Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1857: Mysterious desert island

The first thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven chapter mysterious desert island

"Is it difficult? The strength of this day is not only the difference between the monks in the early days of the foundation. Is it difficult to capture them?" The fish is full of incomprehensible openings, and the face is full of strange colors. : "Is the text written on the mission guide actually deceptive?"

"Of course not, deceiving, how can the holy city do this stupid thing of self-declined prestige, the heart of the day, really only differs from the strength of the second-order low-level monsters."

"Then why..."

The voice of the other party just fell, the sound of the fish's wonderful voice was once again introduced into the ear. I can't see that this person is still an anxious guy.

"There is no problem in the realm of Tianxin's own. The strength is in the eyes of the monks at the level of you and me. It is indeed like an ant. The danger comes to the outside. The competition is too intense." The one-armed man said here, his face showed a hint of coldness. The smile, from his expression, Lin Xuan seems to have seen the sword and sword.

The other four are not fools, and the other party’s instructions are already very obvious!

"Does friends say, killing people and stealing treasure?"

Huang Tingzong touched the beard and flashed a stunned expression on his face, but when you think about it, this matter is purely normal. Although it is very special, the Holy City has already issued a decree, and between human monks, it is forbidden to fight, even if it is received. No hatred, but also rest assured that today's enemies are the Yaozu and the Haizu, and can no longer kill their own strength.

On the surface, this order is correct. There are also a lot of vendettas in this sea monk, but can he completely eliminate the struggle between the immortals?

Obviously impossible!

Not to mention the holy city in the district, even if it is the fall of the immortal, it can't do this.

After all, the number of monks is too large, and the law enforcement monks want to manage them. They are also powerless.

There are monks who don’t have a total hatred to meet each other. It’s really strange to not make a big change.

As for killing and stealing treasures, the ban has come out. Compared with the past, it has indeed converged a lot, but it is obviously impossible to completely eliminate it.

The cultivators are all brave and arrogant. As long as they have sufficient benefits, they are absolutely daring to take risks.

This is absolutely unquestionable, and Tianxinshi is like this. One grain can be replaced with a quick spar.

It is necessary to know that although the spiritual world is rich in resources, it is very valuable as the top quality spar, and the exchange rate with the next product spar has reached 10,000 to one.

Tianxin’s strength is weak. If luck is good, it is entirely possible that a condensed monk in the district will catch dozens of hundreds.

With such a huge amount of money, if the high-ranking monks met, how could they take risks?

Needless to say, you will definitely do this.

However, after listening to Lin Xuan’s analysis, the one-armed man shook his head: “Daoyou’s words are correct, but they are not all right, and at most they say the reason for the small half.”

"Small half of the reason?" Lin Xuan stunned: "There is no danger, please don't hide your friends, don't hesitate to teach us a few people."

"Of course, it is not unusual to say it. It is the acquisition of Tianxinshi. In fact, it is not only the holy city of our Terran. The sea giant whale king has made a big reward and acquired this thing, so the sea, and even some The Yaozu is not far away, and feels that it is vying for the spar."

Listening to the other side, here, Lin Xuan five people have been face to face, the sea is also acquired, but a low-level demon animal production of the immortal material only, what special things, can make those big forces so crazy?

"Since Tianxin Stone is so valuable, is there nowhere else?" Yu Mianrong was weak and open.

"I think a few people also read Guangbo, Tianxin 蟾 such things, we have heard of it before?" The one-armed man sneered.

Lin Xuan several people shook their heads again and again, regardless of the human world or the spiritual world are the first to hear.

"That's right. The worst thing about this mission is that it's a good place to live, nowhere else, just on a desert island with hundreds of thousands of miles from the Red Sea."

“Desert Island?”

"Yes, the place is said to be an island. Actually, the area is not many times larger than that of Hongye Island. What is even more strange is that the place was originally a vast ocean. This island was inexplicable more than a hundred years ago. Raised from the bottom of the sea." The one-armed man slowly told that this person did not have Tibetan Mastiff, but it is estimated that these would not be a secret.

Lin Xuan is more and more strange, and does not open, continue to wait for the other party to talk.

The aura on the island is very thin, and there is no precious thing to produce. There are only a few monsters that are messy.

These monsters, the strength is generally not worth mentioning, originally no one paid attention to, but later, the holy city and the seas, suddenly posted a task, willing to buy high-priced Tianxinshi.

And pointed out the origin of Tianxinshi, so the desert island, overnight, became a paradise for treasure hunt monks, Terran, Yaozu, Haizu, all kinds of cultivators, is a mad influx.

