Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1503: Golden glory

The first thousand five hundred and three chapters of the golden awe

The pavilion will naturally not answer the other party's questions.

Now that you have torn your face, it's a good idea to do something more.

Anyway, this step is not that you are dead or that I live, why bother to spend more time with the enemy.

The thoughts in my mind flashed, and Wang Tinglou’s opponent.


On the surface of his body, there was a golden arrogance that sprang up and wrapped it all over.

The ancient demon suddenly widened his eyes, and whether he made a mistake, this person’s awe-inspiring temperament is so strong that it is so strong.

Unlike other Xiuxian genres, Confucianism pays attention to *** and cultivation.

In other words, at the same time of cultivation, it is necessary to cultivate a good sense.

And this thing is not obtained by meditation, even the scholars of the mortal will have it, and the scholarship will become more and more intense.

Confucianism and Confucianism, as the name implies, the sacred gas comes from the history of the sub-series, can understand the more ancient books of the sages of the ancient sages, the more natural and pure.

Slim, family, and the world...

This is the wish of a secular scholar, and for the Confucianism, it is the three stages of awe.

Wang Tinglou was born and bumped. He was once a high school champion who was recruited as a Hummer. Later, he was framed by people and won the fairy edge in prison.

Less than twenty in the exam, the champion has not yet stepped onto Xianlu, and his awe-inspiring attitude has reached an extremely mellow level. It is naturally impossible for him to live for two thousand years.

Other Confucian cultivators, most of them read books by means of the practice of the Five Elements, and they swallowed the dates. Although one morning, they can read a few books, but how many do you really understand?

Unlike the pavilion, his study has never been for the sake of deliberate practice, but to enjoy it.

In the past two thousand years, in addition to the Confucian classics, the rest of the hundreds of families have never been concealed and compatible.

The ancient monks of the original Confucianism had left a warning, and reading other books may damage Haozheng.

More than a thousand years ago, Wang Ting Lou was already proud of Yunzhou. Since the wind was tied, he was the first master of the two races.

Damage is good, and even if there is no goodness and righteousness, he can confidently fight the invincible in the world.

How can I ruin my hobby that I like to read because I am squandering food and cooking.

Yes, longevity is the purpose of cultivation, but in the view of the pavilion, you can't give up anything for the sake of longevity. What is the meaning of living and what is the difference with a walking dead?

Of course, the pavilion has such a realization, and it is indeed because he is too strong.

It can't be said that the ancient monk's approach was wrong, but the pavilion had an unexpected harvest.

Holding the heart of the sea, at the beginning, he read the classics of the hundreds of families, and Hao Ranzhen did start to disappear a little bit, but the Pavilion did not care.

One year...

Two years...

With the thorough understanding of the hundreds of families, the pavilion found that its own vitality has become stronger, not only stronger, but also mutated, with more terrible power.

It turns out that the stone of his mountain can really attack jade.

At this time, the body of the pavilion was wrapped in gold, which was the arrogance of the mutated.

Not only that, but there is an electric arc outside the air, and it looks more and more majestic and mighty. This is not over yet. A slamming sound is heard in the ear, but the hair is free from the **** of the golden crown, and it is rooted in the golden light. vertical.

Not to mention the ancient devil, Lin Xuan also looked stunned, remembering the rumors of the Super Saiyan people who had seen it in a book.

The terrible spiritual pressure makes the entire underground palace tremble. This is the first master in the human world.

The ancient devil's brow inadvertently wrinkled, and then the two pairs of narrow eyes, at the same time emerged a fierce color.

In the face of the strength of the full opening of the Wangting Building, his heart is also a little drumming, understand the state of the opponent, not to shoot, has a shot, must be stone-shattered, difficult to deal with the extreme.

Moreover, his own people are alone. At this moment, what kind of demeanor is also spoken. Of course, it is the best choice to start with strength.

I saw him shaking his shoulders, his body was erratic, and the whole body suddenly stretched. Like a soft boneless python, a magic arm was lifted high, and the bone blade on the elbow shone with cold cold light. Without hesitation, he slammed down the pavilion.

Its speed is so jaw-dropping that it is far more than human imagination.

Originally, there were a hundred feet apart from each other, but they could be dazzled and actually came to the front.

Even the teleport is a bit less than the speed of his attack.

In the distance, Lin Xuan’s pupils are miniature, and this ancient demon god’s mysterious and mysterious degree is more than what he originally imagined.

Such an attack, if suddenly emerged, whether you can escape, is still unknown, one is not good, maybe it will be seconds.

However, Wang Tinglou is the first master of the human world after all. If the experience of fighting is rich, compared with Lin Xuan, I am afraid it will be better than some.

Seeing that the ancient demon has come to the top of his head, there is no horror on his face, raising his hand...

At that moment, time seemed to be slowing down.

More than a hundred feet away, the ancient demon did not have to go to half a breath, but the bone blade clearly reached the top of the Wangting Building, but it took several times.

It seems as if time has been split.

At this time, Wang Tinglou sighed: "Dise!"

The gold enamel pen in his hand is still not pointing forward slowly, not right, not a point, it is a splash of ink, and wrote a "shield".

It was like a golden temperament, and at this moment, he made his ink.

Jinguang flashed, and the heavens and the earth madly gathered in the hands of Wangtinglou, and then fell into the "shield".


The eccentric sound was introduced into the ear, and then the word was visible to the naked eye, and the word really changed.

A flash, the text has disappeared, replaced by a golden shield.


Lin Xuan was shocked. He had seen the Confucianism, but compared with the Wangting Tower in front of him, he became a pediatrician.

Then, as if it had been slowed down by countless times, it finally fell and collided with the golden shield.


The ear seemed to blow up a blue sky, and the black and gold two different spiritual powers collided in midair.

The ancient magic stone hit a shock, but did not break through the defense of Wang Tinglou.

As the first master of the human world, the pavilion naturally does not have the principle of not defending.

In the hands of the golden cymbal pen, I have already written a "profit" in midair. This time, I have not changed the physical shape of the instrument.

Instead, a slender Jinmang spurred out of his hand.

The width is only one finger, the speed is better than the lightning bolt, the spirit is mixed with the awe-inspiring, and the target is the left chest position of the ancient demon.

The heart is there, presumably for the alien demon, it is also a kill.

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