Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1877: Shocking crack

The first thousand eighty-seventh chapter

A dark forest appeared in sight.

The area is extremely broad, Lin Xuan quietly released the knowledge, but did not know where it is at the end.

Unlike the general forest, this one in front of the eyes, the yin constantly turbulent, if not wrong, in the depths of this forest, there should be a low-quality Yinmai.

What did the other party run here? Lin Xuan’s heart was full of doubts, but there was no opening. It was still a cold-eyed look at the other side’s movements.

Look more, say less.

"Fairy, you can be sure, that day, the heart of the king, is here?"

"The ten-footed grasp is naturally not dare to say, but the **** channel friend of my beast and mystery is also clear, at least the news that it passed to me is like this." The woman in black reached out and took care of it. Hair, soft voice is passed into the ear.

"Shuo... Well, I heard that this beast, although not good at fighting, has a bloodline that is really heard. If the fairy says so, it must be true." The bald man nodded, so The sound is passed to the ear.

Lin Xuan felt a move, but he had no time to think about it. Suddenly he felt like he was sensing something. He looked up and his eyes were slightly stunned.

At the same time, deep inside, the warning signs are rising.


As if the sound of the sky was breaking into the ears, the forest in front of it began to collapse. Yes, it was collapsed. It was like the most intense earthquake. The whole earth cracked a hole, or it was a huge gap, countless The soil and the trees were all sunken.

It is a gap, in fact, because of the distance, the gap is wide, there are dozens of feet, and the bottom is not deep. I don’t know where it extends. If you look from the sky, it seems like there is a giant. Holding the sturdy sword, swaying, and smashing the forest for two.

This change is not only because Lin Xuan is greatly astonished, but also those who are sea cultivators, one by one, who face each other and do not know what happened.

I only know that the radius of the circle is thousands of miles, and all the genital winds are condensed toward this side, and are sucked into the deep bottomless gap.

Lin Xuan's face is very intimate and timeless. On the rich experience of Xiu Xian, he has to go farther than the ordinary Dong Xuan period to cultivate the immortals. Lin Xuan has experienced a lot of blood and rain, it is really difficult to count.

Such a vision like this is not happening out of thin air, or there is a catastrophe, or there is a big chance, specifically which one, Lin Xuan has not counted.

If you strive to be safe, the best option at this time is to slip away, and the farther you escape, the safer it will be.

However, Lin Xuan will not do this.

Although he has a cautious personality, but the truth of seeking wealth and wealth is also in the mind, not to mention the fact that his most outgoing purpose is to seek a breakthrough.

To know the hardships of the fairy tales, there are some bottlenecks that can not be done with medicinal herbs.

How to break through the elbow, although there is no certain law, but in general, in times of danger, it is most likely to stimulate its own potential.

That is to say, at that moment, it is most likely that there will be a breakthrough in the aura.

For this reason, Lin Xuan naturally does not want to leave.

What's more, the blessings and the disasters depend on them, and the dangers are also opportunities. Maybe there is nothing to wait for.

Of course, Lin Xuan’s reason to do this is because he is confident in his own strength. He has been on the road for three days. Although he pursues the principle of low-key, he does not do anything. Lin Xuan secretly took a lot of Dan Medicine. Grass, and at this time, Shuangyingyidan also showed a different benefit.

The demon is controlling the flight of the body, while the two Yuan Ying are meditating in the Dantian gas sea, refining and chemically repairing the damaged meridians.

If you change a cultivator, you don't want to recover from such a wound for a month or two. However, Lin Xuan is different. As a result, his body is indeed much stronger than the average cultivator. This kind of power is not only reflected in vitality and tenacity. Even if it is injured, the speed of recovery is several times that of other cultivators.

At the same time, plus a variety of medicinal herbs do not want to swallow the money, Lin Xuan only spent three days, it will hurt, so quietly to the basic cure.

I don’t dare to say it completely, but it should be better than 90%. Even if I use the phantom and mystery again, it doesn’t hurt much.

Lin Xuan has to leave at this time. The two Dong Xuan period sea people can't stop it. Since he chooses to stay here, it is a picture of the heart.

Regardless of whether it is a blessing or a curse in front of you, you must always look at one.

As for those sea people, they will not go any more.

Although they also face each other, even faintly have a bad feeling to float to the bottom of their hearts, but the reason why they came here is a task, such as the shadow of the sorrowful king has not been seen today, so go back, what is the king like to explain? ?

"Show fairy, look at this..."

"I don't know. I haven't seen anyone who hasn't seen it. Will anyone in the gap be afraid to say it? Why don't we go and explore it?" The woman in black was silent for a while, then she slowly planned her own. Say it.

"it is good."

The monk, who had a surname, nodded, and now he has come here. Of course, there is a situation where there is no retreat. As long as he finds Nei Dan, who is a king of heaven, he is a man of great merit. Wang promises his own things, never I will eat it... I thought of it here, and his heart was hot, and those who were afraid were thrown into the clouds.

There must be a brave man under the reward. This sentence applies equally regardless of whether it is secular or cultivated.

Two Dongxuan old monsters reached an agreement and wanted to pass orders. However, at this time, the sudden changes, another earth-shattering popping sound came into the ears, as if the enchantment was broken, and then the ghost Qi Qi, the voice just makes the earth shake, and the dark clouds like ink float out of the vortex.

There are many clouds in the clouds, the sizes are different, but the small ones are only a few acres. The big ones seem to reveal the tip of the iceberg. Most of the clouds are still in the gap.

But regardless of the size of the cloud, there are shadows in it, as if hiding a lot of monsters.

Lin Xuan’s eyes swept, and his expression changed abruptly.

The repair of those monsters is not worth mentioning, but the number is amazing, and it is all ghosts and ghosts.

What is going on here, even if it is a connecting channel, there should not be so many ghosts and ghosts, pouring into the spiritual world?

If they do this, will they not provoke the war between the two interfaces.

Lin Xuan’s thoughts turned sharply, and he looked at the mighty ghosts and ghosts.

He is so, isn’t the sea monk?

Such a change is something they never dreamed of.

At this moment, it is not necessary for the two princes to order it. The spiritual world and the yin sect say that it is not an evil feud. Seeing so many ghosts and ghosts flocking to themselves, the sea monks are frightened and sacrifice their treasures. I rushed toward each other.

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