Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1583: Poor little master

The first thousand five hundred and eighty-three chapters poor poor master

Needless to say, it is a police warning, the monks of the entire city can see clearly, knowing that his young master is in danger.

"Kid, this time, it is you who are looking for death. I want to sculpt you and regret it and come to this world."

Wan Menghao's low voice was introduced into the ear. It was filled with grievances. From small to large, there was a picture of his father. He had eaten such a bitterness. For Lin Xuan, naturally he hated it.

Helpless, this matter is too shameful, the father is not willing to come forward, he can only knock down his teeth and swallow.

Originally thought that there was no revenge, I did not expect this kid to hit the muzzle.

This is not a coastal city, but a beast island.

In the early days of a Yuan Ying, the immortal is a dead or alive, isn’t it a dough or a pie?

Thinking of revenge, he was thrilled with excitement, but he did not release his knowledge. He swept through Lin Xuan and thought that he was really a cultivator in the early days of Yuan Ying. After all, Lin Xuan did not save mana at this time. The pressure is on.

A misstep, thousands of hatred, will make him regret his life.

However, at this moment, Wan Menghao did not know, but still sneered at it.

Stupid to such a degree, it is really a rare best.

Similar to the situation in Linhai City, there is always a patrol of the beasts.

And because the beasts are not here, the defense is much stronger than usual.

The warning sign on Wan Menghao is that the old monster is specially made for the baby son.

If you don't get it, you still have your own flesh and blood. The tiger poison is not a child. Although the beasts are ambitious, they are still very caring for their bones.

This symbol, the island's cultivators almost all know.

The sergeant on the wall, without saying anything, turned into a stunned rainbow, and came to this side.

A little further away, the dawn is more and more eye-catching, and those are the elders of the Yuan Ying period.

The character of the beasts of the beasts, they know that if the Lord is here to have an accident, they will not have good fruits.

In this scene, Wan Menghao can see clearly, the expression on his face is more and more proud, flying, and the sound is very cold.

"Kid, if you are now begging for mercy, signing the blood of the master and the servant with the Lord, and I will pour the toilet every day, I can't forgive you..."

"Oh, you are really a funny guy. If it is not a special situation, Lin will be reluctant to kill you." Lin Xuan angered the opening of the smile.

I have never seen anyone do not know how to live and die, but I have never seen anyone who knows how to live and die to such a degree. This young master, you can describe it as a superb, and he used the straw bag to describe him as too much.

However, at this moment, Lin Xuan did not have time to grind his skin here. Although he used a nine-day microstep to open the silver fish bird, if there was no accident, the other party would soon catch up.

not much time!

Lin Xuan’s eyes flashed, and his right hand suddenly gripped into a fist, and he slammed toward the other side.

Although Wan Menghao is a fool, but he has already suffered from it, he still has some precautions. When he sees the words and talks, the shield in front of him suddenly rang, and the light is shining, and a layer of light curtain. Lin Xuan’s fist is blocked.

Lin Xuan’s face showed some unexpected colors. This treasure is still good in terms of quality. It seems that even if it is an idiot, the body is far from comparable to the same-level monk.

Unfortunately, I want to stop myself, but it is a idiotic dream.

Lin Xuan is not an ordinary cultivator. The nine-day phoenix dance makes his body harder than the morphing period. The aura flashes, and the shield is flattened.

The aura is faint and faint, as the iron falls to the ground.


Wan Menghao was shocked, and the smugness on his face disappeared without trace. The look of Lin Xuan also became frightened again: "I beg you, don't hit me."

The last time he was smashed into a pig's head made him impressed.

This kind of poetry makes Lin Xuan laugh and cry, and the experience of four hundred years of cultivation has never been encountered.

"Reassured, I won't beat you."

Lin Xuan smiled and said that the generation of the beasts of the beasts, how did the son of this disappointing son come.

Quite a little talk, a law 诀 did not enter Wan Menghao's body, temporarily imprisoned his mana, and then opened the cork, dripping the green berry juice to his face.

Of course, Lin Xuan did not completely finish, just use a small half, then put on the cork, flip the left hand, and put a gray ban on the top.

As a result, the taste of the green berry liquid will not leak a little, Lin Xuan put it back to the waist.

Although this thing was first heard, I don't know what other uses he has in addition to attracting silver fish and birds. However, Lin Xuan has extensive knowledge and intuitively knows that this is a good treasure.

Of course, you can't waste it, and the rest are not ready to return to An elders.

"what are you doing?"

The action was imprisoned by Lin Xuan, and he saw that he took out a thing and went to his head. Wan Menghao instinctively imagined it as a terrible poison, and made a scream of killing pigs. The sound was loud and loud.

"Little Lord!"

The cultivators who came from far away were so shocked that they could not fly faster.

"Hey, this thing is quite good, sweet and sour, and tastes good."

After a few clicks, Wan Menghao suddenly found himself not feeling uncomfortable. As for the signs of poisoning, there was nothing.

On the contrary, the aroma of this thing makes people feel refreshed, and a few drops fall in his mouth, which is delicious.

There are good wines as above, and the aftertaste is far-reaching.

His eyes could not help but reveal the confused color: "You...what do you want to do?"

"Oh, boy, you ask for more happiness."

Lin Xuan’s face was full of pity, and he patted the other’s shoulders and touched the ban on him. Then he did not say much, turned into a shocking rainbow, and flew away in the distance.

Wan Menghao still has some stays, and the scene that happened today is too strange.

The other party clearly has to protect himself, why is it just a slap in the face?

And he like the juices on his head, not as poisonous, but like some valuable treasure.

What is the purpose of the other party doing this?

I can't understand it. At this moment, a voice of concern is passed to the ear: "Less Lord, are you okay?"

Looking back, I saw a few Yuan Ying period immortals in front of them, they are the ancestors of their ancestors, ordered to stay here.

It also includes two late monks.

There are also a large number of people around, with two or three hundred people.

With so many hands on his side, Wan Menghao’s daring was strong.

Take care of yourself so much, and first take this abominable kid to live.

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