Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1682: Spike

The first thousand six hundred and eighty two chapters spike

Lin Xuan’s face showed a sneer color, just like how to take these people to try their own supernatural powers. The poisonous dragon ancestors have no evil, and his disciples and grandchildren are not good people. As the saying goes, punishment is evil. I killed these guys myself, and it was for the heavens.

The thoughts in my mind turned, Lin Xuan with both hands, a light ball appeared in the palm of his hand, surrounded by the strength of the heavens and the earth, madly poured into here.

This ball of light quickly swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In a blink of an eye, the diameter is more than ten feet.

It seems that the feeling is horrible, Lin Xuan's expression is very satisfied, other magical powers do not say for the time being, after the middle of the advanced clutch, the induction and manipulation of the heaven and earth vitality, but far from the initial time comparable.


There was a trace of fear in the eyes of the great man. He had a few in his heart. If you let the other side attack, these people will only be more passive.

Offense is the best defense. In the face of strong enemies, we must work hard to grasp the fighters.

As he said, he reached out and took a shot in his back, and a group of Guanghua flew out of his mouth.

Silver is shining!

It’s a wheel-shaped implement, the diameter is only a small amount, but a method of smashing out, and soon it’s madly skyrocketing...

As for the other cultivators, they also sacrificed their own treasures, swords and swords, including 18 weapons, and some people took out the long-lost plaques. At this time, life-saving is the most important, who dares to be stupid. Silly Tibetan mastiff, isn't that a joke with a small life?

For a time, the brilliance of the brilliance, the smoldering of the sky, hundreds of monks above the condensate period attack, the momentum is absolutely eye-catching, Lin Xuan if it is a nine-day microstep, want to hide, in fact, it is not difficult, but He has no intention of retreating.

A flash of blue light, nine days of the shield has emerged, wrapped it, the face of the big man showed a hint of joy, the other side is too big too much, even if it is a clutch period, can face hundreds of attacks, even the treasures If you don’t sacrifice it, how is this different from finding death?

The next moment, the treasure of the glory, has swarmed, surrounded by Lin Xuan, and then slammed into the ear like a rain and banana, as if a small stone was cast on the small lake, swaying a circle...

The monks attacked and attacked, and made the strength of breastfeeding. In the face of the clutching period, they did not have the slightest chance of winning. However, the other party made a mistake of underestimating the enemy. This is a golden opportunity, and they will go wrong.

The popping sound continued to pass into the ear, and the violent attack continued for a while, and the number of squares was turned into ruins. Even a mountain peak behind Lin Xuan was razed to the ground.


The gasp sounds into the ears, although the time of fighting is not long, but the monks do their best, the expression on the face, all tired.

However, when the smoke and dust dissipated, the apprentices of Duron's ancestors all had their eyes wide open. Lin Xuan was still suspended in the air, and there was no shift in comparison with the position.

His expression is very flat, just the violent attack, for him, it seems that it is just a breeze, the slightest impact has never been.

Lin Xuan’s face showed a satisfactory color. The defense of Jiudian Lingdun was really good. Compared with before, it was obviously thicker after the promotion.

Looking at the stunned cultivator, Lin Xuan’s mouth showed a hint of ridicule: "You have already played enough, right now, is it my turn?"

The monks are naturally **** and bloodless. Although the great man was the cultivator of the late Yuan Ying, but at this moment, he was also scared to death. If he did not say anything, he immediately turned into a group of glaring white light and flew away. As for others. The life and death of him, he still manages so much.

It can be too late.


Lin Xuan raised his right hand, slowly like the huge ball of light on the top of the head, and slammed it into the ear. The ball of light was broken into a myriad of pieces by the glass in a huge stone.

At the same time, thousands of light blades appeared in the line of sight. Those were fragments of illusion, varying in length, varying in size, and seemingly slow and rushing toward the front.


Suddenly, the screams came one after another, and the monks in the condensate period need not say that even the Yuan Ying period cultivators were easily pierced by the broken light waves.

However, the blink of an eye, hundreds of people who have cultivated the immortals, have already lost more than half.

Only a very small number of people fled to the city. Lin Xuan was not in a hurry. As long as he was the disciple of the poison dragon ancestor, he would all die. Today, standing here, he is destined. No one can do the fish that slips through the net.

A layer of light curtain appeared in sight.

At the center of Duron Island, there is a small city. At this moment, most of the monks on the island have already gathered here. The Guardian’s large group is open, and there is no demand for merit, but there is no need, but I hope to support the small half hour. The four disciples of the ancestors should be able to return here from Xiaoyuan Island.

All four are clutches. When an intruder arrives in the district, it is not enough to fear.

"Second brother, can you watch this day's mysterious dragon array, can you stop this person?" The woman who spoke is a glamorous woman, about twenty-seven or eight years old, also in the late Yuan Ying.

"Reassure, this line is very strong, even if it is the cultivator in the late part of the clutch, it will take a little half a day to be able to break, this person is only in the medium term, and can never break the ground." That is the need for the big man to say so, But the face is full of lingering colors, just he is also lucky to escape, think of Lin Xuan one shot to kill hundreds of cultivators, in fact, there is no bottom.

In front of the two, there is also a silver-haired old man, the exhalation of the atmosphere, but also the late Yuan Ying, but obviously stronger than the big man and the woman, they are screaming at them: "Nothing, the other side But it’s just a clutch. Is it possible to pick me up at Duron Island alone? Second brother, if you didn’t rush to meet the enemy, I wouldn’t have lost the warrior of Dulong Island. This guardian is very strong and the other is Never..."

The voice did not fall, but he widened his eyes and opened his mouth, as if he saw something incredible: "This, this..."

"Master brother."

Dahan and the woman were also busy turning their heads along his eyes and looking at the scene in front of them. They were equally shocked. If they didn’t witness it, the scene in front of them, no matter who said they listened to them, they would not believe it. .

The sound of the rumble was heard in the ears, the whole island was shaking, the gravel was falling like rain, and the front was not far away. The steep and steep mountain was pulled up by Lin Xuan.

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