Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1692: Self-seeking

The first thousand six hundred and ninety-two chapters are self-seeking

But no matter what, such a good opportunity, this woman will never let go, Xiu Xian, how can not take a little risk.

However, it seems that God is not thin, Lin Xuan is no longer on this island, there are traces of fighting, the incarnation of the old devil will certainly wake up, I do not know whether the treasure is still here.

But when I want to come, the two sides will be confused when they meet each other. They should not be able to take treasures. Oh, they are cheaper.

Thinking in my heart, this woman’s face could not help but show the ecstasy.

She also understood that there were many long night dreams, and when she was in a flash, she entered the seam.

In front of the dark, this woman does not know, a figure, like a ghost, fluttering, followed behind her.

The seam is not long, and soon, there is light in the front.

However, the light, but green, is like a wildfire, letting people look at it, the scalp is numb.

Then came the exit, and a hall was in sight.

It is said that it is a hall, but it is smoky and smoky. It is more suitable to be a tomb. The area is quite wide, and it is full of a hundred square feet.

The entire tomb was empty, only in the middle, there was a high platform with a huge copper plaque on it.

In the surrounding area, there are also some bronze giant trips, in which green flames are burning.

A feeling of sinisterness.

The woman's gaze swept through the stone room, and her expression changed dramatically.

The entire burial chamber is not like someone who has come, and even the cover is also intact.


She immediately knew that it was inappropriate. Did she want to drive the tiger to swallow the wolf instead of being used by others.

A chill came from the soles of the feet and passed straight into my heart.

This woman's face is pale as paper, like a zombie against the green fire.

The figure flashed and wanted to leave. A cold voice passed from behind: "The Taoist friend went back and didn't know what was going on, could he give Lin a reasonable explanation."

This female amnesty, the eyeballs turned sharply, the most fearful thing was fulfilled, and Lin Xiaozi actually followed her.


When this happened, she knew clearly that the other party could not let herself go anyway.

Since Lin Xiaozi saw his own strategy, needless to say, it is also a thoughtful person. Even if he writes a seamless lie, it is just a self-deprecating affair.

This woman was able to advance to the late stage of the clutch, and naturally it was also the person who killed the decision. In an instant, she understood the pros and cons. She no longer hesitated, and turned back to take a flying sword and squatted toward Lin Xuan.

Ming knows that he can't beat it, but how can he be willing to tie his hands, and the beasts will fight for a fight, and one day will see a **** path.

Unfortunately, this idea is too naive.

Since Lin Xuan appeared, he would be prepared for nothing. Seeing the other side’s sword and looking at his own head, Lin Xuan did not flash and did not hide. He was violently drunk, and the multicolored aura was sprayed, and Biyan’s unicorn came out, then he Stretching out his right hand, the demon gas actually made a multicolored color, and a huge claw appeared.

It was his right hand.

Tianfeng Shenchong!

"Fairy secrets."

The woman was shocked, but some of them were fortunate, the other party fainted, and dared to use their hands to harden their treasures. He thought he was really a demon.

After all, the demon and the talented demon are different. What is the difference between this and death?

The eyes flashed through the tyrannical color. The female hands waved like a runner, and the law slammed out again and again. The sword light became more and more dazzling, but Lin Xuan turned a blind eye, and the claws of the right hand changed to meet.


When the two touched each other, the soothing voice was introduced into the ear, and the spirits burst into the air. The expression of the palace dress woman suddenly changed. The moment before it was ecstasy, but at the moment it was full of stunned shock.

I almost thought that my eyes had a problem.

That Xianjian was actually caught in Lin Xuan’s hand, like a poisonous snake. No matter how fierce it used to be, now seven inches is taken, and it is hard to struggle.

How is this possible?

Even the demon in the late part of the clutch, in addition to a few thick and thick skin, or the cultivation of any special secrets, and never dare to empty hands, to pick up their own sword.

However, the fact is the fact that this woman looks at Lin Xuan’s eyes, full of fear and fear, but she does not intend to give up her own life, reach out and shoot at the waist, it seems to want to take out what Other treasures come.

Lin Xuan’s hand appeared a group of three-colored flames, violently burning, and wrapped the sword.

The blue awning flashes, first it is frozen, and then the poison and corrosion play at the same time. The surface of the sword, countless cracks appear, and then breaks one inch and one inch.


The woman raised her head and spurted out a blood. The life magic weapon was destroyed. She was naturally injured when she was connected. Lin Xuan’s face showed a smile. Waiting for this opportunity, the footsteps moved, the light flashed, and it was already from the place. Disappear.

Then came to the front of the palace girl, the five fingers like a hook, has held her neck.

"The seniors were forgiving, the younger generation... the younger generation never dared again."

"Hey, I thought, I still have a chance?"

Lin Xuan said coldly, how is the woman, he has given the other party a chance, it is her thief not to die, then do not blame yourself.

People always have to pay for their own behavior. There is no pity in the cultivation of the celestial world. The singer is screaming into the ear, and Lin Xuan has already twisted her neck.

A flash of white light, a small Yuan Ying period appeared in front of the eyebrows, but the face is full of panic and color, both hands want to escape.

It may be too late, Lin Xuan’s action is to take a step faster, Qingxia flashes, has turned into a ball of light to confine her.

The woman was shocked and angry, but she was afraid of more ingredients, and her eyes turned around. She couldn’t hesitate to use the technique of collecting souls.

After a slap in the tea, Lin Xuan raised his head and then, in the hands of the fire, turned the **** guy into nothingness.

"The original is like this, I did not expect that there is a poisonous dragon in the Dongfu Guardian." Lin Xuan with his hand, the face reveals a bit of indulgent color.

This can be a bit of a hassle.

I now have two choices, either to give up the treasure, turn around and leave, so naturally there will be no trouble, and there is no need to worry about the outcome.

Either there is only a hard scalp, and the avatar of the poisonous dragon old monster is gone.

As for the outcome, it is somewhat difficult to say that although he is far from being comparable to four hundred years ago, he has already advanced to the middle of the clutch, but the strength of this incarnation is far superior to the original possession, and the outcome is still two.

Lin Xuan also thought about it. If the avatar has not yet awakened, take out the Tongtian Lingbao and give him a note. If you do this, the effect will definitely be effective, but Lingbao’s power is amazing and the treasure will be destroyed.

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