Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1880: Ghost trouble

The first thousand eight hundred and eighty chapters of the horror

The water of the Yellow River comes up in the sky, and it will not return to the sea.

This situation, this poem is more appropriate, but the cave Xuan period of the immortal shot, it is not the same, thousands of ghosts and ghosts, was involved in the river, even the bubble did not take one, it turned For the sake of nothingness, they were surrounded by a dense, and at this moment, it is hard to wash out a path.

The sea monks met, and all of them were happy, and they quickly and desperately gathered in this direction.

Lin Xuan’s eyes flashed in the eyes, and they fell into the same place.

However, although the water of this river is unmatched, the duration is too short, but in a short period of time, the ghosts and ghosts around them are reunited together.

The face of the crowd can't help but be ugly, but at this moment, only listen to a violent drink, squeaking the sound of the bones bursting into the ears, the fierce man in the eyes of the surnamed monk flashed, hands clasped, the body shape actually The skyrocketing has risen, but in a short period of interest, it has skyrocketed by dozens of times, turning into a giant with a height of nearly ten feet, muscle knots, like steel.

At the same time, he squatted on his body and gave off a wild smell. He didn't know whether it was related to the practice of cultivation. The seemingly thick trident was held in his palm by one hand, as if Children's toys.

The surnamed monk did not say much. The mouth spewed a group of green gas directly, and a slamming sound was heard into the ear. After the trident was absorbed, the surface suddenly flashed, as if something ancient was awakened.

With the aura of light, the body shape has also skyrocketed.


Then he held both hands and swept away like a splash of water.

The sound was astounding, as if the ancient giant suddenly appeared in front of you.

Guanghua dazzling, the space nearby, there are distortions, the power of his attack can be seen, dozens of crescent-shaped light waves appear in the humming sound, scattering around.

That power is not what ordinary wind blade can compare. Wherever it passes, God blocks the killing of the gods, the Buddha blocks the Buddha, and the ghost that has just gathered together is immediately swept away.


The giant screamed and held the trenches. When he opened the road ahead, other sea monks also immediately followed up in an orderly manner.

Everyone has flashed the color of excitement in their eyes, and they seem to see the dawn of escape.

Under the morale of the earthquake, the offensive became more and more fierce. For a time, it was unstoppable, and they were really rushed into the hundreds of feet.

It is a pity that the good times are not long, but at this time, the sudden changes, from the terrible space cracks, a more intense yin.


The loud noise was introduced into the ear, and then a black light column bursting into the sky, the diameter of which exceeded 100 feet, and the sea monks turned involuntarily, and everyone was ugly.

The huge pressure is radiated from the pillar of light. There is no idea of ​​how many ghosts and ghosts are hidden. The key is that these are no longer cannon-like.

Base period, condensate period, Yuan Ying, clutch...

Finally, I even felt the spiritual power of the hole level.

Lin Xuan has retired from his heart. At this moment, he will continue to stay here. It is not a matter of wealth and danger, but he can’t go with himself.

Lin Xuan is not a fool. Even if there is such a big advantage behind it, he must have a life to enjoy it.

At this moment, the sole is the smartest choice.

In the mind, the thoughts turned, Lin Xuan no longer hesitated, raised his hands, and crossed the track in the void, and the two infants and one Dan simultaneously exerted strength.

The prohibition that the other party planted, such as ruining and ruining, was instantly broken, far more diffuse than the spiritual power of the ordinary clutch.


Several sea people near Lin Xuan were shocked and stunned. They were two sacred cultivators who could not help but return to their heads.

This kid is actually playing pigs and eating tigers?

They also flashed a trace of regret in their eyes, but at this moment, there is no time to pay attention to this side, the light column has been completely dispersed, and there is a hole in the period of existence, not one or two, but there are seven or eight There are many people.

Although they are only the ghosts and ghosts in the early days of Dong Xuan, this number has already made the Hai people shocked and unable to speak.

The shapes of those guys are also different. The one on the far left is more than eight feet tall. It is far more burly than the average person, but a ghost of a green face.

The guy next to him is much thinner, like a boy, but with three heads on his shoulders...

Another one, wearing a palace dress, is actually a very demon woman, if it is not a horn on the forehead, it is just the same as a human monk.

However, the most eye-catching, but the middle one, his lower body, like a monster in the shape of a mysterious turtle, carrying a hard shell on his back, but the upper body is the same as human beings.

This guy is huge in size and high in appearance. It is like the giant of the bald sea change. It seems that the two are quite interesting.

"Oh, is this the spiritual world?" The evil spirit, like a boy, spoke up, and his face flashed a hint of excitement.

