Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1763: Chasing chase

The first thousand seven hundred and sixty-three chapters

The disease is even more stunned, and the eyes are rounded up. What kind of treasure is this?

This thought has not been turned, and the terrible light blade has already been killed.

What light curtain, what shield, no matter what type of defense ancient treasure, in front of it, like paper, almost no effect, all swept away.

No language has been found to describe it.

As a master of the family, the disease has been discussed with the savage shark king.

The six kings of the Haizu have their own strengths. In terms of strength, the Shark King is not the most powerful one, but it is definitely the most attacking.

Shark King started, then a crazy to describe.

Sometimes even a fight to fight, sacrifice defense, in exchange for a higher attack.

It seems that there is no trick, just like this kid is so outrageous, just a blow, completely destroy his defense.

Seven or eight ancient treasures of low quality were actually swept away. Such things would not be believed by anyone.

However, at this moment, there is no time to feel anything. If other old monsters encounter such unfortunate accidents, the disease must be gloating at the side, but if you change to yourself, then it is not funny at all.

Today, life-saving is the first.


The sound of breaking into the ear, the space seems to be torn, where the light blade passed, a white mark appeared in the line of sight, shocking.

Even the space is almost broken, and it can be seen how it is attacking. This is also a fearsome space treasure, and there is a little law in it.

Fear of fear, the disease is naturally impossible to sit here and wait, hurriedly handcuffed, the figure is like a left and right movement.

Suddenly, the body surface was blurred, and the seven or eight monks who had the same appearance as the body appeared in the same place. Each appearance was vivid, like a real person, flying in all directions.


Lin Xuan’s pupils were miniature, and this scene that happened in front of him really scared him.

How do you see how it resembles your own phantom? Is this old guy actually the same secret as himself?

Lin Xuan was shocked, but the reaction was quick and the eyes were awkward. The pupils became silver here. The Tianfeng gods have more than just the effect of breaking the illusion, the secret of stealth or hiding. The technique is also very mysterious.

Sure enough, he just gave up and immediately got the harvest.

Immediately after a flash of his body, people have disappeared in place.

More than a hundred feet away, the old monster has emerged, and the face of the face has a lingering color. His sorcerer's technique is similar to the phantom singularity on the surface, but the subtle mystery is actually much worse. of.

It seems that it is like the secret technique of the cottage. There are quite a few paintings in which the tiger is not a dog.

But no matter what, there is still something unique, at least from the attack of Lin Xuan successfully escaped.

However, the crisis has not ended. Lin Xuan has discovered his whereabouts, and nine days of micro-steps have been displayed, and soon followed.

The old monster is horrified, how can this kid have so many things, not only is the attack too strong, but the sorcerer is also so mysterious.

This time is really troublesome.

The diseased devil was depressed, but there was no way. He had to scream and scream, and continued to display the mysterious scorpion in a row and escape to the distance.

When this is the case, he has not thought about the problems of the two women. After all, the next catastrophe will be after the millennium, and if he can’t escape now, he will soon fall.

I am not willing to be reconciled in my heart, but as a cultivator of the sacred period, I can still distinguish clearly.

In this case, of course, it is first to solve the immediate crisis, and to live is the first priority.

His choice is not wrong, but Lin Xuan will let him go.

Then they saw the figure of the two people flashing constantly, in the aura of light, lost the trace, then appeared in the sky beyond hundreds of feet, then disappeared again, then appeared, the farther and farther.

After this short-lived fight, the disease has been heart-wrenching, and now he just wants to get rid of Lin Xuan, but that is impossible.

On the distance of each movement of the scorpion, the nine-day microstep is obviously stronger.

As for the illusion produced by each movement, although it has a confusing effect, it accidentally hits the Tianfeng god, and he is killed by this trick.

Can only say that this disease is unlucky.

The end result is that he can not only get rid of it, but after a few flashes, the distance between the two sides is constantly shortening.

The disease is shocked and angry, while moving, the sullen opening: "Primary, the deity now wants to leave here, what are you chasing, don't deceive too much."

"Let's deceive too much?" Lin Xuan smiled: "The old guy, obviously you don't know how to live and die, how can you be afraid of it now? I am deceiving you. Just rely on your three-legged spells and you can bite me."

Lin Xuan said coldly.


The disease is so confusing that he can't even tell why he was so degraded. In the Dong Xuan period, he was an absolute master in the East China Sea. Wherever he went, he was greeted by others. However, he was ridiculed and insulted by a junior. It’s almost going crazy.

The repairable fairyland is about strength, not being able to beat others, and depressing and solving what problems have been solved.

The two men biceps and exerted their skills, but there was no delay, and they soon reached the horizon.

However, Lin Xuan is obviously superior. At this time, the distance between the two is only a few feet. Lin Xuan’s mouth shows a smile, his right hand is raised, the five fingers are so close together, and the surrounding world’s vitality suddenly gathers. Jade's big hand appeared in sight.

Different from the performance of the clutch period, this big hand has the essence. The upgrade of this big realm makes Lin Xuan’s control of the heaven and earth vitality is completely different from the previous one.

Once the big hand was formed, it immediately clenched its fingers and punched it like an opponent.

The fist has not arrived, but the momentum is already shocking, the disease does not dare not defend, the gown is a glimpse, but also the control of heaven and earth, a gray shield appears in the line of sight.

The big hand hit it up, the shield was blurry, but it was not broken. Lin Xuan was using the power of the medicinal medicine after all, just entering the hole Xuan period, with all kinds of secret techniques, pressing the disease to fight no problem, but the heaven and earth vitality In terms of manipulation, it is still slightly less than the real one.

It takes a long time to understand, and it cannot be done overnight.

On the surface, a single hit, in fact, Lin Xuan has achieved the desired effect, although the fist did not break the other's shield, but the action of the old monster, but was delayed.

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