Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1542: Successful transaction

The first thousand five hundred and forty two chapters were successfully traded


Lin Xuan’s mouth showed a hint of playful color, but his heart was already a big joy. Although he had learned some spells on the refining device in the lower bounds, if there is something in hand, this Wujinlongjia shield is not Repair, but in peace, Lin Xuan is slightly involved in the technique of refining, far from being proficient.

Ordinary magic weapon, there is no problem in the repair of the ritual, but the quality of the Wujinlong A shield is difficult to guarantee that there will be no mistakes.

Even if it is repaired, it may be greatly reduced.

The shop in front of the store is different. The other party is originally operating this road. The craftsmanship of the craftsman is absolutely high and low compared with himself. If the other party is not sure, it will not easily accept this single business.

As for the price?

Lin Xuan did not consider it at all.

Although he is a cultivator from the lower bound, the most important thing is the spar.

"Daoyou please say that as long as you can fix this thing, Lin asked himself if he still has some net worth." Lin Xuan took a sip of tea and said nothing.

"Since the Taoist friend said this, it is not polite, and I don't know what kind of repairs the seniors want?" The voice of Oriental Mingyu is very sweet.

"What kind of repair, what is the word of the Taoist friend?" Lin Xuan could not help but reveal a few surprises.

"Daoyou this treasure, the quality is suitable for the ancestor of the clutch period, but the damage is too serious. If it is a general repair, it only costs 10,000 yuan in the spar, but as a result, the power is inevitably greatly reduced, only the former About 70%..."

Lin Xuan listened, his brow wrinkled, 70%, then what use, but he did not say more, it is obvious that this woman is still not finished, and the following is inside.

Sure enough, I met Lin Xuan's calm face, and the Oriental Mingyu also secretly admire, so temperament, it is worthy of the Yuan Ying period ancestors ... No, the general Yuan Ying period monk, most of them have not yet his efforts to raise gas.

Thoughts turned around in my mind, and I valued Lin Xuan more and more, but it was a human cultivation.

"In terms of the quality of this object, the younger generation also feels that it is a bit violent. If the seniors are well-off, they can choose special repairs. We will send this treasure to the head office, and the most brilliant craftsmen will take some rare ones. Materials, as a result, the power of this treasure can be restored to the old, but not only the March effort, but also the repair costs will rise to about eight times the original."

"eight times?"

After listening to the other side's lion's big opening, Lin Xuan also had some laughter and laughter. In the 80,000 medium-quality spar, according to the ratio of one to one hundred, this is an astronomical figure.

If it is the ordinary Yuan Ying early cultivator, even if it is a ruin, can you come up with two or not, but what about yourself...

Although there is a bit of pain, Lin Xuan is also a guy who keeps money. It is useless to stay in Jingshi. Although Wujinlong A shield is not a Lingbao, it can be bought without money.

At this point, he has understood how to choose.

"Well, 80,000 is 80,000, but the Taoist friend said that the power of this shield will be restored. If it is a food..."

"Daoyou rest assured, if there is something wrong in the middle, the shop is willing to pay ten times compensation." The woman said with a smile, full of confidence.

Lin Xuan couldn't help but re-examine the shop in front of him. The strength behind it is probably far more powerful than he imagined.

Of course, this has nothing to do with myself.

Then the woman sent a note, and soon there were two delicate maids holding the tray.

The red cloth opened, and something like a beast was not in the skin.

"This..." Lin Xuan’s face showed a strange color.

"This is a blood curse, how, the predecessors have not seen it?" The color of doubt in this woman's eyes is more intense.

Blood mantra?

Lin Xuan’s thoughts flashed in his mind. If it was a few hours ago, he was really unclear. However, when he was arbitrarily flipping through the 100-volume building, he really mentioned it in a book.

The name seems to be mysterious, but the function is not specific, it is similar to the secular contract.

Of course, the refining materials are also worth a lot of money, so only when they do big business, the two sides will sign.

This is more binding than the vow of the demons. Once it is violated, in the impact of the bottleneck, 10% will be countered by the blood curse.

Of course, there is a lot of utility, Lin Xuan has not seen it before, so it is not easy to say.

He quietly picked up the things in front of him, only to see the words covered with bright red, such as the blood of Yin Hong, seems to be alive at any time.

Fortunately, Lin Xuan has extensive knowledge, and this kind of small means is naturally a smile.

And those words are very different, Lin Xuan also knows, of course, this is because he likes to read a lot of books, knowing at least fifty or sixty kinds of ancient texts, if you change a flying monk, do you have such insights or two? thing.

The gods swept over and made sure there were no mistakes. Lin Xuan cut the index finger and let a drop of blood fall into the blood spell.

Suddenly, the ghosts made a big splash, and the **** light together, those bright red words actually lived, turned into a strange spell, did not enter Lin Xuan's body.

Oriental Mingyu is also the same action, and the two sides signed the paperwork in a short period of time.

"This kind of thing is obviously a ghostly thing. It is reasonable to say that King Ashura leads the ghost and ghosts, and after the blood of the spiritual world is washed, the cultivator of this world should hate the things of the ghost, and hate it, how... Lin Xuan has some doubts in his heart, but he will not ask questions.

After the deal was reached, the atmosphere between the guest and the host became more and more harmonious. In the face of this woman with a similar heart, Lin Xuan’s rare and pleasing color, and this woman seems to be interested in her closeness. She is a character in the business field, and her eyebrows are provoked. Just a scent of fragrant incense, the two sides are quite familiar.

However, Lin Xuan is going to leave after all.

Even if the appearance is similar, the woman has nothing to do with the piano heart. Lin Xuan has no extra time to delay here.

Don't look at him for more than four hundred years old, he became a cultivator during the clutch period, but the road to the fairy road is to fight against the heavens, and to fight for the struggle.

Oriental Mingyu slightly reserved, see Lin Xuan insisted to go, let the waitress a bag of unicorn fruit, this thing, is a dream for the low-ranking monks, but in the eyes of high-ranking monks, but can not be worth a few spar Lin Xuan naturally will not deny...

Later, Oriental Mingyu personally accompanied Lin Xuan downstairs, but at this moment, a battle of battle came into the ear, and there was also a scream of exclamation, which seemed to be broken.

Lin Xuan listened, his look was normal, he was able to have today's achievements, I don't know how many big winds and waves have gone through, but the face of Oriental Mingyu has gloomy in an instant.

Actually, some people don’t know how to live and die, come to the Baibaoge to make trouble?

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