Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1926: Auction and Benfa

The first nine hundred and twenty-sixth chapter auction and the magic of the life


The voice did not fall, the atmosphere in the whole hall suddenly became more heated, not only the Yuan Ying period, but even the master of the clutch period, many of them are also moving, the eyes are full of greed.

This is no wonder, the road to cultivation, the thorns of step by step, the role of medicinal herbs, can be said to be irreplaceable.

It is rare to be able to increase the mana of the mana, let alone a breakthrough that can be conducive to repairing the realm. That kind of thing is simply something that can be encountered and not available. Under normal circumstances, you don’t want to buy land if you have money.

The 200,000 medium-grade spar is not a small amount, but it is worth too much compared to the value of this drug. It is too... too cheap.

The expression of the immortal in the Yuan Ying period suddenly became urgent. The benefits of being able to enter the clutch are clear to the individual. It is not only a further step, but the key is that Shou Yuan can also multiply several times.

Yes, it is several times. From Yuan Ying period to Lie Shou Yuan, it can be increased from one thousand to two thousand, but don't forget that here is the spiritual world. After the arrival of the clutch, when the birthday is over, there will be a catastrophe. As long as the peace is passed, Shouyuan can skyrocket again.

The catastrophe of the temper is the more difficult it is to get through the back. For the first time, as long as it is not the practice of the martial arts, it is too weak to be ridiculous.

In other words, Yuan Yingxiu, as long as it can break through the realm, Shouyuan on the original basis, a violent increase of three thousand years is not a problem.

But even if the spiritual resources are abundant, it is still difficult to break through the realm.

Looking at Dan from the front, it is one of the few remedies that can increase the probability of breakthrough. It is not too much to call it a sacred object. It is priceless and has no market.

I have seen it here now, how can the Yuan Ying monks not be excited.

Everyone is determined to win!

As for the old monsters in the clutch period, there are also many people who show greed in their eyes.

This thing, on the surface, they don't need it, but the monks of the Zongmen family don't say it for a while, even if it is scattered, which one has no descendants?

In this extraordinary period, the chances of life-saving can be increased by increasing the level of life. If the immortal is not profitable, it does not mean that there is no human feeling. If possible, it will be a disciple of future generations. Thinking about it.

This part of the people will definitely join the competition.

So, looking at the auction from Dan, from the very beginning, it was hot to the extreme.


"Twenty thousand."

"Two thousand."


Although the silver-haired old man said that each price increase is not less than five thousand, but this means the lowest, and the highest is definitely not limited.

The medicinal herbs in front of us are so rare, and the people who ask for the price, there is no shortage of wealthy people, adding tens of thousands at a time.

Even so, it still can't stop the price of the sound.

Lin Xuan naturally will not participate in the competition, similar to the medicinal herbs, he has a lot.

The face is still a light color, but when I look closely, I find that there is a hint of ridicule in the expression. This silver-haired old man is really a deep-hearted guy.

Looking at the price of 200,000 crystals from the base price of Dan, it seems to be cheap, but it is actually sinister, this is to let more cultivators participate in the competition.

Don't look at the reserve price is not worth mentioning, the price of the real deal is absolutely outrageous.

Lin Xuan and other city government, seeing the other side's purpose at a glance, but this has nothing to do with him, naturally sit down and wait for the result.

Just after a sip of tea, this look away from Dan was carried to a terrible price.

"95 million Chinese crystal spar."

The quotation is the old man of a child Yan Hefa, the fairy wind bone, but at this moment, the face is full of anxious color, not to mention the immortal style, it seems to be mad.

It is no wonder that this person is in a hurry. He is the cultivator of Dacheng in the late Yuan Ying. However, there is not much left in Shouyuan. Even if it is carefully maintained, it will be about thirty or fifty years.

It can be said that the advanced is basically no hope.

In the past few hundred years, he has tried to break the clutch seven or eight times, but all ended in failure.

This time I participated in the auction. I originally wanted to buy something that was useful to future generations. I know that it was a coincidence that I was born and I was born.

My own situation knows that, several times of advancement, although it ended in failure, but several times, it is a failure, if you are expected to leave Dan, he will try again once again is very promising.

If you get this treasure, you can live for thousands of years. If you fail, you will be turned into a cup of loess after thirty or fifty years.

Therefore, the old man named Dong Cheng can be said to be desperate, even if he is ruined, there is nothing to blame, money is a foreign body, as long as it can break through the advanced to the clutch, the area of ​​the stone treasures can be counted.

In fact, he did not have 95,000 yuan in the body. At this moment, it is already taking some material treasures to make a price.

The rules of the auction, if the spar brought by the monk is insufficient, you can use any other material to repair the immortality, and the treasures of the medicinal herbs are all indispensable.

