Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1940: Banners and confession

The first nine hundred and forty-eight chapters of the flag recognize the Lord and the sky

Lin Xuan's face was full of anticipation. After watching it for a while, he sent the bee sting back to its nest, then flew out of the cave together with the green mang.

Soon, Lin Xuan came outside, blood fire ants flying all over the sky.

After so many years of recuperation, the number of this worm has reached 100 million meters. Fortunately, the Wanshen Tower is a treasure with a sacred magical power. The area is vast, otherwise the general sacred bag needs to hold so many worms. That is almost impossible.

Although the number of blood fire ants is numerous, Lin Xuan can easily achieve the arm as an instructor through the queen. After searching for half a ring, Lin Xuan left with satisfaction.

The halo flashed, and the small man of the height of the inch came out of the vortex and floated above the head.

Then it turned into a little starlight, and it didn't enter Lin Xuan's body from the top of the head.

Immediately after Lin Xuan raised his head, his hands were beaten, and the surface of the Wanshen Tower was full of brilliance and fell into his sleeve.


Lin Xuan sighed, then stood up and moved a little stiff hands and feet, not to look at the treasures, and to deal with some things, or spent a lot of energy.

Fortunately, there are not many remaining things. The best spar from the mysterious space does not need to be cleaned up.

Although it is only a small vein, and only a small half, but still a rather amazing number.

The best spar, you know that even if the spiritual resources are rich, this is still a very rare resource.

In general, the ratio of the conversion of spar is one to one hundred, that is, one hundred of the finest spar, which can be exchanged for one hundred fine crystal spar, one hundred medium crystal spar, and can be exchanged for one hundred fine crystal spar.

However, the best spar, the value of geometry, is not so calculated, although it is still spar, but the role is not to buy and sell things in the city, but as a rare cultivation material.

For example, alchemy, makers, breakthrough bottlenecks, or what is the layout of the banned ban...

In short, the role of the best spar, and rare materials are flawless.

With so much, for a long time in the future, you should not have to worry about the best spar.

Thinking about it in the heart, Lin Xuan stretched his hand and took a shot at the waist, and took out a treasure.

This treasure is also obtained at the auction, which is composed of five flags of different colors.

Red is fire, white is gold, blue is wood, black is water, and yellow is soil.

Needless to say, nature is the flag of the five elements of the spirit of the array.

Although this treasure is a flag, its role is not to trap the enemy, but to have the same effect as the magic weapon. It can mobilize the five elements. If the power can be fully exerted, the supernatural power can even be compared with the weaker ranking. Compared with Lingbao.

Of course, the conditions are also very demanding. In order to drive the five-bar flag at the same time, it is necessary to have the roots of the five attributes of Jinmushuihuo.

Although this kind of full-featured Lingen is not unprecedented, there is no one to come, but there are not many people who look at the immortal world.

However, Lin Xuan is satisfied with the requirements, although his spiritual root is far from excellent, but all kinds of coincidences, but he can drive the five attributes of the world, although the surface of the full attribute Lingen is different, but the effect is the same.

Of course, the effect of the flag is only to listen to the silver-haired old man who presided over the auction. However, Lin Xuan’s eyes are very poisonous, and the other party should not exaggerate a lot. Moreover, the cave’s old monsters also participated in the competition, which proves that this treasure is extraordinary. It is.

Playing with the treasures in his hands, Lin Xuan first picked up the blue flag, and danced gently, and suddenly the storm rose, and the original several times longer.

The surface halo was swallowed, and there was a humming sound coming into the ear. Lin Xuan’s eyes were slightly stunned. I saw that the various runes engraved above were mysterious, layered, and flashing, showing a difficult The mysterious gas of the words, more mysterious is that with the movement of the flag, the surrounding nature of the wood property, even swarmed here.

"Sure enough, just a little drive has such an effect. If you make a good sacrifice, the power will definitely increase a lot."

Lin Xuan said to himself, his face showed a certain satisfaction, then rolled up his sleeves, and then a mouth, a fierce spit out from his mouth, gently around the fingertips, suddenly there was a red Blood dripped and infiltrated into the five-bar flag.

Then the fingertips were brilliant and the wounds were restored to their original condition.

Lin Xuan's hands are like wearing a butterfly, and a mysterious French seal appears in the void, and then flashes slightly, just like the flag flies away.

Lin Xuan did this by acknowledging the treasure. To put it simply, he left his own mark on it.

In this way, the treasure is not so easy to be taken away by others, and it can be used more easily and freely, and there will be great benefits.

The whole process sounds easy, but it is quite complicated. After all, this kind of imprinting of your own imprint is different from the way in which the life magic weapon is slowly cultivated in the body.

