Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1530: Three major forces

The first forces of the first five hundred and thirty-three chapters

"Don't you say that these mortals are the later sea people?" Lin Xuan thought thoughtfully.

"The predecessors are really smart, and they are all transparent. It’s good. It was only the placement of these mortals. Let them live in the fairy city on the seabed. Over time, millions of years have passed. These mortals have slowly evolved. We land. The mortals will drown on the bottom of the sea, but they are different, gradually adapt to the environment in the sea, can swim freely in the sea, breathe like fish and shrimp, do not know when they no longer admit that they are human beings, and It is called the sea people."

"Oh, then do you want to cultivate the immortals?" Lin Xuan said slowly, in fact, he had already guessed the result.

"Lie, we certainly want to manage it." The old man’s face showed a smile: "At that time, the sea has been full of wings, out of our control, because millions of years have passed, among those seas, Many monks like us, the own monks of the sea, and their high places existed, which is not inferior to the people we live on the land. It is said that there was a big battle between the two sides, hundreds of millions. The mortal warriors are killed on the sea, and the cultivators on both sides fight in the sky, the blood flows into the river, and even many sea areas are dyed red. It lasted for hundreds of years before and after the war, although we accounted for a little. The upper hand, but the Haizu is indeed full-fledged, so that in the end, only the two loses, but the Yaozu is cheap."

"Then the two sides signed a covenant, and finally, my East China Sea, it became the tribe."

"It turned out to be the case."

Lin Xuan nodded quietly. These were just for him to grow his knowledge. Anyway, he was not a spiritual cultivator in the spiritual world. He could not talk about any conflict of interest with the so-called Haizu.

"What is the relationship between the three forces?"

"This is not easy to say, sometimes it is harmonious, but sometimes, there will be a big battle. The key is to see the contrast between interests and strength. But we humans and the seas are now in a good relationship. After all, millions of years ago, there are also The same ancestor." The old man talked and talked, but he also said his words, knowing everything.

"Yeah." Lin Xuan showed a satisfactory color on his face, but then he chuckled again. He looked at the monk in front of him with great interest: "Is it really a foundation period? How do you see such a broad blog..."

Of course, the mouth said this, Lin Xuan did not feel doubtful about the other's cultivation, and a small cultivator in the district could never deceive his own knowledge.

"This..." The old man was embarrassed to scratch his head, and then his face showed a color of silence: "Don't be a senior, the old man was actually born in a small family, and his qualifications are very good. According to the uncles at that time, if I were willing to work hard and add some chances, it would be possible to condense Yuan Ying, so from the beginning, I was regarded as an elite disciple..."

"Then why are you?" Lin Xuan could not help but Socket.

"Oh, everything is caused by the little old man. As the saying goes, personality determines fate. At that time, although I have good qualifications, I can’t have any interest in Xiandao, but I like the book, so I’m talking about it. The little old man asked himself not to be inferior to many high-ranking monks. But as a result, I also delayed my practice. Finally, the elite disciples, for the waste in the family, then I did it in a sigh of relief."

"Is it, but I see you, killing the demon is very positive!"

"Let the predecessors laugh, after I left the family, it was very happy for a while, but the years are not forgiving. The little old man is already one hundred and eighty years old. Although he has learned some health exercises, he also Work for up to two or thirty years."

"That said, you kill the demon to take Dan is to ..." Lin Xuan looked at the old man in the late stage of the building, Shen Shen said.

Although his life is not much, but in theory, it is possible to enter the condensate period.

"Yes, the younger generation still doesn't want to die." The old man sighed, but unfortunately he realized that it was too late, otherwise there would be such a tragic ending.

Lin Xuan nodded and did not continue to entangle on this topic: "Go, like the left turn, I want to see those sea people."

Although it was also evolved from human beings, after all, it is now self-contained, and the sea people certainly have their own cultivation system. Lin Xuan wants to see what their monks look like.

"Predecessors, this is not appropriate, although our relationship with the sea is fairly harmonious, but even if the human monks meet in no one's land, it is normal to kill and rob the treasure, so take the risk..."

"Reassure, the other party is only building the foundation, there are old men, are you afraid that they have eaten you, the past."

Lin Xuan’s voice brought a bit of majesty.

I heard that the other party is also building a foundation. The old man is relieved. Although he is still unwilling to make extra-budgets, he does not dare to violate the predecessors’ minds when he sees Lin Xuan’s attitude. Otherwise, he will be able to destroy himself. Sighed, a law slammed up to the control wheel of the boat.

A slamming sound came into the ear, and the singer of the singer flashed, and turned his head and spurred to the left.

The speed of this spirit boat is equivalent to the immortal in the middle of the condensate, and the distance of more than a hundred miles does not take much time, and it will soon arrive.

I saw the flash of glare in front of me, and the crackling sound of the slap in the air kept coming to my ear. Although the power of fighting was not worth mentioning, the scene was quite spectacular.

Two men and one woman.

"This is the sea?"

Lin Xuan’s eyes swept over them, and the waves opened without a shock.

From the point of view of dressing, they are very different from the human race. The short clothes are short and the style of the clothes is simple and bright.

In terms of looks, it is no different from the Terran... No, there are still some surprises, their eyes are blue.

The skin is much more than the normal human white, especially the woman, just like the ivory exquisite, except for the eyes and skin color, there are some thumb-sized and fish-scale things on their wrists and ankles.

However, it is very light, very thin, and not much. It does not seem to affect the appearance. Instead, there is an alien style in it.

I didn't see the cockroaches and fins, and I didn't know why they could breathe like fish and shrimp in the sea. Lin Xuan was a little curious.

The cultivation of these three sea people is in the middle of the foundation, and it is even lower than the old man next to him.

This made Lin Xuan a little crying and laughing. Originally, he thought that he had to be careful when he came to the spiritual world. He did not expect to meet one or two. They were all low-level cultivators.

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