There will be a special appraisal estimate, but at the time of the acquisition, it will be 20% lower than the market.

It sounds like the auctioneers accounted for a lot of cheap, but the rule of the immortal world has always been the case. The so-called Zhou Yu hits Huang Gai, one is willing to fight a wish, and no one forces you to do so, so the monks who participate in the auction are not good at saying anything.

However, because of this reason, it is not a last resort. There will be no such thing as a cultivator. After all, it is too much to lose.

However, the old man named Dong Cheng is now desperate and will not care.

Just because he is not afraid of losing his family's attitude, if he is a general Yuan Ying period immortal, he will certainly not be able to compete with him. However, at this time, he is competing with him, but he is a mid-clutch cultivator.

It is a woman, full of body, face is about 30 years old, of course, in fact, certainly far more than the general female cultivator, no matter how it is repaired, the choice of exercises, with a little bit of effect .

Listening to the old man’s price of 95,000 yuan, her face is not evenly colored. In the district, a Yuan Ying period immortal, dare to compete with her own treasures, I do not know how to live.

"one million."

She whispered in the air, as if the price of this horror was just a number.


A lot of people who cultivated the immortal, took a breath of cold, Lin Xuan also revealed a few unexpected colors, a million medium-sized spar, the mid-clutch monk can indeed come up.

However, it is also a large amount of goods, at least not easy to talk about.

This woman actually does not care, this value is really a small difference.

Unfortunately, she does not understand that wealth is not exposed, or that although she knows this truth, she can't help but show off. Some people are like this, and they like to accept the envy of others.

Lin Xuan’s face was not moving, but he used his hand to get the jaw. This woman was really stupid. Suddenly, his pupils were miniature, and there was a faint flash in his eyes.

From the top of the box, there is a **** on the woman who swept through it. If there is nothing, the general cultivator will not find anything at all.

At least the female monk did not notice it at all. However, Lin Xuan’s feelings were clear and clear, and his heart was awkward. He definitely had no sense of error. The one in the box was really a cultivator.


It seems that the old monster is watching this woman's rich family, with a lot of spar goods, ready to kill people to grab the treasure.

Of course, he won't do it here, but after a while he will not be able to run.

However, the female monk did not realize that the crisis was already on the verge, but also revealed a pleasing color.

The old man named Dong Cheng, listening to the other party’s price of one million, his face was green, but he still refused to give up, slightly bite his teeth, actually reached out and shot in the back of the head, a dark green sword I flew out of my mouth.

The eyes flashed a bit, but it was resolutely open: "This green Yang Jian is the old man who used 100,000 years of poplar wood, supplemented by dozens of rare materials, and then in the old man's Dantian has been cultivated for hundreds of years. This is my magic weapon. The old man now erases the mark of the master on it. Please estimate a price for me."


As soon as the language came out, the entire hall was boiling up. Even the silver-haired old man responsible for the auction was so moved. He hosted the auction for hundreds of years. This kind of thing has never been seen before. The magic weapon means that the monks present are present. It is clear that there is actually this, and it is also used to deduct the number.

"Daoyou can think about it..."

"The old man's Shouyuan is only a few dozen years old. If you can't break through the clutch, this life magic treasure is kept, and what is the use." Dong Cheng's voice seems helpless, but he did not hesitate. Hey, just put the mark of the life on the green Yang sword to the complete erase.

The expressions of the monks were complicated, and Lin Xuan also sighed. This kind of thing, even he did not experience it, but it can be seen that this road of cultivation is a step by step, like the old man in front of him. In order to break through the realm, even the magic of the life is out.

Soon there will be a result, Green Yang Jian was priced at 250,000 yuan in the spar.

The old man bit his teeth and added it all at once.

"One hundred and two hundred thousand crystals."

This is also the whole body that he can use. It is also a firm attitude in one breath.

After the price, the old man turned his head and looked at the female monk who was competing with him. The price of 1.2 million yuan, I think it is outrageous, the other party should not follow.

But this idea has just turned around in my mind, and the dream is quickly shattered.

"One hundred and twenty-five thousand fine crystals."

The woman hesitated a little, but still followed a price, but this time, it was not as free and easy as before, but only in accordance with the principle of the lowest asking price.


Dong Cheng was shocked and angry. He had spelled this step. He was not willing to give up. The other party was still unwilling to give up. From the fare increase, the other party was coming to the limit of their hearts.

But he is really a piece of spar can not get out.


Under the horror, a spurt of blood, the cultivator of the late Yuan Ying, was actually mad.

***: Second, ask for ***, my wife has been discharged from the hospital, but there are many things in the life of the baby. Now try to guarantee five thousand. After a while, the living conditions are adjusted, and then try to be more. Please understand support, there is ***, please kneel down!

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