Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1748: Auxiliary symbol

The first thousand seven hundred and forty-eight chapters auxiliary symbol

"The predecessors have a plan, and it is up to you to take the idea. If there is anything to tell, even though, the disciples under the door and the disciples will definitely act."

Shangguan Yuyu took care of the haircut, and the gentle voice was introduced into the ear. The so-called use of people is not suspicious. When the decision to migrate, he will hand over the fate of Baicaomen to Lin Xuan.

After all, I was only a contemporaneous period, and I was trained to see that there was no way to compare with the predecessors of Lin, and I wanted to leave the waters alive. It is normal to listen to him.

Lin Xuan nodded, this woman understands the matter, but then again, if the disciples of the Ba Caomen are respectful of themselves and they are serious and serious, will they take them away from this dangerous water area with great difficulty? There are still two issues at all, and Lin Xuan has never done a loss of business.

When he does this, he must have his own consideration.

"Mrs. doesn't need to be too much, not to be too anxious. The situation in front of us is dangerous, but the way to save the danger is to let it go."

"Let's go with the flow?" The Shangguan rained a glimpse, and his eyes showed a bit of incomprehensible color.

"Yes, the lady can tell the disciples, all of them go back to the quiet room, and then meditate." Lin Xuan's faint voice was introduced into the ear.

The technique of tempering is not every cultivator, and at this time, even if they are willing to teach, they will not be able to learn.

Instead of doing the temporary useless thing, let them go back to the quiet room to adjust the interest rate. You must know that when the cultivator is meditating, the spiritual power is shrinking, and there are some effects of restraining.

Nowadays, thousands of miles away, humans and sea-monk monks are in full swing. In this moment of intense fire, they may not find themselves.

Of course, this method is not a perfect strategy. How much should you look at your luck here.

In a word, gambling, at least from the risk factor, is much safer than leaving the detour, so the goal is too big, but it is easy to be discovered!

This consideration, Lin Xuan did not elaborate, and Shangguan Yuyu is a woman, but she has a broad mind and belongs to the kind of person who is not suspicious. She did not ask anything at all, and according to Lin Xuan’s instructions, she passed the order. .

"The disciple must respect the law."

When the monks took a ceremony, they returned to the quiet room that they had just allocated for themselves, meditation and meditation, and tried to imprison the mana in Dantian.

At this moment, they meditate and meditate, and naturally they dare not practice. Otherwise, if something happens, the practice can't end immediately, being disturbed by foreign objects, and getting mad, isn't that too dangerous?

No one will do such stupid things, not to mention the fact that although the people are not clear, they also know that they are now in crisis.

These low-level disciples, how many difficulties and obstacles have been experienced, many people, before this, even Yuanyao Island has not been out, the tempering of the state of mind is not enough.

Don't look at the meditation there, but the heart is mad, and the face is full of tension.

In this case, Lin Xuan did not know that the tightness did not hinder the overall situation. Seeing the disciples returned to the quiet room, Lin Xuan’s sleeves glanced, and several pieces of Fuxi flew out.

Unremarkable, the symbol looks like it doesn't seem like a high-level thing. Shangguan Yuyu is curious, Lin Xuan has already pointed it up.


As Lin Xuan sneaked, the Fuxi had no wind and spontaneous combustion, and then several pieces were connected together. Numerous white mists floated from the inside and filled the surroundings.

"This is... auxiliary symbol?"

Shangguan Yuyu covered his mouth and couldn't help but whispered, his face was full of incredible colors. This is not because the auxiliary symbols are too precious. On the contrary, as the name suggests, auxiliary symbols are usually worthless.

There is no attack, no defense, and an inappropriate metaphor is like a secular pirate dog thief. It is embarrassing to use it. This kind of auxiliary type, the low-ranking monk may have it, but it can be like a self-contained monk. Not interested, but the other is a clutch...

This is incredible!

The corner of the corner of the eye swept over, from the shocked expression of Shangguan Yuyu, Lin Xuan certainly not difficult to infer what she was thinking, Lin Xuan's mouth, revealing a few smiles.

Whoever said that the auxiliary symbol is useless, since the ancient monks studied it, it will definitely find its use.

Moreover, these few pieces in their hands are not the general auxiliary symbols, but they are found in the secret rudder of Dan Yuezong. They are called fine objects. These fogs have hidden effects. They are surrounded by the side of the spirit boat. The chances of discovery will be much lower.

If it is not a last resort, Lin Xuan does not want to conflict with these monks. As the saying goes, it is better to have more things than one thing. What's more, he now has so many people who need to take care of them. If they are in danger, they should try to hide.

Of course, the final result is still difficult to say. In short, Lin Xuan will be able to use all the means. It is not a sentence called, doing everything, but listening to the fate of life, referring to this is probably the case now.

Then Lin Xuan stood still in the same place, but the knowledge of God, has been quietly released by him, the battlefield in front of it is in full swing, Lin Xuan hopes that it can end soon, of course, human beings can win the best.

Although the immortals are selfish, but in terms of feelings, Lin Xuan is of course on the human side.

"Hey, the immortal of the Holy City."

Lin Xuan suddenly whispered, his face showing an unexpected color.

"Predecessors, you mean, here is the cultivator of the Holy City?" Shangguan Yuyu was a little surprised.

"Not bad, and there is more than one."

Lin Xuan’s hand is awkward, and it’s faint to grasp something. The monks in the holy city are well-recognized. Even if they wear different clothes, they all have a uniform mark.

The battlefield is about a thousand miles away from here. It is far from far, and it is not close to it. With Lin Xuan’s knowledge, all of it is natural and there is no problem.

Those small shrimps did not pay attention to the battles. The attention was focused on the cultivation of the immortals above the clutch period. There were more than ten people on both sides. They were catching the killings. They only saw the spirits and the popping sounds were also transmitted to the ears. Of course, this is also because Lin Xuan’s knowledge is strong enough. Shangguan Yuyu can’t see anything and can’t hear anything.

However, this woman is not in a hurry, and panic is useless. Since she decided to leave the dangerous waters, on the way to migration, she will be confidently handed over to Lin Xuan’s hands.

This woman is very self-aware.

Lin Xuan pays attention to the situation of the war. I only see the fighting methods of the few monks in the clutch period. Most of them are glued, the most fierce of them, not the two late monks.

On the side of the Terran, it is a ugly head, but the mana is not weak. A flaming red scepter is driven to the point where he is fascinated. After a while, he turns into a dragon. After a while, the shadow of the pole blocks the half of the sky, and the momentum is huge. Extreme.

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