Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1653: Door to the sky

The first thousand six hundred and fifty-three chapters

"Let me try."

The blond old man stepped forward and his face was full of dignity. He did not rashly attack, but reached out and gently tapped on the stone door.

Also with your ears, listen and listen.

Then I looked up at the sky and seemed to be thinking about what the problem was. The whole person’s expression looked strange.

The Taoist old man did not urge him. Although the old man was promoted to Dong Xuan, he was a thousand years later than himself. However, the magical power of cultivation is special and the knowledge is extensive. This trip is naturally based on him.

After a sip of tea, the blond old man suddenly lowered his head, his fingers slightly bent, and scorned on his forehead, as if he had met a problem.

But very quickly, he suddenly looked at his eyes, deep in the bottom, flashed in different colors, and then all the scorpions were shot together, and the two hands danced like butterflies.

Those laws were colorful, and the white light suddenly appeared on the stone door, and there was a clearing sound.


The old man of the road was a bit surprised, but the old man stunned his head: "The old man is really right, this is the door of the space."

"The door to the sky, what is that?"

"It's no wonder that Qiu Daoyou didn't hear about it. I also accidentally saw a description of this thing in an ancient book, but it should be no stranger to space friends."

"The space is old, the old man knows naturally, that is the versatile monk who is proficient in space secrets. If you have the space-like Tongtian Lingbao, it is said to have the same effect." After all, the Taoist old man is the Dong Xuan period, although the last two The millennium is not enterprising, indulging in the Yange dance, but the knowledge is still good after all.

"Daoyou said yes, but he missed a little, or that it is not too accurate, yes, the situation you said can indeed open up an independent space, but unless it is repaired into a robbery period, even The level of Sanxian, even if it is opened up by Lingbao, is only a place, and it can only be a small hole."

"Oh, what should I do if I want a big space?" said the old man curiously.

“It’s very simple, transforming, finding a stable space vortex or gap, and transforming it, which is much easier than opening up. Of course, it is also required that the cultivator must be proficient in space-like spells, and also need to consume a lot of precious material treasures. ""

"It turns out that." The old man's face showed a clear color: "But the Taoist friend suddenly said so much, it should not be targeted."

"Yes, no matter whether you open up or transform the space, the creator, with space secrets, can go in and out, but if other people want to enter, they must have a connection channel, and this connection is far. In the sky, close at hand."

"Doue friends say that the door to the sky, and behind this, is a space?"

"Yes, and this door of the space has been hand-footed. It can only be opened once in a short time, and then it will be sealed."

"That... how can it be good?" The Taoist old man said anxiously that although he was a cultivator in the Dong Xuan period, he was ignorant of the law of space. It was the most difficult of all the laws of heaven and earth.

"Reassured, since I can recognize it, there will naturally be a cracker, but it takes a lot of effort." The blonde old man said proudly, he was full of confidence.

"There is a lot of brothers."

The Taoist old man is overjoyed, but the space is not the same thing. It is generally used to preserve big secrets. This time, in addition to catching a few perpetrators, there may be unexpected gains.

The blessings of the blessings and the plagues of the blessings, the evils of the ancients do not deceive me, this luck, it is hard to say.

"Oh, you're welcome, you have to help your friends in a while."

"No problem, useful to Qiu, the brother said."

Get the other party's promise, the blonde old man no longer said more, the sleeves gown, a lot of things from the inside, the sword and the sword, these are the treasures of great power, in addition to the spar and a few It’s a bit strange that the black ray is black.

There is a trace of doubt in the eyes of the old man in the road, but at this critical juncture, he naturally does not interrupt his mouth.


At the same time, it must be inside the space.


A loud noise came into the ear, and the blue and red shields were finally wiped out.

However, the expression on the faces of the people was very sullen. As early as half an hour ago, the sound in the hall had stopped. In other words, the other party broke the ban earlier than them, and they did not know whether the treasures inside were lacking.

Is it too late to make up for it?

Think here, can't solve the problem, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, they will never give up.

Jin Yiyi took the lead and rushed in.

Although the rest of the people were hesitant, they didn't know if there was any ambush, but when they thought of treasures, they still sneaked in.

Lin Xuan intentionally or unintentionally fell to the end.

After entering the temple door, the scenery inside is natural and unobstructed.

This hall, more than imagined, is even wider, full of tens of thousands of moves, yet it is empty.

