Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1695: Lin Xuan's crisis

The 1859th chapter of Lin Xuan’s crisis


The voice of the poison dragon ancestor is not big, but in a word, but there is a blue sky like a pass into the ear, Lin Xuan's temper is even calm, at this moment, the expression can not help but suddenly change.

"Do you really?"

"Do you judge it yourself?" The voice of the poisonous dragon's ancestors was introduced to the ear: "Otherwise, when you think that the old man is refining his body and incarnation, why should he eat the support of the corpse, do not know the old man, the **** Is it more difficult to integrate with a zombie than to win a monk?"

Later, he did not say, Lin Xuan also guessed, the corpse, when the integration, although the crisis is heavy, but the body of the zombie is much tougher than the same-order monk, and even better than the Yaozu, so, When he releases the storage power, he can withstand it, otherwise he will explode and die.

The thoughts in my mind turned, and Lin Xuan’s face became more and more ugly.

what can we do about it?

Show the phantom, do you turn around and run?

In doing so, it may not be difficult to escape. The problem is that you can't pass this level of your heart.

I have seen the treasure, so I am too reluctant to leave.

Moreover, four hundred years ago, he was chased by the dragons of the poisonous dragons. Is it necessary to repeat this ending four hundred years later?

At the thought of this, Lin Xuan’s heart is uncomfortable, and one hundred are unwilling.

If you don't do this, what about it?

Worship the treasure and fight with each other?

Lin Xuan’s own strength is in the heart. In the face of the cultivation of the immortals in the late period of the clutch, he is able to make an enemy.

The gap between the big realms is not so easy to make up. If you cultivate to the late stage of the clutch, it is not impossible to share the autumn with the other gods. But now...

Definitely still can't beat.

Although I don't want to admit it, the facts don't change because you are stubborn.

This is quite clear to Lin Xuan. For a moment, he could not help but fall into a dilemma.

Playing... Beating, fleeing, but not reconciled.


Lin Xuan is there, the poison dragon ancestor will not be with one.

"The power of the storage will be put out, and the body of the zombie will not be able to withstand it, but it does not matter. It is only a matter of tens of thousands of years of sleep. Besides, your body is good. Maybe the ancestor can refine an incarnation. ""

The voice of laughter was introduced into the ear, and it was filled with grievances. If it was not a last resort, then the poison dragon ancestors wanted to take this step, which was forced by the wicked little boy.

"I want to sculpt you!"

As he screamed, the corpse rushed out and wrapped the zombies. At the same time, the smashing bones burst into the ears. Although there was a corpse fog, it was not very clear, but the faint still had a silhouette. The flesh is changing dramatically.

The terrible spiritual pressure fell from the sky, his breath, almost at the speed visible to the naked eye, constantly enhanced, Lin Xuan's face showed a stunned color, of course, will not be silly waiting for the other party to complete.

With one hand and one hand together, a thick sword stern emerged, the surface runes flashed, and the sly spurred away.

This is not a hit, it contains a very deep mana, and Lin Xuan's means are of course not only this, after shooting the sword mans, the left hand is grabbed below.


Separated from the sea, a red-colored sacred stick emerged. This time, Lin Xuan did not use the giant swordsmanship, which was too time consuming.

A few straight shackles of the singularity of the singularity of the scorpion, only to see that the scepter circling and flying, thousands of accounts emerged, covering half of the sky, such as lightning, the sly swaying toward the front.

This is not over yet, Lin Xuan’s right hand is a glimpse, and a simple little bell appears in the line of sight.


The bell rang, and the volume of this treasure suddenly rose rapidly.

The whole body runes flashing, the purple halo is more mysterious and simple, and then the noise is so loud that countless figures like the crow's magic bird fly out from inside.

However, their size is much larger than that of the crows, and they have three demon eyes, and they are covered with a gray-white magic fire.

A chilly sigh is out, obviously this fire is not comparable to the ordinary magic flame.

Flame corpse!

"go with!"

With Lin Xuan scorning, these corpse wings flashed, thousands of wind blades appeared, each diameter has a ruler, exudes the corpse of the temper of the middle man, obviously the power is far from the ordinary wind blade Then, the noise was overwhelming, and the corpses were spit out a gray-white corpse fire. A scent of suffocating scent came out, and the flame contained the poison of the carrion.

When he is sick, he wants his life, Lin Xuan is not stupid, of course, will not wait for the other party to complete the change, not to kill, at this moment, can hurt him is the best result.

Although the other party said that it was not like a fake, Lin Xuan finally decided to stay, and now give up the treasure, then the efforts in front of him are not in vain.

Dong Xuan period old demon himself has not faced it, even if he can't beat it, he is still very confident to learn the illusion.

Starving and timid, daring to die, maybe, there will be any turning point!

Thinking about it in my mind, Lin Xuan’s attack is also overwhelming.

