Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1525: Flying up

The first thousand five hundred and twenty-five chapters fly to the spiritual world

Lin Xuan’s eyes were slightly stunned, and he followed the precepts. He saw dozens of thick stone pillars scattered around the grass in front.

However, it is not this that attracts Lin Xuan’s sight.

But in the middle of the grass, there is a transmission array, the shape is simple, and at a glance, I don’t know how many winds and frosts have experienced.

Lin Xuan’s heart was overjoyed, but he did not immediately fly up.

Instead, let go of the gods and search around in the vicinity.

"Brother, you have too much to worry about, there is no prohibition around the transmission."

If the fairy smiled and said, at this moment, there is not much time to delay, the door to Shura is closed, only two days and one night left.

The voice did not fall, she was going to fly together and she would fly over.

Lin Xuan’s movements were faster, and his right hand came out and suddenly pulled the arm of a fairy.

"You..." The dream was like a sigh, and some of them turned back.

Lin Xuan turned a blind eye and reached for a shot at the waist. He saw a flash of light, and a treasure appeared in front of him.

It is a palm-sized disc.

There is nothing outstanding on the outside, the material is not special, it seems that even the magic weapon is not as good as just a spiritual device.

"what is this?"

The dream is like a glimpse of a faint color, and some surprises are open.

However, Lin Xuan did not explain it, but took the ban on the ban.

Although this baby is magical, in the final analysis, it is only a tool with auxiliary effects, so it can be driven without sacrifice.

Although there is still a little bit of Situ Fang's breath, but with Lin Xuan's powerful strength, it can be easily forcibly erased.

Of course, this thing Lin Xuan has not used, just a coincidence, read some introductions in the classics, use it, certainly not as good as its original owner, but in the detection of prohibition, is still a reliable helper.

Stopping the arrogance of the fairy, Lin Xuan hands, the right index finger slowly like the disc point.


As if the mountain wind blew, then the ban was even brighter.

The drip is spinning, and a yellow beam of light is shot from the surface, and the arms are thick.

As if it was stimulated, the place where there was nothing left, suddenly there was a lot of milky white mist, and the stone pillars and the transmission array all contained the parcels.

The light column emitted by the banned plate was not included, but the effect was nothing. It was similar to the mud cow entering the sea.

Lin Xuan’s face is a bit ugly.

For example, the pretty face of the fairy fairy has also flashed a trace of fear and color. What is this prohibition? Actually, you can pass the clutching monk's knowledge. Fortunately, the younger brother has pulled himself, otherwise...

She didn't dare to think about it.

"Brother, what should we do?"

On this road, without Lin Xuan's thorns, he could not reach here at all. Invisible, dreams like him have already regarded him as a backer.

Lin Xuan was frowning and locked, and did not answer anything at all, but the two eyes turned into a multicolored color, such as the beauty of the glass, and the strange light flashed inside.

The phoenix dance is transported to the extreme for nine days, but now I can only see some stupid things. Although the Tianfeng gods can break all illusions, Lin Xuan’s current practice is still too low.

After a short while, Lin Xuan danced with his hands, and the spurs of one after another spurred out.

A ban on the ban, but a dozen runes emerged from the inside, golden glitter, and then like the extravagance of the sky into the milky white mist.

This time, the effect was that the milky white fog began to oscillate regularly.

The sound of the cockroach was introduced into the ear as if the water had been boiled on the stove.

Lin Xuan’s heart was a joy, and the mysterious spell was spit out in the mouth, and several other methods were beaten out.

"how is it?"

After a moment of tea, Lin Xuan finally stopped the action in his hand. The dream looked at his face and cautiously opened his mouth: "Brother, there is a way to break this prohibition."

"Well, the solution is yes, it takes about half a day, and it takes the cooperation of my sister."

Lin Xuan touched the sweat on his forehead, and the expression on his face was obviously easy to go down. Although this array is also complicated, it is not the kind of thing that is against the sky.

Otherwise, neither the monk brought the blood sacrifice, nor the ancient demon ancestor, he could summon the anti-sky thing like the dragon.

In that case, it took a lot of hard work, but in the end it was only blinking.

"Half-day effort, then we have to hurry up, there is not much time left, how can I cooperate, my brother, though." The expression of dreams is half-hearted and half-happy, but the words in the mouth are extremely cool.

As long as he can fly to the spiritual world, don't talk to Lin Xuan, even if she pays some price, this woman will not hesitate.

"Okay, sister, then you listen to me..."

Lin Xuan’s face showed an awe-inspiring color, and the dream was like it.

Of course, the moon will not be idle, and it takes three people to work closely together.



A loud noise came into the ear, and the white fog in front of him began to violently swell. There was a mad dragon inside. Lin Xuan’s face was full of nervous colors, and the hand-held Tianlingbao kept attacking.

After a while, the louder bursts spread and the pattern finally collapsed, the white fog decreased, and the scene inside reappeared.

