Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1516: Chengxian and Resurrection

The first thousand five hundred and sixty-six chapters become immortals and resurrection

Of course, at this moment, Lin Xuan will not study, and want to find out what the magic of this residue is in the head, but also to wait until the spiritual world.

The thoughts in my mind turned, and this thing was hidden in his sleeve.

Then Lin Xuan turned over and another treasure appeared.

The size of the longan, the surface pattern is mottled, needless to say, naturally it is the waste Dan.

For others, the refining of the medicinal herbs is of no use at all. This is the common sense of the cultivating world. It is similar to the general rules of heaven and earth. It is no wonder that Wang Tinglou will not care.

However, I am different.

The blue Xinghai has the anti-theft power that turns waste into treasure. It is against this thing that one ordinary person who has no spiritual root has embarked on the road of cultivation.

Waste Dan, as long as you are free, you can naturally use Xinghai to purify it.

At this point, Lin Xuan’s heart is hot and the immortal refining medicinal herbs will have incredible potions.

"This treasure hunt journey, despite the difficulties and obstacles, but finally can get the three treasures left by the immortals, it is worth the money, calculate the time, the door to Shura will only be closed for three days, must As soon as possible, find a fairy, and then sneak into the spiritual world." Lin Xuan muttered to himself, and then turned into a shocking rainbow, flying into the channel when coming.


The soul of the space, Tian Xiaojian and the virtual shadow are far away.

"What do you say, nine days of mysterious girl, what is that?"

"Things?" The virtual shadow turned over his head, his face was full of strange colors, and then he hahaha laughed happily: "You kid, it's not bad, it's a good old man's appetite, nine days of mysterious girl, Actually, you are called something, she is one of the three people who came down from the fairy world."

"What, one of the three true immortals, is this ruin, this woman is left behind, there is a treasure of the immortal inside?" Tian Xiaojian opened the eyes of the big eye, and the bottom of the scorpion stretched out, flashing a craving for color.

"Yes, the nine-day mysterious woman left some things in the past, that is, the ruins were banned. Before she died, she forced a secret to leave a sacred mind..."


Tian Xiaojian's pupils are miniature, and the mind is different from the soul of the gods. There is no memory on it. It is just that according to the owner's will, it is something that has been set in advance.

A glimpse of God, able to make such a large-scale ruins, and such a complicated ban, Tian Xiaojian was shocked, but think about it, the other party is not a cultivator, but a person of the true level, can not help but relieve it. .

"The kid, the nine-day mysterious woman is left with some treasures, and it is also very useful for the immortals like you, but you don't have to envy at all. As long as you cooperate with the deity, you can get more benefits." And return the topic to the above mentioned.

"Oh, what do I need to pay?"

What kind of clever figure is Tian Xiaojian, he will not be led by the other side, and he will not be foolishly tempted by the other side.

"You don't have to pay."

"What?" Tian Xiaojian stayed, and then his face showed a completely unbelievable expression. He was not stupid, and it was impossible to drop the pie in heaven!

"Kid, I don't want to succumb to the snake. Are you deceiving you with the deity? Wrong, I used to be the leader of the Mozu, but today, only one in a million souls is left. This is the power of the gods. It is impossible to win at all. My only choice is to successfully symbiotic with you."

"The symbiosis?" Tian Xiaojian heard this, the brows froze, and the face showed a thoughtful color.

Symbiosis, he has heard of it, simply speaking, it is equivalent to the two people signed a **** co-death, one side is degraded, the other side, and can never live alone, this is the most severe law of heaven and earth.

If this is the case, the other party does not seem to be malicious, but why does he want to do this, do not understand the doubts in his heart, and the careful character of Tian Xiaojian will never be easily agreed.

"Doing this is of great benefit to me, but what are you doing, is it just to leave this closed space?" Tian Xiaojian's gaze flashed open.

"It can be said, but it is not all. It is only a reason to be insignificant to leave here." The virtual sigh sighed, and there was a bit of silence in the speech. One person stayed alone in this small place. For millions of years, the taste is absolutely not as good as death.

"That's why, the Taoist friends don't want to go round again." Tian Xiaojian's tone is not respectful, the other party has been great again, and now it is just a split.

"With my support, the Taoist friend has the body of true devil. As long as you have worked hard for tens of thousands of years, it is very likely that you will become a symbiosis. As a symbiosis, I also I will get great benefits. When you lift the sky, my gods will be as strong as ever. At that time, it is possible to reshape the body and become the leader of the Mozu again." The virtual shadow said here, the eyes could not help but Flashed a touch of excitement.

The purpose of his ecstasy was at that time. Although he hoped to be embarrassed, he can really see the hope of success.

"You mean, this thing is a combination of two benefits, you help me become a fairy, and by that moment, you can also resurrect?"

Tian Xiaojian swallowed a sip of his mouth, his eyes flashed and said that both sides have benefits, and there is a basis for cooperation. The other party’s words are not like fake.

"Yes, signed a symbiotic deed, I will help you, that is, help yourself." The virtual shadow nodded, frankly open.

"Is it true that there is really no harm, why do you want to choose me? After so many years, I should not come to the only cultivator in this soul space." Tian Xiaojian asked the last doubt in his heart.

"You said yes, before you, there are indeed other cultivators who have come, and more than one, but in my eyes, they simply do not meet the requirements. Once, I am the leader of the Mozu, only the cultivators can I signed a symbiotic contract, and secondly, kid, do you think that it is so easy to become a fairy, even if I have assistance, but I have no strength at all, I can only provide you with the help of knowledge and experience, even if I stayed in the past. Those treasures, now you, there is no way to take it out. The road to the fairy road is more bumpy. If your qualifications or your heart is not good, there is no hope of even a trace of immortality. Do you think I will choose you, once signed? Blood deeds, you fall, this command will also vanish from the world."

"So, I meet your requirements."

"Yes, you have the body of true devil, and the heart is also satisfied with this command. As long as you work hard, one day, you will be able to lift the sky."

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