpse, and this is absolutely no mistake.

Just why did he become like this?

Lin Xuan’s thoughts turned around, but his heart was so beautiful, and for a moment, how could he guess what?

Lin Xuan is thinking about how to open, but the corpse has already started, only to see his sleeves and gowns, the smoldering wind has already swept out, slightly turning, turning into a white-winged demon snake with a double-winged, mouth light Halo swallowed and called Lin Xuan.

Simply neat!

Lin Xuan is naturally shocked, and immediately the mouth of the spring thunder: "Dao friends and slow hands, have a good say, how do you meet, and see Lin Xuanbing?"

To say that against the enemy, Lin Xuan naturally has no fear. Although it has not been seen for two hundred years, the corpse has been promoted to the first level, and the cultivation has reached the middle of the hole. But Lin Xuan naturally does not look at it, but the meaningless battle has no meaning. Even if you want to play, you have to say clearly, Lin Xuan does not want to be inexplicably confused with each other!

It’s not worth it, so Lin Xuan wants to figure out the truth of the matter.

However, the other party did not recover the attack, but the face showed a hint of sneer, deep in the bottom, but also mixed with endless resentment and suffocation, cold voice into the ears.

"Hey, what do you pretend, I didn't expect Mo Mou to escape to the chaotic waters. This island is so remote. You can still find it here, but why are you one? Do you think Mo Mou is really dead end and has to live in one? The corpse can be slaughtered, and you are too small to look at people..."

The other party is obviously misunderstood!

Listening to his tone, it seems to fall into the enemy's trap, and it seems to be very remarkable. Even the monk in the early days of a hole is not in the eyes... I know that this is the time when his body was destroyed.

It’s hard to imagine how difficult it is for this guy.

From the simple words of the other party, Lin Xuan made so many analyses, but he did not have any sympathy.

If the other party is framed by the enemy, or what kind of grievances have suffered, what is the relationship with him?

The key now is that his own corpse, he has won the body, and this guy is quite unreasonable. When he meets, he regards himself as an enemy, and he wants to kill himself here.

Is Lin Xuanzhen a good bully?

Regardless of the reason of the other party, for him, he is too much to do so. It is tolerable, unbearable, and the explanation is unclear. The other party even sat down and talked about it, and Lin Xuan also took the fire.

I want to play it, then, just take this guy and try it out. After seeing the advanced Dong Xuan, how is your strength, compared with the old monsters in the middle, what are the gaps and shortcomings?

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan’s sleeves glanced, and it was also a glorious flight.


The deafening roar was passed to the ear, and the light of the light was slightly turned into a tiger with a white eye, but then it was much larger than the average tiger. It was more than five feet long, and it was with the white bones.

For a time, Feisha took the stone, two big behemoths, and the rolling struggles, but only a little touch, the tiger went to the upper hand, the white bone demon snake was beaten to the enemy, and the festival was defeated.


A horrified voice came into the ear, but the old man wearing a square scarf was very surprised. When the expert reached out, he knew if there was any, just a cover, and he fell to the bottom. Although this attack did not do his best. Most of them have the effect of temptation, but the other party can be the same...

The ordinary immortal in the early days of Dong Xuan could not do this step, and when he first met, he found that Lin Xuan was different from the ordinary Dong Xuan.

And that is different, there is not much to say.

Is this guy, like the evil thief who has harmed himself, from the ancient devil world?

No, the ancient devil is possessed by human beings, and the magic of this body is hard to be clear. It can be hidden in peacetime, even through the same level of cultivation, but once it is fighting, in any case, it will be revealed.

That being said, the other party is not an ancient demon, then he is the thief who stole his position and told the elders below to pursue it?

No, his own whereabouts, the ancient devil is too late to cover up, chasing his own characters, will never be handed over to several elders, because then, it is very likely that he will be the identity of the counterfeit goods.

The old man frowned and thought that Lin Xuan’s identity was really mysterious, but Lin Xuan did not care so much, reaching for a shot, and a flag appeared in the palm of his hand.

"And slowly, which one are you?"

The feng shui turns, this time, but the old man shouted.

Lin Xuan slightly stunned, there is no attack in the end, meaningless fighting is meaningless, the other party is willing to cooperate is the best.

"Hey, Dao asked me, I want to ask you, how do you give up the body of my corpse," Lin Xuan said coldly.

"This corpse is yours?" The old man stayed, and the result was obviously a big surprise.

"Of course, otherwise, you think that Lin will have nothing to do, go to this ridiculous sea to do what he wants, is to recover the corpse, did not expect to wait for this result, Daoyou said, what should I do?" Xuan did not say good.

Even for him now, a hole in the mysterious corpse, that is also a small feat, in the fight, can definitely play the role of the singularity, but now it is given by the other side, with his light to take advantage of the character, Lin Xuan is of course not willing to give up.

The old man listened, but his face showed a bit of silence. He sighed: "The Taoist thought, the old man thought, if it was murdered by the thief, since the old man took advantage of you, no matter if you want me to compensate What, for the old man, it’s just a matter of words, but now..."

This guy, the tone is surprisingly big, Lin Xuan is secretly surprised, even if the giant whale king, is not so big, his identity, it is really curious.

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