Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1704: Shangguan sister

The first thousand seven hundred and four chapters Shangguan sisters

A cute little girl who is lovable, but also looks like a hero. This woman is a perfect monk in the agility period. It is only a line apart from the foundation. Among the people present, her cultivation can be arranged. second.

"I know, Yan Er, take the brothers and sisters and leave here."

"What about the uncle?"

"I naturally want to block here. If no one is dragging the footsteps of the demon bird, how can you get out of it?" The middle-aged man said with a smile.

"No, Master Shu, how can we leave you here, we must go everyone together, die together and die." Shangguanyan has not yet opened, another horrified voice is heard in the ear, crisp and extreme, but one hundred and seventy-seven The old woman looks quite similar to the Shangguanyan, but she has to be more rounded and her face is somewhat fat.

"Hey, silly boy, let's stay here and it doesn't help, it's better to fall away with it. It's better to leave one." The middle-aged man smiled and said: "There are so many sisters who die here, division. When the uncle goes back, how can he explain it to the head?"


The girl still wants to argue that the voice of Shangguanyan has come unanimously: "There is no need to talk about it, the teacher is not reasonable, we are leaving here."

"Sister..." Shangguan is in a hurry.

"No, how can we abandon the uncle?" Another handsome male disciple is also looking like a red face.

"We must walk away from ourselves, and we will never be loyal."

"That is, even if you survive, you will have a lifelong conscience."


The noise is heard in the ears, who said that the immortals are selfish, at least the sect seems to be a special case, everyone loves each other.

"you guys……"

Shangguanyan’s pretty face is nothing but bloody. It’s not angry for those rude words, but the younger brothers and sisters are too young to understand things. If this continues, everyone will die here together.

The middle-aged people also screamed, but the little guys were born burdocks, not afraid of tigers, one by one with red eyes and eyes, and they refused to leave, to die together.

"Hey, you silly kids!"

The middle-aged man sighed, but he was also moved to the extreme: "Okay, then we will die together."

The attack of the demon bird is even more fierce, but at this moment, a sigh is heard into the ear: "Not bad, a good group of affectionate little guys, such a sect, Lin has never seen it before."

The voice came suddenly and extremely, and it seemed to carry some kind of magic. The fierce demon birds stopped attacking at once.

The group of monks were awkward, and the middle-aged monks reacted faster. They were busy looking at the void: "I don't know where the ancestors came here, please help me. I will always feel great, for the seniors. Li Changsheng's tablet."

"Liu Changsheng brand, this is not necessary, I am waiting for the immortal, how is Shouyuan, is linked to the realm, what is the advantage of the longevity card, the old man can grow empty for a hundred years of life?" The voice of sneer into the ears It is full of ruthlessness and indifference.

"This..." The middle-aged man's face was a bit ugly. Although they had loved each other, they were familiar with the immortal, but they still knew the other monks' uncharacteristics.

"How can the seniors help each other?"

Other male and female disciples are also looking at the eyes, can not die, who is willing to fall, in the crisis, it is not easy to have a glimmer of life, they certainly want to seize, where can I hope?

"Oh, look at your appearance, it is also too poor to be clam, that is, all bought, the spar is not enough for the old man to sew, but these two women are not bad, if you are willing to sign the blood of the main servant with me Deed, give me a maid, the old man will take a shot, but it is not bad." The voice said coldly.


Everyone was dumbfounded, and Shangguanyan’s face was even more pale. If she was a simple maid, why did she sign the blood of the master and servant? The intention of the other party was obviously extreme. When it was time for the slaves, even the ones were not allowed to be themselves.

But now there is a choice, Shangguanyan's face quickly flashed a decisive color: "Predecessors, you let my sister, the little woman is willing to serve for life, never regret."

"Oh, what qualifications do you have to tell me about the conditions? Do you want to save these people between me? Not only is it awkward, but my sister will also sign a blood servant with me."

"This..." Shangguanyan’s face is full of embarrassment, and the official bureaucracy of the face has become more and more popular: "Well, you let my sister go, I promise you."

"Hey, I am still small, I want to serve my mother, my predecessors, beg you, let my sister go, let the younger one be your maid..."

"No, sister..."

Looking at the two sisters, the life and death parting, Lin Xuan could not help but touch the nose, this joke opened a bit too much, making himself look like a bully.

"Well, the old man just joked, try your heart and mind, don't care." The voice was passed into the ear, but compared with the indifference just now, it seems to be extremely harmonious.