"No, it should be the connection channel, but after going out from here, it should be a small interface in the spiritual world." The demon who wore the palace dress slowly opened.

"We really want to attack here, to do so, maybe it will really provoke the war between the two worlds." Another voice was introduced into the ear, this time it was the cultivator of the human face.

"Mammal, are you afraid of this?" The man with the tortoiseshell was browed and his body appeared.

"No, it is only now that King Ashura is absent. The strength of our gloomy world is flat. There is really no way to compete with the spiritual world. If I do, I am afraid of igniting the fire. In the event that the six interfaces of the Yinshi world are completely destroyed..."

"Hey, that's not better, don't forget, our family, who was originally a traitor in the Yinshi world, could not be allowed to exist in the six kings. Our people have been the five kings of the Yin, and the Ashura. The elders, the butchers are exhausted, but we are just lucky to escape, but we can restore our family with this manpower. If this is the case, it is better to break the fish and the net, and the king can block the life and the treasure of the Zhen people to determine the location of the connecting channel. , send us here."

"Mamen, all of us can swear in front of the king, will avenge the dead people, we can not deal with the six divisions of the Yin, but the spiritual world can, what we have to do is to provoke disputes between the two circles, killing people by knife... ”

When the ghosts and ghosts spoke, they did not use the technique of sounding. Lin Xuan could hear clearly and clearly, and his face could not help but reveal the strange color.

From these words, he certainly cannot be the whole of the spiritual world, but there is no problem in doing simple inferences.

These guys seem to be traitors in the Yinshi world, or that they can't be allowed to exist in the Six Kings and the Ashura, and Lin Xuan is not clear.

Perhaps they have offended the most powerful guys in the Yin dynasty. Maybe they want to replace the six races. There are many possibilities, just as the spirit sects compete for the same sphere of influence.

Nowadays, the East China Sea cultivation is not a mess, and the Terran, the Haizu, and the Yaozu are all involved in the conflict. It is impossible to say who is right or wrong, and the cultivation of the world is always a natural choice.

It is a pity that they have failed. As a winner, the six races will naturally be polite, killing them, and the whole family will be destroyed, leaving only a few lucky ones.

After they escaped, they knew that they could not take revenge by their own strength, so they thought of a knife-killing strategy, which was intended to provoke conflicts between the spiritual world and the Yinshi community, and to remove this evil for themselves.

So they came to the spiritual world, ready to attack a small interface, as long as the success, the power of the spiritual world can not sit and watch, so the two worlds will be re-ignited.

Even so, they are inevitably degraded, but when this is the case, there is no use for living, so simply make a bet with life and fight a broken net.

I was willing to dare to pull the emperor down. Lin Xuan did not expect that his luck was so bad. He came out to seek a chance to break through, and he would actually hit such a thing.

The expressions of the sea people are similar. Their reaction may not be as fast as Lin Xuan. The speculation is not so detailed, but from the other words, it is clear that there is a clue. Everyone’s face is ugly, and the heart is depressed. situation.

This manpower is obviously unable to compete with the entire East China Sea cultivation, but I am afraid that it is only the pioneer of the ghosts. Moreover, it is more than enough to occupy the East China Sea. It is more than enough to annihilate them. There are eight people in the other side. In any case, they have no way to compete.


The ghouls simply said a few words, and they rushed to the side and rushed over here.

All the sea people were shocked, and they didn’t know what to do for a while. Those low-level ghosts had been difficult to deal with. Suddenly, with so many high-order ghosts and ghosts, everyone was at a loss.

Lin Xuan is the only calm one, his hands are lifted up, crossed in the void, mysterious spells are heard from his mouth, needless to say, phantom secrets, things have come to this step, then what is hesitant, leave quickly Here, once you are entangled in the other side, you are absolutely not sure to get out.

At this moment, the situation is already very urgent.

Next to it, the Hai people have no interest in what he is doing. At this time, the ghosts and ghosts are the common enemy. This man-made monk should have a problem if he is not a problem with his head. s Choice.

However, they were disappointed. The next moment, Lin Xuan disappeared without a trace, and the phantom secret technique was a space-like magical power. It was a thousand miles away and surrounded by layers. It was also useless.

This time, Lin Xuan did not stop at all. He even played more than ten phantoms until he felt that his body was somewhat unbearable, and his mana was on the verge of exhaustion. Lin Xuan’s sleeves glanced, and a jade bottle flew out. It was Wannian Lingru. After he drank a drop of his head, he immediately fell into a green mangling and flew away in other directions.

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