Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1697: Lin Xuan is mad

The first thousand six hundred and ninety-seven chapter Lin Xuan went crazy


There is no suspense, and the light column hits the target.

The sea water shook open, and there was no trace of Lin Xuan’s trace.

Be deceived!

The poisonous dragon ancestors were shocked, and this made them know that their opponents were like foxes, and they were actually played.


But he did not care about the anger, a strong breath suddenly appeared in the left front of more than 30 feet, Lin Xuan appeared from the bottom of the sea.

There is still a red cloth on the head. He just used this to cover up the trails. Otherwise, how can he get through the technique of tempering the air?

The poison dragon ancestor is also a character who has experienced the storm. The sound of the east will be seen, but if it is more than a little, the sound will hit the west and hit the west again.

The first water column is to lure the enemy, and the second is not what it is.

In terms of strength, the old monsters really have to win, but in the heart, Lin Xuan will not fall behind others.

Sure enough, his calculations had an effect, and the enemy was stunned by two stunned shots.

The master has a trick, only to fight for it. Although this flaw is small, it is enough to become a fatal injury to the other side.

The magic edge sword has appeared in Lin Xuan's hand, the five fingers clasped, the mana surged like a tide, and a cold meaning came out from the surface of the sword, then the silver light sprayed, his right hand from the palm to the elbow They are all wrapped in a layer of fine scales, and the surrounding world is also infused with...


Lin Xuan sighed and exhaled, and then a magnificent sword rose out of the air, to the middle of a gathering, actually turned into a dragon horse monster, back with wings, covered with scales of silver glaze.


This is one of the spiritual beasts, and the Phoenix is ​​the same name. After the middle of the advanced clutch, the power of Tongtian Lingbao has increased a lot.

Kirin opened the mouth of the blood basin, and Shen Wei rushed toward the other side. In the body of Qilin, there are still many light balls. Each one has a skull size. In the light ball, there is a huge rune flash. The power contained in it is obviously not the same.

The distance of more than 30 feet, for this degree of attack, blink of an eye, want to hide, it is simply not realistic.

It won't even give time for him to sacrifice the treasure. In other words, the old monster can only rely on the flesh to attack the Tianlingbao.

Even if you don’t win, you will first smash you and die.

Moreover, if the other party is really badly wounded and wants to win, it may not have a little hope.

Lin Xuan’s wishful abacus slammed, and the old monster was indeed calculated by him. His face was full of anger, and the sound of a beast like a beast came into his ear. Then he saw him lower his head and tightened his hands. Hug, did a tired movement.

The huge spider body was also folded, and the eight legs shrank together, wrapping the body, and the scales on the surface of the body grew wildly at an incredible speed.


Kirin's shadow is not afraid of it, but it doesn't matter if you are a hole in the old mysterious monster.

The ball of light around me is also dying...

For a time, Caixia was full of sky, and the original dark sky was reflected in the red light of the fascinating aura.

No, not red.

I saw a burst of green light, and in a moment, the red was drowned.

Then the blue mans picked up...

In this way, the colorful glaze, at the same time, the most intense part of the halo, and the sound of rumbling like a snarling thunder.

It is getting bigger and bigger, it is getting louder and louder, and people are fascinated. If mortal people, I am afraid they will vomit blood and die.

Lin Xuan is not easy to create the timing, how can there be a little bit of force, can not wait to put the mana of the whole body, a drop of the remaining into the Tongling Lingbao, and he advanced to the middle of the clutch, this treasure The power is far from being comparable.

A sword broke out, Lin Xuan's face was bloodless, he even felt a little collapse, needless to say, this is the reason for the excessive consumption of mana.

The physical condition is such that he has no way to prepare for the second wave of attacks. This is very unfavorable. Fortunately, Lin Xuan is the affluent master of the family, and his sleeves are swept away. A jade bottle has already swept away.

The cork was unplugged, and the refreshing scent was scattered. It was just a smell, and Lin Xuan’s face looked good.

Then Lin Xuan looked up and drank a drop of Wanling Lingji into his mouth.

Dantian gas sea, the original depletion of spiritual power quickly derived, such as the creek, flowing to his limbs.

His expression began to rosy.

Then Lin Xuan rounded his eyes, and now attacking, it is too late, but just that one, almost consumed his own mana, I believe that even if the cave Xuan period to cultivate the immortals, enough for him to drink a pot, first look at the results, then Decide what to do.

I thought about it in my heart. In fact, this is Lin Xuan’s only choice. The smoke gradually dissipated. No matter the sign or the sound, it disappeared without a trace. It seems that it never happened.


Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Xuan exclaimed, not that he did not have the heart of the city, but all this, too... incredible.

