Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1617: Greedy, don't kill

The first thousand six hundred and seventy-seven chapters are not greedy

The trick is good, but it's impossible for this little strategy to fool yourself.

Lin Xuan's wrist flipped, and the illusion of the sky came out, wrapping his entire palm, and fearlessly caught the hot flame.

The flame that the puppy has turned into does not flash and does not hide. The other party does this with bare hands and is almost the same as finding death.

Presumably the next moment, his arm will be turned into ashes.

“砰” sighed into the ear, blue and red light illuminate, intertwined, cold and hot, screaming loudly...

For a time, no win or lose.


Lin Xuan was amazed, not angry and rejoicing, this million years of fire coral, the level of magic is still far above his imagination.

Actually able to withstand the magical skyfire!

Taking a breath, Lin Xuan’s mana swarmed out.

In the meantime, the blue light is booming, and it shrinks sharply. In a flash, the red flame is wrapped inside, and it is constantly tightening.


The horrified dog barked into the ear, and the white puppy appeared again.

The claws were scribbled, desperately resisting, but they did not help, and soon became an ice sculpture.

The puppy still keeps a cute image of the tongue and the soil.

Lin Xuan sighed.

It’s not easy to catch this thing. The gown is smashed, and a Qingxia flies out. It sweeps around and Lin Xuan will take the flag into his arms.

Then turned into a shocking rainbow like a fly over the sky.


After a day and a night, Lin Xuan has appeared thousands of miles away.

Of course, this distance, with his idle speed, is naturally coming.

However, in order to force out the place where the fire coral is located in the middle of the road, it took some effort.

Starting this puppy to live and die, let Lin Xuan give it a bitter and unyielding image.

For this kind of thing, there is no way to display the soul of the soul.

In the face of the "strong" puppy Lin Xuan once did not know.

Later, it was also a coincidence. When Lin Xuan was looking for a bag, he accidentally took a brilliant spar with a fire attribute.

Then this little guy showed a mouth-watering color.

Lin Xuan met, and when he was in the heart, he took this best spar and used it as a temptation for beauty...

I didn’t have much hope, but I tried it.

As a result, there was something that made Lin Xuan speechless.

The mighty dog ​​that can't be succumbed is actually greedy and ruthless. In the face of the temptation of the best spar, he actually said the place where he was.

This result, Lin Xuan is happy, but also a little laughter.

It seems that the puppy's temperament character can't be speculated by common sense.

Although the best spar is rare, Lin Xuan does not care about it. Before the death row is over, it is not enough to eat. So when I get what I want, I will give the best spar to the cute puppy.

This is a strange sea area, even more remote than the coral island.

At this time, the genius is bright and look like, except for the blue or the blue, within a range of more than a thousand miles, there is not even one island.

"Your body, right here?" Lin Xuan turned his head and his voice was flat.

"Wang, Wang Wangwang."

The scream of the puppy was introduced into the ear, and the eyes were full of resentful colors. From time to time, there was still saliva flowing out, looking cute and ridiculous to the extreme.

At this time, its entire body, has been released from the ice, the surface is restored to freedom, but in the dark, Lin Xuan has a few imprisonment.

"Reassure, as long as I find the fire coral of the year, I will naturally give you the remaining Lingshi." Lin Xuan touched the head of the puppy and smiled.

Be careful not to be wrong, he naturally does not want to be cheated by a puppy.

Therefore, even if the other party "submits", Lin Xuan will only give it a splendid spar, and the rest will have to wait until he finds a thousand years of fire coral.

The puppy is naturally depressed. She once shouted loudly and protested. However, Lin Xuanli ignored it. When he was annoyed, he gave it a burst of anger, letting the little guy understand what is called the situation is stronger than the people.

This is not Lin Xuan bullying the animal. In his heart, he likes the puppy quite a bit. If it is possible, Lin Xuan hopes that this little guy will be alive even if he will make a thousand years of fire coral into a treasure.

Of course, that was the problem in the future. After being confirmed from the sound of the puppy, Lin Xuan reached out and took the Wujinlongjia shield.

Turned into a layer of blue reticle to protect the whole body, and then flashed into the green mans, fell into the sea.

Lin Xuan’s movements were not very urgent, but he sank to the bottom at a constant speed.

Looking at it, the sea water is blue, but as it goes deeper, it gradually becomes darker, but this is no problem. The eyes of the monk are originally washed by the Yijing.

What's more, Lin Xuan will also be the **** of heaven and phoenix, that is, the depths of the sea, and have no influence on him.

However, after a quarter of an hour, Lin Xuan’s face showed a shock, although his technique was not fast, but for a long time, the depth of the decline should be 10,000 meters.

According to common sense, it should have reached the bottom of the sea.

Ke Lin Xuan looked at it, but the bottom is deep.

"Little guy, you shouldn't lie to me." Lin Xuan's cold voice came into the ear, looking at the puppy's expression, and some were not good.

"Wang, Wang Wangwang."

The puppy seems to have been insulted, leaning his head away, a face of your unbelief, facing Lin Xuan's shock, simply closed his eyes and ignored.

So have a character?

Lin Xuan can't smile, the angry expression of the puppy, it doesn't look like it's installed. Do you really marry it?

Lin Xuan touched his nose and hesitated. He didn't give the little guy a bitter taste. He continued to explore. The fires of the year were not the same, and the environment was not unique.

Of course, if he does this, it does not mean that he has no doubt at all.

Be careful or not.

The gowns glimpsed, and the two rings flew out, and the silver light glared, and the turbid waters around them were all shining.

He hovered around the body, and Lin Xuan’s hand also buckled a character.

In this way, even if there is any change, I can handle it.

Then Lin Xuan continued to sink to the bottom, but this time, the speed is even slower, and I am very careful.

The key point is that there is a very strange shielding effect on the gods here. There is almost no use, the distance detected is not even the **** of the sky.

Therefore, Lin Xuan will doubt whether the puppy has deceived himself.

After a small meal, it is estimated that tens of thousands of meters have been made. When Lin Xuan was somewhat impatient, a faint light finally appeared in sight.

Is it the bottom of the sea?

Lin Xuan was overjoyed, and he took a breath and took the Tianfeng **** to the extreme. Then, an incredible scene appeared in his sight.

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