However, the old devil turned a blind eye to all this. Since he dared to do this, the reaction to Lin Xuan would certainly not be expected.

A pair of sleeves and a pair of storage bags were sacrificed by him.

The mouth of the bag is loosened, one on the left, and the light is released.

Then the light converges, and it turns out that a dozen soldiers of the Golden Helmets have emerged.

Holding a knife and a sword in his hand, the armor on his body is also extremely expensive. It seems that he is a guardian of heaven.

Lin Xuan has a small pupil, these are all things, but the specific realm is not clear, because you will not be exposed, and the breath is nothing.

After the opening of the bag on the right side, it was a demon spurt, and two scorpions were ran out from the inside, and then turned into a dragon and a tiger.

The soul of the beast!

The repair is the peak of the early days of the clutch!

The intention of the old guy is obvious, that is, the blind man can see clearly.


With the two souls of the soul and these sly things, dragging to the end of their own transformation, Lin Xuan how to make him do.

More mana injection, while reaching out, the magic sword appeared in the palm of his hand.

At this time, many attacks also swarmed, and the dozens of golden armor were gathered together, and the sword and the sword were stabbed in front.

Suddenly, there were many thunder fires, and there were swords and swords. In terms of power, these gold armored warriors were about the same as the monks of the late Yuan Ying, but they stood together, but they became a battle.

Regardless of the attack or defense, the level is clear, and the power is far less than that of a single enemy.

And that one dragon and one tiger, of course, will not be idle, the sound of the screaming sounds coming into the ears, assisted by the side, Lin Xuan wants to kill them in the blink of an eye, how is it difficult.

In terms of strength, they are less than the four disciples of the old devil, but they can cooperate with each other, but they must be more difficult.

Lin Xuan’s face is so ugly that the other party has achieved its goal, but it can only do it by itself.

But naturally he will not let the situation worsen.

A glimpse of the sleeves, more Jianguang emerged, facing the golden armor, overwhelming attack, while Lin Xuan mouth whispered, the flame nectar greeted a dragon and a tiger, with their strength, still Not enough to defeat the enemy, but it is also trapped without problems.

Later, Lin Xuan took out the landscape fan again, and there was a big river with a width of several tens of feet on the top of the head. The river was soaring and it was pouring toward the raft.

Although the other side has the help of the array, as a dead body without life, in a certain sense, cooperation, more tacit understanding than the cultivation of the immortals, but after all, it is only equivalent to the late Yuan Ying, how can be compared with today's Lin Xuan.

The sound of cracking was transmitted to the ear. If it was destroyed, Lin Xuan had cut the chopping into a few pieces. Then he turned his body and rushed like two beasts.


The tiger squatted and spit out a fire bomb from his mouth.


Lin Xuan could feel the spiritual power contained in it, and his body shape flashed. He had used nine days of microsteps to escape, and the fire bomb fell into the sea beyond a thousand feet.


The seawater within a few acres of the area is almost evaporated, and numerous water vapors are emerging, spreading toward the surrounding area. The white mist is so thick that it is almost impossible to reach out.

This shows its power!

At this time, Lin Xuan has been teleported to the side of the tiger soul.

The tiger was not afraid, opened his mouth and slammed his mouth toward Lin Xuan.

"The animals are looking for death!"

Lin Xuan was extremely angry and laughed. He was not an ordinary cultivator. He did not mean to dodge. Instead, he made an incredible scene. He put both hands into the mouth of the tiger soul and then grabbed his upper and lower jaws respectively. , a big drink.


The tiger, which is equivalent to the early monk of the clutch, was actually torn by Lin Xuan from his mouth.

The halo flickers, and its soul naturally disappears.

彪悍 is the only description.

The rest of the dragons could not help but show the color of fear.

Originally, the refining of the symbol, to erase the wisdom of the beast, but instinct is after all, seeing the companion fall, it has been dodging and dare not attack, but Lin Xuan naturally will not let it go, body shape flash, Already appeared on the skull of the dragon.

Xiaolong felt that it was not good, and he struggled desperately, but he could not take Lin Xuan off.

Lin Xuan held his horns in one hand, and in one hand he clenched his fists into a fist, and he screamed and slammed down like a rain.

There is no entity in the soul, but the thing that is made into the soul of the beast is naturally different. The sound of the cymbal is constantly transmitted to the ear, and then Lin Xuan’s figure is coming to the tail of the dragon.

Grab its tail, and then like a mortal throwing a hammer, a few rotations, and throwing it away.

Then Lin Xuan hands together, a huge sword appeared.

There is a giant of Baizhang, more thick and thick, and the squatting down, the dragon suddenly separated.

The whole process was complicated, but in fact, it took a lot of effort, and then there was a cold voice coming to the ear: "Yes, it’s good, it’s so easy, it will be ruined by the ancestors."

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