Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1622: 墨月天巫诀

The first thousand six hundred and twenty-two chapters

Lin Xuan was overjoyed, and he did not hesitate to look at it.

These words are simple and simple, but they all know each other. The words of the Moyue people have been learned in the human world. Although there is a slight difference in front of them, there is no problem in understanding them.

"Mo Moon Day and Witch."

The most conspicuous is the opening of the five gold characters, which is bigger than the others. Lin Xuan muttered to himself, and his face was also serious.

Obviously, this is a practice.

Inscribed in the ring of the goddess of the gods, and also the bizarre fire, can be opened, obviously something extraordinary.

Lin Xuan flashed a hint of excitement in his eyes and began to study word by word.

But soon, Lin Xuan's brows were deeply wrinkled. This practice is actually difficult and profound. It can be said that the words are mysterious, the sentences are wonderful, and they must be understood word by word. The process is slow to the extreme.

Originally, Lin Xuan was prepared to stay here for a few days. I know that it was just a matter of studying the practice. It took nearly three months.

Fortunately, I have put a lot of goods on the counter of the restaurant, otherwise maybe the other party is coming.

However, Lin Xuan did not feel worthless, but instead was full of excitement.

Despite so much time, he only learned a half of this practice.

However, it has benefited a lot, and the monks who created this practice have admired the five bodies.

Compared with it, the nine-day Xuan Gong that he cultivated is simply a thing to lie to children.

Lin Xuan, the master of the top-level abilities of the spiritual world, has not seen it, but the power of this martial art will never differ too much, and even more so is possible.

This method is the treasure of the Mozu people's towns, but the monks who practiced it in the past are few, because the conditions are harsh, and the first is to reach the clutch, because this method is just right for the clutch period. The second is that you must have the five elements of the roots and be able to mobilize the five elements for your own use.

This is almost impossible, the five elements of the roots, rare to the point of horrible, look at the entire spiritual world, millions of years in the vertical and horizontal, and few people have this rare spiritual root.

When Lin Xuan saw this, the brow was first wrinkled, and then the expression was soothing. His own five elements were not, but the chance was coincident, but it created a special system. It can also drive the five elements. It is reasonable to say that this is the moon. There should be no problem.

The thoughts in my mind flashed, and Lin Xuan had already smiled.

Breaking through the iron shoes, there is no need to work hard. I was guilty of the next practice. Now I am thinking that I am going to sleep and someone has sent a pillow.

This ink month is the power of the sorcerer, if it is refining, the leapfrog challenge does not dare to say that the same level of invincibility should not be considered extravagant.

However, after all, the life-threatening method is not so big, Lin Xuan will not make a rash choice, re-raise his head, his eyes flow on the piece of gold, and begin to study one word at a time.

Think carefully!

Xiu Xian has no years, unconsciously, and has spent half a year working hard.

At this time, Lin Xuan was full of bitterness. If he was poured a bucket of cold water, the original excitement meant nothing.

It’s not that the moon and the moon are not good, the power of it is great, the wonder of the gods is far more than expected, like the magical fire, the true spirit is the secret technique attached to it, from this point, too It can be seen that the magic of this exercise is wonderful.

The key is that what is recorded in this ring is only a quarter of this practice.

Mo Yue Tian Wu Yu is divided into the first chapter, the middle chapter, the next chapter and the four chapters of the soaring chapter.

Corresponding to the four realms of separation, Dong Xuan, distraction, and cross-robbery.

What is recorded in this ring is only the first one.

Lin Xuan sighed, and it was an incomplete practice. He could only cultivate to the peak of the clutch period, and then faced the use of reactive power.

His face was gloomy and extreme, thinking about the possibilities and advantages and disadvantages of practicing this practice.

In my heart, Lin Xuan is really heart-warming. He believes that he has no other adventures and is unlikely to find a better practice.

This is the moon and the sorcerer, he does not want to give up, but only the practice of the part of the clutch period, but also really too tasteless.

To know the frequent replacement of major exercises, but the disadvantages are greater than the benefits, not only consume a lot of time, sometimes even several exercises in the body conflict.

If it is light, it will be plunge, and if it is serious, it will be ruined.

It is a pity that it is tasteless, and it is a pity that it is tempting.

Lin Xuan scratched his head and for a moment, did not know what to do.

Suddenly, his gaze was attracted to the treasure of the tree.

What is recorded in it, will it be also the moon?

It’s not that Lin Xuan’s thoughts, but the fact that this thing has been recorded in the Bi-Fantasy fire, and that it’s also related to Mo Yuetian’s witch.

Thinking about it in my mind, Lin Xuan was in a hot heart.

Because this thing is similar to Yuji Jane, Lin Xuan did not really try to open it in other ways.

Now naturally, I don’t want to think about it. Lin Xuan’s hands rekindle the bizarre fire...

In the same way, when the faint flame of the tree wraps the roots of the tree, hey, there is a clear sound, and then the treasure glows, and it trembles automatically.

Lin Xuan was overjoyed, his eyes staring at the treasures in front of him.

In a few moments, the light became brighter and brighter, and then it skyrocketed...

After a while, re-distribute, there is still a tree-like thing in front of you, replaced by a green jade like a new jade.

Lin Xuan was overjoyed, holding this thing in his hands, his eyes were half-smooth, and he sank into the gods.

A big gold word appeared in my mind.


The eyes swept over, Lin Xuan was overjoyed, and there is no mistake. This jade syllabary records that it is not another magical mystery. In addition to the bizarre smoldering fire and the real spirit, the latter is the moon and the moon. The middle part of the practice.

In other words, this Gong Lin Xuan has already had half, and it has been possible to cultivate to the peak of Dong Xuan period without problems.

Putting down the jade, Lin Xuan sat in the rocking chair and meditated.

It turned out that the one who was handed over to himself was actually this thing.

The cultivation practice of Dong Xuan period!

No wonder that God can't pass through the advanced clutch.

This discovery has increased the feasibility of studying the moon and the moon.

After all, from now on to the peak of Dong Xuan, Lin Xuan himself does not know how long it will take, even if it is tens of thousands of years.

There are still so long years, the practice after the distraction period, now it is precautionary, it is too early.

Lin Xuan looked at the two treasures in his hand. He was very embarrassed at the moment. Should he use Mo Yuetian Wushu as his main practice?

This determination is really bad!

After a long period of indifference, Lin Xuan re-infiltrated the gods into the jade, and with his current realm, there is no way to enlighten the practice of the Dong Xuan period, but God can still judge it.

Take a look at it and make a decision.

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