The latter adopts a step-by-step approach, which is the right way, while the former is a secret technique that allows the treasure to recognize the Lord in a very short period of time. In doing so, there are many drawbacks, but under the trade-off, the profit is greater than Disadvantages.


Three days passed by.

Finally, Lin Xuan’s face showed a happy color.

Finally, this secret is completed.

With a hand shake, the five-pole flag was turned into a five-color glow, and the wind and thunder made a big noise, and flew back to Lin Xuan’s sleeve.


Lin Xuan once again sighed, this time, finally all the problems were dealt with.

Next, you can calm down and practice well to break through the bottlenecks you have encountered.

Because of the invasion of the ghosts and ghosts, Lin Xuan did not know that there was still a lot of time left for himself. If he could advance to the hole, he would be fine.

As long as you have your own realm, you can reach Dong Xuan, control his ghosts and ghosts, and to what extent you can easily ignore them.

Of course, the idea is good. There is no question at that time but it is still questionable. Because of this, it can't be delayed. Next, we must hurry and practice.

Thinking about it in my mind, Lin Xuan sits cross-legged.

I was about to close my eyes and practice well, but at this time, unexpected changes occurred.

The halo flashed, and a **** ray flew in from outside the door. Lin Xuan’s ban on the outside of Dongfu did not even have any effect, as if it were merely furnishings.

Then the halo swallowed, and a **** red sword appeared in front of him.

Flying swords book!

However, it is not an ordinary Feijian biography book, but the second Yuan Ying has exhibited some kind of secretive technique, which is not expensive.

Could it be said that what happened to the second yuan baby?

Lin Xuan’s face suddenly became very cloudy.

Not delaying at all, reaching out, the little sword fell into the palm of his hand, and then turned out to be a little jade.

The magic is magical, and the words are hard to describe.

Lin Xuan sank into the gods.

Soon, he looked up, and there was a layer of murder on his face: "Well, a good real person, actually dare to get on the head of this young master, don't squander your soul, you probably don't know how to regret two How to write the word."

It’s no wonder that Lin Xuan is depressed. This thing is said to be purely flying. When he retired, he sent the second yuan to teach the Shangguan sisters to practice. After all, he was a master, and Lin Xuan was embarrassed. do not care.

The second Yuan Ying can say that it is also Lin Xuan himself, seeing him and himself, that is no difference and no land.

Guide the practice of the two gimmicks, it is simple to the extreme, leisurely nothing, of course, will not stay in the Black Wind Island.

After all, meditation practice, there is a master Yuan Ying can be, the second yuan baby does not want to improve mana, staying in the body is also useless.

Unless there is a bottleneck, then he will come back and work hard with the main Yuan Ying Yao Dan, it will be used.

Now, the second element of the baby does not need to practice, then you can go outside and ask for news. For the current situation in the East China Sea, Lin Xuan is also very concerned.

Different from the just condensed into Yuan Ying, as the cultivator in the late stage of the clutch, the second element of the baby is very stable. Even if it is going out, there is no problem. Besides the strength of the situation, the second element is not the level of the hole. The old monster, that is no danger.

In the Dong Xuan period, it is so easy to meet.

Moreover, he did not think about running too far.

As the saying goes, once a person is unlucky, it is really cold water will be stuffed.

At this moment, Lin Xuan is like this. The second element of the baby is to go to a square in hundreds of thousands of miles to inquire about the news. Although he has no body, he is good at concealing and is not afraid of being discovered.

There is such a coincidence that the unprovoked end meets a vulture old monster who claims to be a real person.

The body of this guy is the Yaozu, and the monk Yuan Ying is a big supplement to the demon repair. When he sees Lin Xuan’s second-yuan baby, he naturally refuses to let go. For this guy, it is undoubtedly bumping into a beautiful meal.

It is necessary to know that there are not many monks in the late period of the clutch. It is even less common to have only one Yuan Ying in the flesh.

Missing will be condemned.

Lin Xuan soon discovered the attempt of the old monster, and he would be bound by the hand, so the two sides fought.

In the later period of the clutch, it was still the body of Yuan Ying, and he dared to resist. The face of the cracked real person was full of disdain, but soon he was shocked, and the other side was much more difficult than he imagined.

For a moment, I can't let the other side bind.

But the horror was horrified, but he was even more happy.

The more difficult it is to deal with, the more beneficial it will be after swallowing it.

The old monster is determined to win, Lin Xuan is hard to say, his experience with the old man of Dong Xuan period is not too small, and it is defeated less and more, even from the giant whale king's hands and retreat, it is reasonable to say You shouldn't be afraid of a demon in the early days of the hole in the district, but don't forget that in the past, there was a fight with Dong Xuan. Lin Xuan is ten percent of the strength, but at this moment, he is only the second child. Here, the two cannot be said at the same time.

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