"Predecessors, you said that you are joking, do not need us to be a maid?" Shangguan was shocked and happy.

"Nature does not need, Lin is a solitary, with two gimmicks around what are the benefits, when tired?" Lin Xuan smiled, thinking that the month is still about the same.

"But we have nothing to thank you, the predecessors can't look at the eyes." The woman looked awkward again.

"Why don't you thank me, just raise your hand." The laughter came into the ear: "You monks like this are very valuable in this world. Isn't Lin could do good deeds."

The voice did not fall, the wind swelled, and I didn’t know where to scrape from the ground. In one volume, all the demon birds were wrapped in it, and then the blood was foggy. With Lin Xuan’s strength, the other side’s first-order demon bird was too Wasted, and the crisis was lifted.

Then they were more than 30 feet away, and Qingmang flashed, and an ordinary teenager appeared in the void, it was Lin Xuan.

The predecessors were so young to the point that the monks were a bit stunned.

“Thank you for your help from the seniors.”

The middle-aged man held a fist and bowed his ceremonies. His face was full of shock. The other side did not have the slightest pressure to spurt out. How can he completely fail to understand the realm, and then associate the shot with him, is this young? Some predecessors who are too much are actually condensed... No, the Yuan Ying period is a cultivator.

"Thank you for your predecessors."

The Shangguan sisters were also full of good fortune. It was really scared. The temperament of the two women is quite different, but they are all very springy.

Other young girls have also been saluting, and their eyes are very curious. The predecessor seems to be a little bigger than himself.

The middle-aged man met, and he was busy with a light cough. Many high-ranking monks had a strange temper. Don’t look at him’s help. If the disciples’ rude eyes annoyed them, it’s not that they’re killing them. impossible.

"You are a disciple disciple, which is the sea area here?" Lin Xuan's cold voice came into his ear. In the past month, he took the Lingzhou seven thousand and eight turns, and did not stop at all. There was no chart in his hand. I don’t know where I am going.

"Predecessors are going out to travel, have just arrived here?" The middle-aged man cautiously opened his mouth: "It is no wonder that the predecessors did not know that our vast wilderness is remote, and there are very few people who know."

“Great wilderness?”

Lin Xuan, he has been in the spiritual world for four hundred years, and is very familiar with the East China Sea, but I have never heard of this big wilderness.

“The wilderness is at the margin of the human race and borders the savage shark king.”

"Crazy Shark King?"

Lin Xuan stayed in the six kings of the Haizu, he is not the strongest, but the best war, I heard that the nature is fierce.

"Then your life is not very bad," Lin Xuan murmured.

"There is another way. The vast wilderness is very vast in terms of area. It is the most resourceless in the entire East China Sea. It is the poorest. The monks living here are mostly small-small and scattered. The good seas are taken up by the high people. We are here, just to ask for life." The middle-aged man sighed and his tone seemed to be somewhat silent: "The pain of these low-ranking monks will not be understood by the seniors." ""

"Why don't I know that Lin is also a dissertation. Starting from the low-ranking monks, step by step, I have the strength of today. I have experienced these things."

"Predecessors are also scattered?" The middle-aged people have not yet opened their mouths. The face is round and round, and some girls with fat fat can't help but rejoice: "Is it true that the predecessors are planning to come to settle down in this vast wilderness? I don't want you to say that this place is compared with other sea areas. Although it is desolate, there are several kinds of materials. There is no place elsewhere. If the seniors want to live here and do not need to go to other places, our hundred grass doors are a good choice. Although the quality of this door is slightly lower, But the area is wide enough..."

The voice of this son-in-law was introduced into the ear, but the character was very easy-going. The middle-aged people wanted to stop it. It was too late, and the face could not help but all smile.

The child’s head is simply ignorant, thinking that the other side’s help, it must be a good person, the monk fights with the heavens, fights with the land, fights with others, many old monsters do things, pay attention to whatever they want, and can be cheerful before the moment. The help of the shots, the next moment is ruthless and nothing strange.

She did this, it was a wolf to enter the room, but the words have already said that at this time, I would only open the door and refuse to anger the old monster.

The middle-aged people secretly complained, but what happens to him at this point, whether it is a blessing or a curse, he only recognizes his nose.

Lin Xuan clearly sees the change of the other's face. What he thinks in his heart, I don't know, and there is a hint of ridiculousness on his face: "Why, the Taoist friend can feel embarrassed, then it is not necessary." ”

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