Lin Xuan just saw the action of the old monster to unfold his body. Apart from a little embarrassment, he lost a lot of vitality, and he even had no wounds.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, no matter who says that you are listening to Lin Xuan, you will not be convinced.

How is this possible?

Tongtian Lingbao is not a general treasure, Lin Xuan is not a day or two.

With the growth of strength, the power of this treasure is also steadily increasing.

The enemy has won and never let himself down.

It was the last time to face the sacred sorcerer of the holy city. The other side is also the old monster of the sacred period. The blow of the magic rim sword also makes him stunned, but this time...

Seriously, looking at this incredible scene, Lin Xuan’s confidence is indeed a bit hit.

The enemy is stronger than the original imagination.

It can even be said that giving him a feeling that he can't win at all.

Could it be said that this is the real strength of Dong Xuan?

Lin Xuan sighed and his eyes were complicated. If you change a fairy, you may be desperate in the face of this situation. After all, no matter how strong or mentally you are, there is always a limit.

Lin Xuan can't be excused, but now this situation has not pushed him to the point where the mountains are running out of water. The same dangerous experience has been there before.

I remember that at that time, I was not in the middle of the Yuan Ying. In the face of the chasing and killing of the monks in the clutch period, the situation was not the same.

If you must say that there is something different, you are not alone, not only with the moon, but also with the sister and his life and death.

The brothers were concentric, and their profits broke. At that time, the three men joined forces, and they were equally divided with Huitong.

However, this time, only oneself.

Xia Houlan does not say for a while, the moon does not know where to go, for four hundred years, Lin Xuan can not want to month?

On the surface, he never showed anything, but when he dreamed back at midnight, he often saw the girl.

If the month is also here, the two will join hands and may not be afraid of this old guy.

Thinking in my mind, my heart, but inexplicably, a sense of irritability.

Feelings have been suppressed for a long time, and I may not see anything wrong at ordinary times. However, once touched, it will be overwhelmed like a flood.

Lin Xuan thought of the month, thinking of going crazy, the torrent of thoughts rushing in his heart, the chest, as if to burst open, this time, just want to find someone, take a good fight.

Lin Xuan’s character is always cautious and cautious, but human nature always has weaknesses. Those who are sensible have a moment of fever.

Adding to the venomous dragon ancestor, he had been unhappy for a long time, so at this time, the other party's strength, was simply thrown into the back.

Lin Xuan's eyes became blood red and red, and how Xuan Xuan, this young master fights with you.

A big drink, Lin Xuan's mana surged out. At this time, there is no need to hide it. When it is shot, it is a powerful trick. The snow fox king's Chang Ge is ejected. In the past, this treasure with space magical powers. Lin Xuan is quite cherished, never leaving his hand, just to find some light wave Jianqi, this time, but directly sacrificed to attack like the other side.

The power is naturally more incomparable.

The Zen stick of the right hand was also thrown out, and the psychic Buddha treasure left his palm and immediately shed light.


A golden lion appeared in the line of sight, tall and powerful, and the mouth was a light wave, and the body was unambiguous, and the body shape was fretting.

As for Lin Xuan, it is even more exaggerated. The footsteps are moved, and only when the light flashes, it disappears from the place.

Lin Xuan is so embarrassed, the poison dragon ancestor is also stunned, Lin Xuan has Tong Tian Ling Bao, this situation he naturally knows that he just had a hard hit under the helplessness, and he will really be as good as it seems on the surface.

In fact, it is just a matter of loading.

Of course, the Dulong ancestors did this, not to die, but also have their own considerations.

The purpose is simple and clear, which is to fight Lin Xuan's confidence.

After all, how a battle wins and losses, in addition to strength, confidence is the most important factor.

If Lin Xuan’s confidence is destroyed, then what is going on in his next game is that the blind man can see it clearly.

Attacking the heart is the best policy.

It is also based on this consideration that after the poisonous dragon ancestors made a hard hit, they were loaded with great power. With nothing, no one else has the same. To do so, I want to destroy Lin Xuan’s confidence.

You must know that he is paying the price. After all, this is not his own body. The incarnation of the body can show the strength of not losing the hole, because it releases the power saved by the eternal sleep.

But this real yuan, but with a little less, he is distressed, you know, it is very slow to use the sleeping way to accumulate strength.

Weighed the pros and cons, the old monsters used the meter, the Tongtian Lingbao's blow, the power is incomparable, originally, he also suffered some damage, but it was hard to press down.

In doing so, on the surface, if nothing happens, it will only make the injury heavier.

The poisonous dragon ancestor’s move is also a good intention. I know Lin’s reaction, but it is completely beyond expectations.

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