Except for a column of roots, there is almost nothing.

No... there is still something.

Some red cloth was scattered on the ground, and there were some murals.

The expression of everyone is a bit ugly.

"Hey, there is a table for it."

After listening to the excitement of Mingquan Fairy, everyone quickly turned to the head and saw that the table was actually behind a flash screen. No wonder that it was not found before. Now naturally, no one wants to miss it, and flies over.

However, the sight of the entry, but it came to a cool heart.

I saw the table, there are three large boxes, each with a length of three feet each, the volume is large, obviously can hold a lot of things.

However, the box has been opened, apparently destroyed by what, as for the things inside, all are missing, have been taken away.

Although this result has long been psychologically prepared, but the eyes of the five people are still dead.

"Damn, which is the **** guy, took away the treasure of this uncle, I want to smash him." Jin Yimu said.

"Yes, don't destroy this bastard, this fairy is also difficult to eliminate the hatred of the heart." Mingquan fairy also did not care about the style, gritted teeth open the mouth.

Master Jin Hao did not say much, his body flashed and ran to a corner where there was a solitary transmission standing, apparently for the connection of layers.

"Is the other party ruining the other end of the transmission line?"

"I don't know, if it is one-way, the other party can't be destroyed, look at luck." Master Jin's voice was introduced into the ear, and then the old man stood up without hesitation, holding both hands and playing with a law. .

Bai Mang poured in, wrapped the old monk, and his figure disappeared.

Everyone was overjoyed, but fortunately things didn't go to the worst. If the transmission was ruined, they would have nothing to do but cry. There was no place to cry.

The crowd did not delay, this transmission array can only accommodate one person, one by one to stand up, this time Lin Xuan did not scorn anything, Mingquan fairy is falling to the end.

But the distance is too short, in fact, it is the front and rear feet.

The second floor is slightly smaller than the first floor, the entrance is a mess, and there are still some destroyed pieces.


Mingquan fairy boring miniature: "Sirius three talents, impossible, the other party can actually break this array of methods, is it the old monster of Dong Xuan period?"

"Oh, does the fairy know this kind of formation?" Lin Xuan’s eyes flashed in the eyes and slowly opened.

"Well, chances have been met, I have seen it, the ordinary clutch period monk, it is very difficult to break." Mingquan fairy said so, the eyes flashed a trace of fear.

"This is not necessarily the case, maybe the other party is good at practicing the law?"

"Well, this is possible." The woman glimpsed slowly.

"Hey, what are you here, why do you want to find treasure when you are afraid of death, and then delay here, the enemy has escaped."

Jin Yi’s face flashed a violent color, and he screamed and screamed into his body and rushed in.

Of course, this guy is also thick and thin, treasures and spiritual power are fully open, slightly encounter the barrier, you can counterattack at any time.

The remaining four were hesitant and he followed, even if they faced a strong enemy, they would never give up.

Another hall was greeted, still empty, and some **** was scattered on the ground. Obviously, the treasure fell into the hands of the enemy. However, there is no difference. The second floor has a ladder leading to the third floor. .

Jin Yi shouted, his eyes were red, and he was about to rush up. At this moment, the voice of the silk screen Yilan was passed to the ear: "Hey, what is this?"

Everyone turned their heads and saw a big hole in the distant wall. It was apparent that they were forced to open up with external force.

The Mingquan fairy was slightly picked, and a transparent fairy sword flew out. It looked like it was carved out of ice.

The slammed into the wall, the squeaking sounds loud, and several runes blocked the attack.

In other words, the surrounding walls are banned and quite powerful.

And the walls themselves are very solid, how the other party is broken.

Is it really a cave cultivator?

At the thought of this speculation, everyone also had some wars.

Do you want to chase it?

Even Jin Yi is also dying, he does not think that he can deal with the old monsters of Dong Xuan.

It is really unwilling to give up the treasure in this way.

It’s hard to come here, but there are very few harvests, and the treasures are lost unclearly. I really feel that my heart is very wrong.

"Master, what do you think should be, take an idea?"

At least on the surface, Master Jin Hao is the highest one, and as a promoter, what he said is also the most weighty.


The monk scratched his head and was also undecided. At this time, Lin Xuan’s voice was heard in the ear: “You’re friends, the tone of adventure is tracking, why not look at the third layer?”

"the third floor?"

"Yes, the other side will break out from here, and should not have time to go to the third floor."

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