Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1619: Ring, cold and ice

The first thousand six hundred and ninety-nine chapter rings, cold and ice

“Is there any relationship here with the Moyu people?”

Lin Xuan muttered to himself and followed the puppy.

Yes, this statue is the same as the one in memory. It is indeed the goddess of the goddess of the Mohs.

In other words, this place is the remains of the Moyu people in the spiritual world.

"Wang Wang."

The scream of the puppy was introduced into the ear, and Lin Xuan was awakened from meditation.

"and many more."

Lin Xuan let the puppy stay in the same place, and then one person walked toward the statue.

Nine heads and eighteen arms, when I saw it for the first time, I didn’t think that Lin Xuan’s knowledge was so wide that I couldn’t help but secretly sneak a sneak peek. What is the sorcerer’s goddess and the little Luo Tianfa learned from the piano heart? relationship.

The eyes swept over, and the expression of the law did not say for a moment. The movements of the eighteen arms really coincided with a certain posture in the French phase.

It should not be possible to happen.

Originally, Lin Xuan’s goal was to burn corals for thousands of years, but now the situation is special, and his attention has been attracted by the remains of the Moyu people.

For this family, Lin Xuan is very interested.

The illusion of the sky, is born out of the magical power of the family, if the poisonous lord is not harmed by the traitor, the speed of cultivation is faster than himself.

He avenged himself. He also used the treasure of the town as a reward. Unfortunately, the jade is too strange, and his own knowledge cannot be completely opened.

So far, I have only learned two kinds of secret techniques: Biyue smoldering and real spirits. There are still some things behind Lin Xuan who are very interested.

He was pointed to a micro-bomb, and another jade was swept out and smashed on the altar. There was nothing wrong with it. There was no prohibition on it.

Lin Xuan sighed and then walked slowly.

At the beginning, I didn't pay attention. After approaching, a small detail attracted Lin Xuan's sight.

The god's index finger on the left hand carries a delicate ring.

There is no spiritual airflow on the top. If it is a general cultivator, it will be negligent in all likelihood, but Lin Xuan’s observation is very nuanced.

In the idol, there are other "jewelry", but they are all carved. Only this small ring is a foreign object, which is a bit awkward.

With the hand to pay, Lin Xuan has made a decision.

A sleeve of gown, a blue light hand flew out, came to the front of the stone statue, gently hooked, the ring was taken to the hand.

Lin Xuan, who was originally an enemy, was relieved and no accidents occurred.

Then the light hand flew back and the ring fell into his palm.

Lin Xuan brows this thing in front of his eyes, and looked over and over again.

It's not a ritual, it seems to be just an ordinary ring.

It’s a pity that God’s knowledge is shielded here, otherwise it can be investigated.

Lin Xuan sighed and first took the material into the bag. After waiting to go out from here, it was not too late to study.

After doing all this, Lin Xuan began to search on the altar, not letting go of any corner, but this time Lin Xuan was disappointed, except for the ring, did not find any valuable things.

"Wang Wang." The sound of the dog's voice was introduced into the ear. Lin Xuan turned his head and saw the puppy's face, showing a very anthropomorphic impatience.

Lin Xuan is a bit speechless.

However, he did not want to delay, first find the eternal fire coral, and then search for this ruin.

"Well, take the lead."

With Lin Xuan's instructions, the puppy stood up and came to the back of the altar. A small circle appeared in front of it, with a very beautiful pattern on it.

It looks a bit similar to the transmission array, but it is not the same.

The puppy jumped to the center of the circle.


Subsequently, the surface of the body burned a layer of fire.

The entire array was reflected in red, and then the space began to vibrate, a fiery red gap, slowly appearing in sight.

At the beginning, there was only a thin one, and then it gradually became larger. In the gap, there was a faint light.

"what is this?"

Lin Xuan’s face was amazed, a bit like a space gap, but with a slightly different look.


The puppy jumped in.

Lin Xuan was hesitant, and he also fell into the gap.


Lin Xuan looked around and looked at the strange land in front of him. His face looked cloudy and uncertain.

Looking into the distance, the white sky, the sky is white, the earth is also white, or, not the earth, but a white world of ice.

Here, the knowledge of God has not been suppressed, and there are more than ten miles of land.

And the aura is very abundant, almost a few times the Linhai City.

"Independent space!"

Lin Xuan whispered to himself and soon recognized his place.

It’s strange to say that the channel just now, like the gap in space, it seems that this place should be the ancestors of the Moyu people, sealed on the seabed.

A strange cold body, Lin Xuan is cold, but also a spirited fight.

Busy breath, the body's law is running, and this cold weather has been suppressed.