Those scattered stone columns are completely missing, leaving only one transmission array standing alone in the same place.


Lin Xuan sighed, although it took a lot of hard work, finally nothing went wrong, this is fortunate, the rest of the time is not much, he will release the knowledge, sure that there is no forbidden barrier, Lin Xuan body shape flash , has come to the side of the transmission array.

"Oh, this is..."

His eyes swept over the transmission array, and Lin Xuan’s face changed dramatically.

The dream is almost the same, the eyes are swept over the formation, and the face is as cold as it seems to drip out the water.

Later, it turned into a stunned color. The first woman in the Tianyun Twelve State, who was in charge of the Tianya Haige for hundreds of years, actually had a soft knee and sat down on the side despite the image.

The voice was a bit snarled: "I didn't expect to spend so much hard work, but in the end it was empty."

It is no wonder that this woman is out of the way, the transmission array is not only simple, but also beautiful, but it is a corner, but it has broken the size of the palm.

As the saying goes, the difference is a thousand miles, like a thousand miles, like the transmission of such profound and complicated things, unlike the magic weapon, even if there is a trace of damage, it will affect the use.

For example, although the fairy fairy also knows a little about the magic of the law, but this array can break the void, bypassing the sky and robbing into the spiritual world, the complexity is imaginable.

Want to fix, but it is an idiotic dream.

Lin Xuan’s expression is similar. Do you have to work hard to get this step, and finally you will inevitably lose your strength?

Silently speaking, Lin Xuan’s eyes flashed a lot of reluctance.

The eyes swept over the transmission array. Suddenly, Lin Xuan’s brow was picking up, as if he had found something, his face was full of excitement.

"Brother, what happened?"

Although the dream is as frustrating as the extreme, but as a clutching period, I am close to Lin Xuan, but Zhang Xu, his every move, naturally look in the eyes.

Lin Xuan did not open his mouth, but reached out and took a shot at the waist. A white jade tube flew out and Lin Xuan put it on his forehead.

After a short while, Lin Xuan looked up, his face was more and more strange, like a surprise, it seems that there is a little hesitation, and the weather is uncertain, just like it is always indefinite.

"How, brother, what did you find, don't sell off, you have to die in your sister." From Lin Xuan's face, the dream seems to have seen a little hope, but he is not sure what, the anxious color of his face.

Lin Xuan did not open his mouth, but handed the jade tube directly to the woman's hand.

Dreams are also attached to the forehead, and after a while, the dagger is raised, and the strange color of his face: "Where did you come from?"

There are a lot of hollow patterns and spells inside, which are very deep and can be carefully contrasted, but they are very similar to those in front of the transmission.

"The origin of this thing is not mentioned for the time being, my sister thinks that with this thing, we may fix the transmission array in front of us?" Lin Xuan slowly opened.

This thing, when it was in the Wuding River, when I went to the Ashura Palace, the engraving on the transmission line, Lin Xuan was on the rise, and I couldn’t read it, and it was printed in a blank jade tube. .

I did not expect to use it now, of course, whether it can repair the transmission array, or two.

After all, even he can't understand, even if he wants to repair, he can only paint tigers.

"Try it!" There was a hint of hesitation in the face of the fairy, but in the end, I still didn't want to let this last chance pass.

So the two began to find materials in the storage bag.

Fortunately, both of them are clutches, and they are rich in body. In a short while, they will make up the materials, plus the months, the three will work together.

The repair process is very slow, and it must be compared to the pattern, and there can be no mistakes.

Two days and one night passed, and after a long and uninterrupted effort, the transmission array was finally fixed.

There are actually twenty-seven grooves in the surrounding area.

Lin Xuan and Rugao Fairy almost searched for the storage bag, and finally they got together a lot of special crystal spar.

Lin Xuan played a law, and transmitted the pattern on the surface of the array, such as mercury, and lit up.

it works!

Lin Xuan was overjoyed and wanted to do further testing. A blue sky passed into the ear, and then, the situation changed suddenly.

The heavens and the earth are in chaos, and lightning strikes the sky. Even a few vortexes of different diameters appear on the top of the head...

Could it be that……

"No, the door to Shura is about to open."

Lin Xuan was also shocked. I didn't expect it to be so unfortunate. I didn't even have time to test the transmission array.

It is too dangerous to go up in this way. If you can't get to the spiritual world, you will be thrown into the space storm.

I can wait for it, and I will be taken out of Penglai Mountain when I have a good time.

Lin Xuan and Meng Ruyi looked at each other and made a dilemma.

But there is no time to think.

Lin Xuan bites his teeth and wants to fly to the spiritual world. He must take some risks. His body shape has flashed and he has come to the middle of the transmission array.

The moon is naturally followed closely, and the dream is like a beard, and it stands up.

A burst of light wrapped their bodies, and then the three disappeared at the same time.

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