Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1600: First-line odds

The first thousand six hundred chapters first-line odds

"act recklessly!"

The old devil's face showed the color of anger, and he did not see any extra movements. The surrounding world and the vitality gathered together, a yellow ball of light, covering his entire body.

Subsequently, the incomparable poison dragon dragon ancestor was drowned by the treasure thunder, but in addition to the dense sound of rain and banana, the old monster was unharmed.

Then he slammed his sleeves, and a large black light flew out. He flew halfway through and divided into hundreds of shares. If there was life, he flew over to the monks.

The public repairs, but those lights are too fast, they simply can't avoid, they are gone from the sky.

Then there was a layer of blackness on their faces, and their eyes became awkward in a flash.

"what is this?"

Other unsuccessful monks were amazed at the surprise, but then, those black-faced monks were desperately attacking like them.

For a time, the situation was chaotic, because the warehousing was changed, and many of the immortals who did not respond were all in the same place, and died under the butcher’s knife.

And the other clever, they get together to resist the attacks of the black gas monks.

"Is it a win?"

The red leaf fairy went to the point and attacked the flying sword, but the jade was already cold.

The other monks had similar ideas, but they quickly shook their heads.

This speculation is too ridiculous. It is one-on-one, as long as it is the old devil of the Dong Xuan period. It is impossible to win hundreds of cultivators at the same time.

The other party's display should be some kind of secret technique that can temporarily control the low-level monks' knowledge, but it is meaningless to think about it now.

The glare of the glare, the various stunned rainbows intertwined in the sky, the poisonous dragon ancestors but the gestures, let the thousands of monks have to kill each other.

On the other hand, Lin Xuan and Wan Beast are also not good, and the strength of the other side is far above the imagination.

Originally thought that the other side's possession of Dafa is flawed, but the old devils raise their hands, but they display a variety of great powers and secret techniques, and they simply do not care.

Is it your own guess?

Kelin Xuan always feels that there is doubt. If the old devil is so strong now, at the beginning, there is no need to play with anything.

He must have weaknesses, but unfortunately he can't find it.

In my mind, Lin Xuan has been looking for a chance to get away.

He couldn't feel like a hard-hitting monk, and he didn't have much chance of winning.

"Wan brother, this way you will sooner or later will be broken by each, it is better to fight with it." Lin Xuan lips slightly moving quietly.

"Hey, do you have any idea?" The cold voice of the beast was introduced into the ear, although at this moment, the two are on the same front, but for Lin Xuan, the beast has no good face.

The tone is cold and cold, but this little section Lin Xuan certainly does not care, the cold voice is heard into the ear: "Wan brother, for a while you use the monster of the head of the snake to attract the attention of the old devil, it is best to hold him back Then, Lin rushed forward and gave him a pass to the heavenly treasure. This old demon is even a dragon's scorpion in the cave period, but after all, it is only a possessive body in the district. It is impossible to see Lingbao as nothing. When we attack together, this is the only chance to win."

"To contain the old demon, is this incarnation of the deity not a lot more fierce?" The cold voice of the beasts of the beasts was introduced into the ears, obviously a bit unwilling.

"What is the meaning of Daoyou, Lin, what to do, is there no risk at all, no tigers, no tigers, you are not willing to be an embodiment of the avatar, when the old devils are broken, only I am afraid that even the soul will be refining him."


Although the beasts of the beasts are not willing, they also understand that Lin Xuan said that it is just right. If you even fall down, is it still useful?

Finally reluctantly agreed.

Lin Xuan overjoyed: "That depends on doing things."

The beasts of the beasts screamed and screamed with both hands, and the monster of the head of the snake's body actually grew a head, and the cultivation was also raging in an instant. From the beginning of the clutch, it rose to the mid-term.

However, the face is full of pain, the surface of the body, there are also black blood seeping out, obviously using some magical secret technique, repairing for a short period of skyrocketing, but the body has been unable to withstand, even if the old devil does not shoot, can not use How long does it take for this beast to be incarnate and die.


When the beasts of the beasts are pointing out, the demon beast will smash the body toward the poisonous dragon, and at the same time open the mouth of the blood basin, a white mist sprays from one mouth, and another one sprays it out. Black and red magic fire.

Even the grounding, the momentum is amazing, and rushed toward the old magic.

"court death!"

The poisonous dragon's face showed an unexpected color, and a dry right hand extended, and then an incredible scene took place. The cracked bones of the scorpion screamed into the ear, and his woody-like right hand, Huang Mang, let go. It became the claw of the dragon.

There are more than ten feet in the long legs, and the surface is covered with black scales. The claws are sharp to the extreme, and the muscles are knotted. It looks like a full-bodied explosive force.


To be correct, this old monster shows the prototype. Don't look at his current "weak wind". His body is a poisonous man who is more than a hundred feet long.

The old devil grinned, revealing a stinking yellow tooth, and the changed dragon's claws violently stretched, and the sly grasped against the two-headed monster.

Whether it is a white cold fog or a black-red magic fire, it has no effect. Although it is only a possessive body, the defense is still terrible after being demonized by him.

And the speed is almost unbelievable, and the beast only feels that the air is tight, and an invisible giant force appears inexplicably, imposing its actions.

The beast was desperately struggling, but it was too late, and the dragon's claw came to him. The three thick toes were combined and the seven inches were firmly fixed.

Five-clawed golden dragon, but in front of it is just a hole in the mysterious poisonous scorpion, but the three toes, the power is also incredibly large, sharp nails, piercing the seven inches of the beast, large shares Black blood spewed out.

The face of the beastly sacred man showed a hint of deplorable color, but then, the stern color showed that the snake-shaped double-headed monster was no longer struggling, but instead put the body in a plate and surrounded the poisonous dragon ancestors.

The purpose is obviously to fight for time.

"It is at this moment, Lin Daoyou, too hands-on!" Seeing that he finally dragged the old demon, the beastly sages quickly and stunned, but this is a fight for an avatar, and it is hard not to miss the opportunity.

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