Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1670: a thousand miles

The first thousand six hundred and seventy-seven chapters are in a thousand miles

The strangely emerging brilliance was dazzling, and it was as if a brocade with a hole was caught by both hands, and the sly was torn to both sides.

In the square, the sky is completely dark, but it can be around the gap, but it is bright and the space is distorted, as if it is being stunned by what terrible power.


The toothy voice was introduced into the ear, and the gap of space that was only a long rule was finally expanded.

Multicolored glaze, a long gap, a few feet wide gap, finally appeared in the line of sight.

Lin Xuan was overjoyed, and he was surrounded by Qing Mang. He was wrapped up by Jiudian Lingdun, and then he recovered the magic fire and treasures. Then he walked in the footsteps. When he stood, the road flashed and Lin Xuan disappeared.

In the distance of dozens of feet, the expression of Yuan Ying’s face has changed. As the old monster of Dong Xuan, he lost his chance because of the moment, and was ruined by the other side.

This hatred does not report to the non-gentleman, how can he endure this bad breath.

After all, if it is because of the inferior strength, he has nothing to say, but the reason why he fell to this field is because he lost his chance and was constrained step by step. Even the real magical spells, even one-third did not play out. A word, hateful!

Yuan Ying’s eyes flashed a touch of grievance, and he did not hesitate to hold Yu Ruyi in his hands, and then held it high above the top. Suddenly, around his body, he appeared half a mile long, and the body shield appeared thick and thick. And did not hesitate to fly out of the gap.

However, this delay, Lin Xuan has been a few miles away.

But it doesn't matter. At this distance, the other party wants to escape, but it is an idiot who says dreams.

Yuan Ying mouth corner reveals a hint of ridiculous color, the body shape is slightly blurred, just like lightning lightning like Lin Xuanfei passed.

However, unexpectedly, Lin Xuan did not flash and did not hide. Two hundred years ago, he had been chased by the Duron ancestors. If it was not by the Wannian Lingma and the nine-day microstep, he had already fallen.

Things are easy to move, Lin Xuan will not let this happen again.

Coincidentally, he learned the mystery of the phantom, and now that he escaped from the space of the shackles, the martial arts contained in this sorcerer's day is naturally not a display, but a useful place.

Can escape a thousand miles at a time.

Although I still can't get rid of the gods of Dong Xuan period, but at least there is room for vacillation, the other side wants to catch up with themselves, it is not so easy.

With the Wannian Lingru, it is not necessary to save the risk.

The thoughts in my mind flashed, Lin Xuan also began to move, raised his hands, crossed the track again and again in the void, and there was a mysterious and simple curse in his lips.

The syllables are strange and extremely different from the pronunciation of the current languages, as if from the ancient times.

Lin Xuan’s body is flashing.

Then it turned red again.

The five-color halo rotates the glass, which looks quaint and mysterious.

Then the auras suddenly swelled up. If there was life, they thought about expanding around. Soon, they filled the mu and covered the body and covered Lin Xuan’s figure.

"The insects are small, so you want to confuse the deity's eyes and ears. It's too naive."

Yuan Ying muttered to himself while raising the jade in his hand, but at this moment, the change was prominent.


A dull burst of crackling sounds into the ears, and then an incredible scene was discovered in front of them. Those auras spread out, but nearly a hundred Lin Xuan came into view.

Each movement is different, but the appearance and body are vivid and perfect, reaching the point of realism.

Yuan Ying was shocked and stunned. He was also well-informed. But what is this secret technique? It’s amazing. Don’t say it, I haven’t even heard it.

And this was a little delayed, the nearby space was twisted and collapsed, and nearly a hundred Lin Xuan scattered, all disappeared from the original place.


Yuan Ying was shocked, but he naturally wouldn’t watch the other side escape. He closed his eyes and released his knowledge. As a cultivator in the early days of Dong Xuan, his knowledge can cover a radius of five thousand miles. The grass and the wood, it means very clear, to master.

More than five thousand miles, you can also perceive it, up to 10,000 miles, but it will not achieve the effect of locking, if the other party is able to escape, it can easily escape.

Although Lin Xuan is a clutch, but it is unclear about these common senses, so from the very beginning he will calculate it and move continuously.

The phantom is so wonderful, but the mana consumed is in an unbearable situation. If you change to a fellow monk and perform it once, it will make his spiritual powers extremely incomparable, but Lin Xuan is not comparable to ordinary monks. He casts twice and there is still a little left in the mana.

This is the benefit of Shuangyingyidan.

A thousand miles away, the light flashed, Lin Xuan emerged in the void, his face was somewhat white.

But he did not hesitate to play for the second time.

In the strange curse, Lin Xuan disappeared.

With a hand-to-hand shot, a small jade bottle emerged and the cork was unplugged. Lin Xuan looked up and swallowed a drop of Wan Nian Ling milk into the abdomen, filled it with mana, and then showed it again.

In this way, Lin Xuan has played a total of six moves before and after, although it does not completely escape the feelings of the other side of the gods, but as long as you are careful, the other side wants to find out, it is impossible.

Lin Xuan’s face is as white as paper. This is not because of the loss of mana, but because the phantom can be a thousand miles away. From the speed, it is far faster than the teleport in the general sense. The burden on the body can be said to be Greatly.

In fact, let alone the human cultivator, even if it is the same-level demon, if Lin Xuan is used for six consecutive times, there will be only one in the end, and the body will explode.

Fortunately, Lin Xuan is far from comparable to the same level monks.

Not only have you cultivated the mystery of the nine-day phoenix dance, but for the past two hundred years, it has been uninterrupted to take the purified kylin fruit, the hard body has reached an incredible point, but so much, everything is, after all, If there is a limit, if you show it again, Lin Xuan can't imagine the consequences...

Fortunately, I finally escaped.

Six thousand miles, still in the sense of the other side of the gods, but as long as he is careful, he will not find the ground, although the whole body is uncomfortable, Lin Xuan still dare not care, converging breath, slowly flew forward.

It is not that he does not want to fly faster, but that this speed will not dissipate too much spiritual power.

At the moment, Yuan Ying has been completely stunned. He closed his eyes and tried to release his knowledge. However, there was no effect, and the other party had no trace at all.

"How is it possible, what is the secret technique, and it will escape five thousand miles in the blink of an eye, let alone the cultivation of the immortals during the clutch period. Even if it is between the monks of the Dong Xuan period, I have never heard of any tricks. Instantly escaped so far away." Yuan Ying muttered to himself, his face was full of incredible.

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