Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1719: Crazy Shark Prince

The first thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine chapter squalor shark

When you are in the agile period, you can never do this anyway.

Others were also greatly astonished, and they all showed interest in their eyes.

"This thing, how to sell?" is talking about a soap-robe old man, also the Yuan Ying period immortal.

"Two thousand medium crystal spar." The treasurer said with a smile.


The people around me almost thought that they had misunderstood, 20,000 in the crystal spar, and two million in the next product, even if it is a good magic weapon, it is enough to buy a few pieces. This is a great tool, but it is still not good. The power of ordinary magic weapons, buy it, is it not eating too much?

Especially in this vast wilderness, resources are inherently poor. Compared with the same-level monks in other places, the cultivators here must also be ashamed.

Two million spar, ordinary yuan infants can not get out, but even if you buy treasure for yourself, you have to think twice, and this instrument, although it looks good, but it is not used at all, Buying for juniors, how can they be willing?

So many people, although they are heart-warming, but they touched the purse, they have no interest in buying.

As for the Shangguan sisters, they are even more stunned. In the case of Baicaomen, let’s not buy two yuan to buy a piece of spirit. Even if they buy 20,000 yuan, they all feel extravagant.


The younger sister does not need to say that even the Shangguanyan, who has always been very stable, has some shortness of breath, and the uneasy feelings are undoubtedly revealed.

"Don't worry about anything." Lin Xuan then turned his head again: "There are no problems with the 20,000-small spar. I want this thing."

The shopkeeper listened, could not help but overjoyed, this thing can not be said to be a hot potato, but it is not easy to sell it, the high is not low, the price of two million, enough to scare away most of the immortals, the spirit again It is still a spirit, but there is no way to compare it with the magic weapon. It can be sold low and feels worthless. After all, it is difficult to see such a thing in the spirit.

The slow-moving sales have been in the store for a long time, and now I have finally found a big head... No, it is a buyer who knows the eye.

Lin Xuan's sleeves glanced, Guangxia rolled over, and a lot of spar appeared on the ground. Of course, all of them are Chinese products. If you pay with the next product, I am afraid that there will be no upstairs.

"Do you count, is there anything wrong?" Lin Xuan smiled into the ear.

The treasurer was happy, and quickly covered the gods, and quickly raised his head: "Yes, this wing of the crane is a predecessor..."

However, the voice did not fall, but a strange voice was heard into the ear: "Wait, this treasure, this Prince wants."

The sound is not big, but the arrogant meaning is undoubtedly revealed. Lin Xuan's brow wrinkles, the so-called smelling songs know the elegance, listening to the sound, can also make certain recognition of the master's temper, obviously the comer is not a good scorpion.

And the sound did not fall, there were several strong atmospheres in the entire hall.

The newcomer is a group of sea monks.

Those who waited for the prostitute for the time being did not mention it. The head of the servant is a brocade son. It looks like it is about twenty-eight or nine years old, but it is not handsome and handsome. The opposite is very fierce. What is striking is that his pupil is blood. red.

It seems that it looks eccentric and has a crazy charm.

This is a cultivator in the late Yuan Ying period. The realm of nature is not low. However, it is not this important. His blood-red pupil is a taboo.

Mad Sharks!

Lin Xuan once saw it in a certain ancient book. In the sea, only the blood of the savvy shark king will have a red pupil.

"What did he just call himself, Prince? Is it the birth son of King Shark?"

In the mind, the thought turned, and Lin Xuan couldn’t help but feel a glimpse.

And the treasurer is low, the understanding of the sea, but far from Lin Xuan comparable, the eyes swept over the people, the face is already amazed, really a shark king, their dress, and clothes The mark on the leader's mouth is that no one can fake it, because doing it is equal to being an enemy of the shark king, and who will eat enough to dare to offend the six kings of the sea.

The shark king itself is the cultivator of the peak of the middle of the hole, and its identity is even more noble, regardless of strength, or possession of power, far from the savage savage like the poisonous dragon ancestor can compare.

At this moment, the treasurer was a little bit smirking, and the treasures in the slow-moving store for a long time suddenly became a fragrant scent, and they were just sold, and they were taken care of by the big customers.

The person in front of you, even if it is not the Prince of Shark, will have a close relationship with him. In any case, he will never be offended.

I thought so in my heart, the face of the treasurer piled up with a smile, and cautiously opened the mouth: "This predecessor, I am really sorry, if you take a step earlier, this wing of Leihe has just paid for it." , one-handed delivery, sold to the next generation."

This move is called a six-two-five, indicating that this spirit has nothing to do with the store, the mad shark king can not afford to offend, you want the spirit, the problem pushed Lin Xuan headache.

The Jinpao son listened and turned his head. With his cultivation, he naturally couldn’t see Lin Xuan’s technique of restraining Qi.

In his eyes, this is just a monk in the middle of the Yuan Ying, not worth mentioning.

"This friend, can you give me the love of your hand, no matter how many spar you bought at the time, this Prince is willing to pay twice the price, do not know how to do it, in no case will Let you suffer."

The voice of the Jinpao son was introduced into the ear, and the tone was mild, but I don’t know why, but there is a sultry taste inside.

Unfortunately, in front of Lin Xuan, it has become a look at the eyes of the blind, Lin Xuan's face, Gujing no wave: "This thing, Lin has bought it, do not pipe what price, do not intend to resell of."


The robes of the robes were heard, and the brows were wrinkled, and the face was filled with anger. He was the son of the shark king. The characters who usually hold the moon in the stars, the high-level cultivators met him and they were respectful. This human monk, do not know what to do, what is he blocking himself?

Despite his anger, he didn't do it, but hesitated a little, and the cold voice came to his ear: "Not a spar, this Prince is willing to pay three times the price, isn't the friend still resold?"


The surrounding immortals, all sucked a sigh of cool, three times, is six million spar, let alone the top-level ancient treasure, if luck is good, it is possible to buy a copy of the imitation of Lingbao's counterfeit, this is very likely, this Kind of price, buy a spirit, not to mention the East China Sea, look at the entire spiritual world, I am afraid that it has never happened, I am afraid it is unique.

Everyone wants to buy this treasure is their own, now only look at the eye.

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