Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1799: Celebrate promotion

The first thousand seven hundred ninety-nine chapters celebrate the promotion

After hardships and obstacles, I finally succeeded in advanced to the later stage. Lin Xuan’s heart was filled with joy. He raised his head and his eyes slowly swept around. He saw three slim and slim figures.

Lin Xuan’s mouth showed a smile, and when he was young, he disappeared in the same place. The next moment, he came to the side of the three women.

Its speed is so jaw-dropping that any speech is difficult to describe, and the distance between thousands of feet seems to be absent.

Shangguan Yuyu did not say for a moment, but the two gimmicks were shocked and reached for the chest, but the horror on his face was quickly replaced by joy.

Yingying’s glimpse of it, both in midair, both fell down: “Yan’s nephew welcomes the teacher to go out.”


Listening to the two gimmicks, Lin Xuan’s face could not help but reveal a bit of weird color. He couldn’t help but go back to his head. The Baihua Valley had disappeared without a trace, and the valley was the center of the mountain. All disappeared with the wind.

In the scene of breaking through the bottleneck, Lin Xuan still remembers clearly that this way is very rare.

To change a statement and perspective, it should be unique.

However, Lin Xuan certainly will not correct the mistakes of the two gimmicks. In the past 50 years, although the second yuan baby came out once, but with the loved ones, there is a feeling of being separated from the world.

"Okay, well, don't have to be rude, the teacher doesn't like the red tape, and the trick is not unknown." Lin Xuan's smiling voice came into the ear.


The two women stood up respectfully, their faces were full of joy, and then the Shangguan Yuyu came forward and had a congratulatory message.

Then Lin Xuan followed them and returned to the main rudder of Baicaomen.

Needless to say, the next situation is to celebrate, Shangguan Yuyu personally cook, not to mention, this woman's craft is very good, all kinds of delicacies are put on the table, the fragrance is overflowing, although the immortals can be ridiculous, but occasionally It is not bad to satisfy your appetite.

Of course, Lin Xuan will not shirk and eat and drink.

Grape wine, but unfortunately the moon now does not know where it is, the heart of the piano first rises to the spiritual world, whether it has solved the poison of the body, in which plane settled, and Yuanyuan, in their own When she went to Penglai Mountain, she had been retiring and practicing. I don’t know what happened to the beauty at this moment.

The joy of promotion, Lin Xuan really wants to share with the beautiful, but unfortunately they are two, not on the side.

Lin Xuan sighed slightly, and his eyes showed a few minutes of silence. When can he reunite with his wife?

"Master, what happened to you?"

The voice of concern was introduced into the ear, and the eyes of Shangguan’s eyes were a bit confusing. This festive feast was of no small size. The two disciples sat on their side.

"Nothing." Lin Xuan shook his head: "Master just missed his former relatives, drinking and drinking."


The Shangguan is no longer open, and the beautiful eyes are screaming. Is Master thinking of the teacher? I have never heard of him before. What kind of beauty and gentleness can a woman who can make Master such a great person feel tempted?

Xiao Shantou’s heart is curious. The girl is born with the gossip psychology. It’s just that this matter involves his most respected master. Naturally, it’s not easy to speculate, but the mind has made various ideas.

On the other side, Lin Xuan will also be refreshed. After all, sadness is meaningless. I am pursuing the path of Xiandao. It is nothing to be separated from my wife. If I work hard, I will meet again one day, just to cultivate the world. It’s so **** and rainy, I hope that they will be able to save their lives and be safe.

Lin Xuan’s character as a mother-in-law is just a matter of touching the scene, and soon she will calm down and devote herself to the celebration of joy.

During the dinner, Lin Xuan also gave some guidance to the disciples of the Herbs. As the saying goes, listening to Jun’s words, winning ten years of books, taking Lin Xuan’s current cultivation as a strength, coupled with extensive knowledge, pointing out the disciples’ disciples is not with The letter is almost the same, often he can make the other side open with a few words, and some deliberate points can make the lower-ranking monks take fewer detours. Naturally, everyone is grateful and admired.

When you relax, you will relax. Lin Xuan and the disciples of Baicaomen will have fun together. When they wake up the next day, they are already in the morning.

Wake up and wash, when I came outside, I saw a beautiful woman waiting outside.

"Giving a gift to a senior."

"The door owner is not welcome, looking for me something?" Lin Xuan took a look at the official rain.


The woman nodded: "The previous generation killed the enemy and put the storage bags of those guys for us to handle. Now that the count is over, the seniors have a look at what you need."

As the head of the door, the Shangguan Yuyu is also a figure that is eyebrow-picking. Although Lin Xuan is generous and generous, they have to know the size of the pockets, and all kinds of treasures are counted in the storage bags. Of course, Lin Xuan first chooses It is.


Lin Xuan’s face is not satisfied with the color of his face. After all, one third of the owners of the storage bags are the cultivators above the Yuan Ying period, and there is also a master of the middle peak of the clutch. These people have collected Treasures, maybe there is something you need.

"The door owner has bothered, well, Lin will go and have a look." Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"Take the way, the seniors please follow."

Shangguan Yuyu said, he has been walking gently, like walking in front.

Through the cloister twists and turns, bypassing the rockery waterfall, and finally a door appears in the eyes.

There are a lot of runes and miniatures inscribed on the door, and the white halo radiates out. Obviously there is a very strong prohibition inside.

Shangguan Yuyu did not say a word, I do not know when a piece of the order has slipped from the sleeves, she was stuck in the palm of her hand.

Suddenly a red light flew out of the token and fell into the halo of the gate...

Oops passed into the ear, all the bans were removed at the same time, and the door opened unexpectedly.

"The defensive array on this door is very good." Lin Xuan said with a hand, faint.

“The predecessors’ eyes are like a torch. It’s originally a black wind thief used to collect treasures.”

It turned out that Lin Xuan’s face was full of color, and he did not hesitate to go along with Shangguan Yuyu.


After entering, Lin Xuan was shocked. At this time, they were staying in a circular hall. It was very wide and had a diameter of about a hundred feet. It was unpretentious and there was no special decoration in it. It attracted Lin Xuan. It’s a treasure that’s piled up like a hill.

A variety of materials, Lingcao, bottles and cans, a variety of elixir, the number of, greatly out of their own expectations.

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