Tianxin is very good at killing, but the enemy is precisely the cultivator who came to hunt for treasure. Our Terran and the Yaozu are in conflict. What kind of politeness is there, naturally it is a mess, and the final result is mostly There will be a party that is degraded. It doesn't need to be said. It can be said as a friend of the Tao, because Tianxinshi can live in a strange place. Relatively speaking, it is easy to hunt. Therefore, despite the strict promulgation of the Holy City, the murder and the treasure can not be eliminated.

The law of the jungle, when you get there, you can say that at any time, there will be enemies coming out from the side.

"Don't you be a friend..."

Seeing the other side's face with a sad face, Lin Xuan's gaze could not help but look at his broken arm.

"The Taoist friend imagined that the arm of the poor road was lost there. What I met was a demon in the form of a demon. The poor road made every effort to remove the head. I have not had time to take it. To pick up the treasures left by it, but to be attacked by a monk of the Terran, the thief... Hey, see me fighting with the aliens, not only do not help, but also hide the breath, lurking in the dark, waiting for my exhausted moment "The Taoist said that here, his face is full of grievances, it is no wonder, standing in his position, whoever encounters such a thing may be mad."

There are no ways to meet it. The cultivation of Xianben is the road to the sky. Seeing the fortunes is really countless.

"The friend later..."

"The thief is also the cultivator of the early Yuan Ying, but if the poor road is in its heyday, he will be my opponent, and he can defeat the demon repair. I am already at the end of the strong, I can’t see it, I am willing to give up the treasure, but the thief I am still not good at it, I am thinking about killing people, there is no way, the poor road can only use the avatar to rob the Dafa..."

Listening to the other side said here, Lin Xuan is also awkward, comforting a few words comforted a few words.

The cultivation of the immortal is magical. In general, the broken limb can be renewed. However, there is a degree in everything, and not every situation can be done.

For example, for the sake of robbing Dafa, as the name implies, it is to abandon some of the limbs, so that the ontology can be ruined. This is the magical secret technique. No matter whether it is hands or feet, there is no way to pick it up.

Any panacea can't do this. It is said that this involves the laws of heaven and earth. I really want to have a broken limb. I am afraid that only the true immortals of the upper bound will have such a skill.

Of course, as a person who cultivates the immortals in the Yuan Ying period, there is still a road, that is, to win the house, find a complete body with hands and feet, and win the battle.

However, this is only a theoretical one. It is also against the sky. It is also subject to various restrictions. Even if it can make the broken limbs renew, the price of love can be more unrecognizable. Simply put, it is the stealing of chickens. Meter.

In general, there is no such thing as a stupid thing.

Lin Xuan and Yanshan four friends, naturally full of sympathy for the one-armed Taoist, after all, this person is too tragic, not only lost the right hand, all the treasures, but also the thief who the fisherman profited.

It took a lot of hard work and the price paid was big enough. However, in the end, there was no return, and it is no wonder that he would hate this task so much.

From the other side's mouth, I learned about the origins of the matter, and Lin Xuan's expressions are somewhat ugly.

"Big Brother, do we not do this task, or do we have to change something else?" It is still a wonderful fish. This person has no courage and no knowledge. It is really not like the immortal in the late Yuan Ying.


Huang Tingzong also fell into a dilemma. At this moment, they are ashamed of the bag, and there are only a handful of spar left. In this way, cultivation is completely a problem.

Other tasks, although the return is good, but compared with this heart stone, it is just drizzle.

As far as their current situation is concerned, even if they do other tasks, the rewards they receive are just a drop in the bucket, and they can’t meet the demand.

I can listen to the one-armed person to say this, to take the heart of the day, its danger and difficulty, it is almost the same as ordinary people.

Terran, Yaozu, Haizu, it can be said that in addition to the five next to the monks entering the desert island, anyone can be an enemy.

Although he still has a little bit of control over his own magical powers, other people will be soft persimmons. Don’t say anything else. Just under the stone monument, he saw several old monsters in the clutch period, and he was also very interested. Received the task.

Even if Huang Tingzong is confident in himself, there is absolutely no grasp of the leapfrog challenge.

what can we do about it?

Seeing the three eyes staring at themselves, Huang Tingzong is also full of embarrassment, this decision is really not good.

"Lin brother, are you planning this way?" He turned his head. Since he didn't know what to do, it seemed to be good to listen to other people's opinions.

"What about me..."

Lin Xuan’s eyes swept over the stone tablet: “The reward of this heart stone is really exciting. Lin’s intention to fight, take this task?”

"What, Lin brother can think about it, the reward is heart-warming, but it must be life-giving. The task of this heart-hearted stone is almost the same as that of the nine-dead life." The fish is so horrified that the face is frantic. Say.

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