Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1750: Shark disease

The first thousand seven hundred and fifty-five chapter shark disease

This kind of embarrassment, how to fight, it must be lost!

The quick response has been smeared on the soles. If the luck is not good, it will be directly killed. Even the chance of Yuan Ying’s escape is not big. The teleports have not been made yet, and they are swallowed by the sharks.

As the overlord of the ocean, sharks have been ferocious to the extreme.

The sea beast is the same!

However, this is not the most terrible thing.

A powerful momentum has come out, and the terrible degree has made it a hundred miles, and all the creatures are full of fear and trepidation.

Even the sea is full of sorrow.

This kind of pressure, this momentum!

Is it...

The monks were stunned and involuntarily stopped the movements in their hands, and a strange picture appeared.

The moment before, there was still a fierce conflict between the people and the fire. The next moment, it was so cold and cold, even the raging sharks were all uniform, facing the left side, as if looking at something, then the body bowed slightly, as if Welcome to the ceremony.


The sea breeze blew, and then a group of blood and sorrows appeared in the line of sight. The area was not outrageous. It was only about acre, but it was red and dazzling, as if there was blood dripping from it.

Then the blood-red clouds came over the battle group, and the drips and circles swirled. After a few moments, the red light converges, and a pale-faced monk came out.

Jinyi jade, the body is far higher than the average monk, very thin, whether it is the face, or the skin of the palm, almost no trace of blood.

"Cough and cough..."

He rubbed his hand on his chest, which was a fierce cough, giving the impression that it was weak, like the so-called rich and sick family.

And he looks really young, only twenty-six six, the hair is tied with a golden crown, with a hint of yellow, the hair is very dry, it seems to lack nutrients and not enough.

This person seems to be able to easily scrape him down as if a gust of wind, but the low-ranking monks do not say that the messengers of several holy cities are all discolored.


"The shark's disease!"

"Impossible, he is the old monster of Dong Xuan, how the first wave will be dispatched."


The monks were shocked, and the horror and fear passed quickly between each other.

However, when this is the case, depression is useless. No matter why the disease comes here, their situation can be said to be extremely annoying.

Want to escape from the hands of a hole in the old monster, the difficulty is clear to everyone.

It can almost be said that it is impossible to complete the task.

But how can you not escape? Is it silly to die here?

The ants are still stealing, not to mention the immortal, even if it is difficult to escape, at this moment, you must also fight.

No one wants to wait.

The fastest response, the non-Nu Xiu is the highest genus, but he is the most mysterious in the late stage of the clutch.

At this moment, when the situation is not right, this guy is also the master of the decision. When he mourns, he runs away from the distance, and even the Zen stick of the magic weapon is not needed.

So bold and courageous, let the old man who has been against him for half a night is also awkward. The so-called loss of a thousand miles, so thousands of miles, so devout of the gods, the other side has fled to the sky, chasing is too late.

The old man had to give up.

The head is relieved, but his danger is not passed.

There was a hint of ridiculousness on the face of the disease: "Run, under the hands of the deity, do you think there is a chance to live?"

His voice was dark and soft, and after that, he was accompanied by a severe cough.

However, the action was unambiguous, and a **** fog flew from the sleeves.

No, it’s not blood fog. The so-called fog is made up of half-liquid red dots of different sizes, and it is still flashing.

Lin Xuan’s knowledge has converged a lot, and he does not want to be broken by the old monster of this hole, but he is still watching carefully.

Soon, the strange blood mist caught up with the head, and wrapped it to wrap it.

The head of the tortoise was shocked, and he was busy offering a defensive magic weapon to change into a thick light curtain.

It can be useless, and the blood fog seems to have the nature of infiltration. The light curtain that changes the magic weapon of that layer is nothing, and it is easy to get into it.

"What is this spell?"

Lin Xuan looked at the distance, and his heart was a bit cold. He was widely knowledgeable, but he had never heard of such a secret technique. If it happened, how can it be solved?

Lin Xuan’s thought has not been turned, and he heard the loud screams of the head of the head. Once wrapped in the blood, his skin quickly dried up.

It was like life and mana, and it was sucked away.

In contrast, in the distance, the face of the noble son was exposed to the color of enjoyment, the original pale face, faint, but also a little blood.

To absorb the energy of others for their own use?

Lin Xuan's eyes are very poisonous, and the vagueness has already seen a clue. Although the origin of the spell is unclear, it is definitely a magical power of the magic road, and it is a very sinister and overbearing one.

The head of the tortoise shouted loudly, but it didn't last long. Soon he became a body, and life and mana were completely sucked by the other side and fell from the sky.

Yuan Ying did not pull out and fell with the flesh.

Lin Xuan's face is more and more ugly.

The secret technique of the spiritual world, on the degree of mysterious and mysterious, is far from being comparable to the human world.

However, he is far away, but it is just a feeling of emotion. Those monks who are in the vicinity are stunned.

Dong Xuan period old monsters, and the means are so outrageous, which is what these people can resist, stay here, absolutely no way to live, and die, I am afraid that will be tragic to the extreme, the monks are scattered and smashed...

In the process, naturally, many unlucky guys fell and were killed by their original opponents. However, many people were lucky, or responded quickly enough to stay alive, but the body was somewhat hurt.

As a result, thousands of remnants have lost their lives and began to desperately flee. Unfortunately, they chose the direction in which their own spirits are.


Lin Xuan’s face suddenly became gloomy.

This is really a person who is not as good as the day, he has done everything, but when things come to the end, God is just facing himself, without the help of luck, he can only do it.

The defeated soldiers fled here, and the Haizu certainly did not let go of it. Then they hid it. It’s strange to not find such a big ship.

Lin Xuan sighed and continued to stay here, it would be very stupid, things are coming, there is no other way out, only thirty-six, go!

Despite that, the risk of being discovered is enormous, but in any case, it is better than sitting still.

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