If you change a fairy, you will see this kind of environment. In all likelihood, you will be puzzled. The fire of the year is a treasure in the fire attribute material. How can you grow in such a cold place?

However, Lin Xuan has no doubts. Everything is in harmony with each other. For example, within the Sanzhang where the snakes are infested, there must be detoxification spirit grass. This is exaggerated, but in terms of reason, it is true.

Therefore, the best material of the fire attribute exists in the extremely cold place, and there is no doubt at all.

The bark of the bark came to the ear, and the cold here had no effect on the puppy. He ran like a hill in front.

Said to be a mountain, in fact, not too high.

However, the entire independent space, only this thing, it is conspicuous.

Lin Xuan also flew without hesitation. At the mountainside of this mountain, there is a cave with a diameter. If there is no mistake, the fire of the year should be in this cave.

Lin Xuan’s dawn was so fast that he almost came to the cave.

The cold suddenly increased a lot. Lin Xuanguang was running mana, but some could not resist it. Surprised, Lin Xuan was drunk, and a tri-color flame swept away from his mouth.

Then I rushed to my body.

The magical spirits are endless, but naturally they will not hurt Lin Xuan’s own.

Then a layer of three-color light curtain appeared on the surface of his body, burning and burning.

The coldness disappeared and there was no trace.

Lin Xuan’s face flashed a thoughtful color.

These cold, pure and extreme, seems to have existed for countless years, if you can refine it, it will be of great benefit to the monks who cultivate the magic of ice properties.

However, although it is not an ice attribute spell, the illusion of the sky is extremely cold.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan moved to the extreme, a pair of sleeves, a small jade bottle flew out, but this is not the ordinary bottle of medicinal herbs, but the implement.

Lin Xuan beat out with a law, accompanied by a scorn: "Receive!"

Suddenly, a Qingxia flew out and took a cold chill in the vicinity and took it into the bottle.

Of course, the cold is far more than this. The jade bottle is suspended in the air, and the blue light is sprayed. After a full meal of effort, the cold is finally swept away.

Lin Xuan met, his face showed a big color, a beckoning hand, the jade bottle flew back, and then Lin Xuan put a silver symbol on the surface of the bottle.

This kind of purity is extremely cold for many years, but there is not much elsewhere. The value is not as good as that of the fire. But if you get the square, I am afraid that even if it is the old monster of Dong Xuan, it will inevitably compete for it.

The old saying goes that there is a blessing in the end of the disaster. This sentence really has some truth.

Then Lin Xuan went in with the puppy like a cave.

Not too deep, but the appearance of more than 20 feet, the ice walls on both sides, are also Guanghua.

"Wang Wang." The puppy ran somewhere, squatted down, and his face was very anthropomorphic and revealed the color of pleading.

"Reassure, although I will take your body, it will not hurt you."

Lin Xuan touched the head of the puppy. This is not a false statement. Once, this little guy is really cute. Secondly, if you practice it as a treasure, you don’t have to wipe it out. Of course, What is the situation, how to do it in a very specific way, you have to wait until you have checked the classics.

Under the ice, Lin Xuan felt the power of the fire, not to mention, the eternal fire coral, buried in the ground.

Nothing to delay, Lin Xuan's sleeves glanced, a few swords and fish swim out, squatting down, but only a few sword marks.

So hard!

Lin Xuan is very surprised, although it is an ordinary sword, but with his strength, will not be inferior to the strike of the monk in the late Yuan Ying.

This is not an ordinary ice!

Lin Xuan was shocked and happy, and he was able to catch his eyesight. I saw it in the ice. There were some blue granular things that flowed around.

It seems that it looks like a blue sea of ​​stars.

Of course not, this is the ice marrow.

As the name implies, it is the essence of the cold. On the rare and precious level, it is not necessarily inferior to the perennial fire coral. This time it was really made.

Unfortunately, the number is small, only this small area, other places are ordinary ice.

But when people want to be content, Lin Xuan is very happy. He said that if there is a big disaster, there will be a blessing. The ancients will not deceive me.

Excavating with sword gas is too slow, Lin Xuan simply took out the magic edge sword.

With the help of Tianlinglingbao, it is natural to cut the tofu, and soon a few large pieces of ice will be excavated, and then Lin Xuan will put them all into the bag.

Then Lin Xuan did not stop, continue to dig down, the temperature is getting higher and higher, finally, a beautiful thing, caught in the eye.

“This is the eternal fire coral?”

Lin Xuan’s eyes showed a sigh of color, and the things in front of him were bright and dazzling. The height was about three feet. The top part of the fork seemed to be similar to the antlers.


The puppy shook his tail and then jumped down and joined the treasure. This proves that this is a million-year-old fire coral.

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