Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1608: Nine days and nine nights

The first thousand six hundred and eighty eight nine days and nine nights

So Lin Xuan was helpless and could only run casually.

There were even several turnings in the middle of the road. I wanted to get rid of the other party. The result was not achieved. Instead, I was more and more deviated from Hongye Island. Now I know where the inexplicable place has gone.

Lin Xuan’s mouth is full of smiles.

However, the old monster can't be slackened. This old monster is completely provoked by himself, otherwise it will not be so sinister and self-contained.

If he is chased by him, he can guess what is going on with his toes.

Lin Xuan has been fighting with each other, and now the semi-devilized old devil is much more powerful.

It’s not so easy to get caught up here and want to get out.

Therefore, Lin Xuan did not dare to pretend that he thought, can only escape with one heart and one mind.

Behind him, the poisonous dragon old devil is also a depressed face. He was repeatedly played by Lin Xuan. He was ironic to sculpt the boy, and then tortured his Yuan Ying with a magic fire. Otherwise, it is hard to eliminate the hatred of the heart.

Originally according to his speculation, although this kid is not weak, there are many secrets and treasures, but after all, it is only the cultivator in the early days of the clutch, where he can escape.

After all, he gave up this possessive body, and after using the "passing the air to pass the Dafa", he has been able to play the ontology, nearly two-fifths of the strength.

Although the secret technique of the kid's escape is strange, but this kind of martial arts is obviously extremely mana-consuming. Even if the other party is a clutch, it will not last long.

It’s also a good idea to catch it first and then chase the red leaf fairy.

But this time, what happened to the old devil happened.

Lin Xuan's resilience is far stronger than his imagination.

After an hour, Lin Xuan’s speed was as fast as he was, and he was shocked.

After two hours, the old devil is already wondering if Lin Xuan is using some kind of spell that temporarily enhances the real element.

The sky is darkened, the sun sets on the hillside, and the face of Duron's ancestors has already been haunted to the extreme, and he is miscalculated. This kid must have a treasure that instantly restores mana, for example, Wannian Lingru.

Have you made a mistake, this kind of anti-sky thing, how he got it.

Even if I catch Lin Xuan right away, it is too late to chase the red leaf fairy.

Damn, completely destroying his own plan.

The old devil was furious and even more eager to let Lin Xuan cramp his skin, so he broke the can, and the matter about plotting Hongye Island was suspended.

In any case, catch this abominable boy first.

So there was the above chase, the two nine days and nine nights, never sleep, one after the other, flew out thousands of miles away.

Lin Xuan secretly complained, it seems that behind this, is really eating the scales of iron and iron, not letting themselves go, this problem can be a bit serious, because the distance can not be extended, Lin Xuan even has the means to plan and not display come out.

It can only be like this.

Although there is still a lot of bottles of Wannian Lingji, there is no problem for supporting for another month, so how can we count down?

Since Lin Xuan's advanced Yuan Ying, he rarely ate such a bitterness. When he was in Xuanyuan City, he was not so embarrassed by the Huitong monk.

I am still too big, because after the spiritual world, the monks who contacted were even less powerful than themselves, and they slacked off.

How to forget, here is the upper interface, even if the East China Sea Xiu Xianjie is inconspicuous in hundreds of small interfaces, there are always high-level existence.

Dong Xuan, actually terrible to this extent, Lin Xuan, who has always been used to the challenge, is accepting the lesson.

There are some gaps that can be compensated for not by magical powers and realms.

Perhaps the recent life is too comfortable, and he has forgotten some of the storms of the immortal world.

This time it is a reminder.

The thoughts in my mind turned, Lin Xuan still fled in the wind, how can I get rid of the old demon behind me.

It’s really thrilling to say this way, and it’s not to be slack.

In addition to the poisonous dragon old monsters, but also be wary of the beasts of the beasts in the sea, just a few days ago, Lin Xuan was rushing to escape, met a group of whales, about two or three hundred heads, inexplicably pounced on themselves.

Although it was only a third-order sea beast, it was very easy to kill, but with a little delay, the old demon almost caught up. As a result, Lin Xuan was like a fire in the ass, and he was not caught.

Later, the old devil was not lucky. When he encountered a huge ancient beast attack, Lin Xuan was slightly farther away.

But now it’s obviously not a single game, and it’s hard to continue to spend it.

What Lin Xuan didn't know was that the "Dragon Dragon Old Devil" in the back was already in amazement, and his heart was already embarrassed.

Things found this step, but it was bigger than he had expected, and the headache was extremely extreme.

If he uses the ontology at this time, even if he can't catch up with the kid in front, he is not afraid to consume it with him. After all, the gap between Dong Xuan and the clutch period is not so easy to talk about, even if there is more Wan Lingling milk, He also has the confidence to drain it.

But now there is a possessive body in the district, and it also displays the secret technique of passing the Dafa through the air. His mana is quite there, but the flesh can't support it. If you chase it down, it will sometimes collapse.

Give up and don't chase it, and ride the tiger hard. It is played by the juniors again and again. It is hard to eliminate this evil in the chest.

Of course, this reason is not the most important one. There is a reason why the old devil does not say it, but the heart has actually been taboo to the extreme.

It’s this Lin Xiaozi’s early days, but it’s hard to get around in such a way. If he waits for him to advance to Dong Xuan, isn’t he a fish on the cutting board?

The other side is a cultivator who has risen from the lower bounds. These flying monks can practice in the resource-poor human world to the clutch, regardless of their heart and qualifications.

After these people reach the spiritual world, the chances of advanced Dong Xuan are far more than those of their peers. Even if they practice to the rear, they may not be distracted.

Of course, the latter two stages are just legends, at least the small interface of the East China Sea has never been seen.

But no matter what, the poison dragon magic ancestor has a sense of crisis, he is not willing to raise the tiger, the danger must be killed in the cradle, as the saying goes, carefully drive the ship for thousands of years, if the son of this surname Lin grows up, his own end It will definitely be very miserable.

Old monsters like him, I don’t know how many years have passed since I lived. I’m talking about the calmness of my temper and the temperament of my heart, but it’s far more than Lin Xuan’s.

It seems that only done so, although there is no absolute certainty, but that is the only way to kill this Lin Xiaozi.

In the eyes of the old devil, there was a fascinating color and a scorpion venom. Then, when the light was slowed down, it suddenly stopped, and then the hands were lifted up, and the flames were soaring, and then the waves were changed, and the law was fought together...

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