Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1464: Wonderful spirit spell

The first thousand four hundred and sixty-four chapters of the magical spirits

There is no other intention in the new moon. However, as one of the four evil spirits of the notoriety, the savage character is violent, and such a threat will only be counterproductive to it.

Not only did it not be feared, but the ugly face flashed a hint of embarrassment.

Raise your head and make a raging roar!

Its screaming is extremely strange, a tiger like the king of beasts, and similar to the legendary dragon.

Wind blows!

The surrounding world and the vitality suddenly rushed toward the hustle and bustle, compressed, merged, and a sphere of diameter appeared in the line of sight.

Lin Xuan couldn't help but shrink the pupil. The spiritual power contained in this ball, even him, also felt a trace of fear.

As for the proficiency control of the heavens and the earth, in terms of proficiency, it is far less than this, and it is one of the beasts of the upper bound.

The new moon princess was equally shocked and angry, although she refused to say it on her mouth, but in the depths of the bottom, the faintness had already flashed a hint of fear.

But when things develop to this point, it has become a tiger ride. It is impossible to let her sit still.

This female personality is quite awkward, but at the same time, it is barely strong.

In her eyes, there was a slight decision.

A handful of jade hands, together with a law to fight.

The fragrance is fragrant, and the flower baskets are tilted downwards, and a group of dazzling five-color radiance blooms from the inside.

However, there is nothing wrong with it. Although there are many swords that the other side refines, there is no use for it. Struggling is futile.

Sure enough, the sound of the cockroach was introduced into the ear, and as expected, from the flower basket, more than a hundred swords were spurred.

However, the action of the new moon is still not finished, the lips of the cherry blossoms are slightly open, and the mysterious and simple spells are spit out from the mouth, and the French seals on the hands are even more wonderful.

The light is shining, and one of the esoteric runes emerges in front of her.

"go with!"

The new moon means that the runes flashed and merged into the hundreds of swords in front of her.

Then the new moon has a word, and with the drive of her law, those sacred swords are eternal, and an incredible transformation has taken place.


A similar scene Lin Xuan once saw, but that is the change of the new moon's usage force, the technique of transformation is not outrageous, but in front of you...

Lin Xuanyuan’s eyes widened because he saw an unbelievable scene. At least for the human monk, such a situation could never happen.

Is the magical mystery of the spiritual world so amazing?

It is no wonder that Lin Xuan was shocked, because the more than a hundred swords turned into a blossoming ***.

Fighting for the glory, dazzling to the extreme.

But how is it possible? The sword is a treasure that has already been formed, and it is definitely not a illusion such as a blind eye.

It turned out to be ***.

Although there are countless strangers in the celestial world, anything can happen, but the scene in front of us is still to let Lin Xuan feast her eyes, and there is a feeling of stunned.

For the magical spirits of the spell, it is to the point where the heart is longing for it.

You also have a big eyeball, but it is not the reason for the magic of the new moon spell, but there is no reason.

"Hundreds of flowers and fragrances, the flower fairy in the spiritual world, what is it?"

"Hey, this is the master of this fairy. Why, are you afraid?" The new moon fairy turned a little, but this woman is quite awkward, but not stupid. If she can use the name of Master, she will stop. Naturally, it’s better, but it’s a pity that she thinks so, but it’s a luxury.

Hearing, not only did the face not have the fear of fear, but a fierce spurt sprang up, and his eyes widened, and both eyes turned into a blood red color.

The screaming screams, the sounds of the clouds, the clouds in the sky, were all blown away.

"Afraid, a joke!"

"I don't even look at the killing of the father's king. I was not only a small grievance between the original and the other, but I don't have to kill it. I can marry the master's flower fairy. But I have a **** vengeance with me, I can’t help you, oh, since it’s her apprentice...”

The voice did not fall, the new moon princess turned pale, and originally wanted to borrow Master's name, did not expect to be self-defeating, and finally became this result.

She has a hatred with Master, and she is not sure about this.

But now it’s too late to say anything. After the face of the new moon has changed a few times, it has finally calmed down. Although it is a little scared, it cannot be lost in the momentum.

She sneered and replied: "What is the use of the swearing tongue, want to kill me, first break the scent of the fairy flower."

The voice did not fall, and the new moon was shot in front of the blame. The flowers flashed and shattered into pieces. The sky was full of colorful petals.

It looks beautiful and the air is more scented with a refreshing scent.

However, beautiful things often contain highly toxic, this trick, Lin Xuan has long been taught, and now I see how to cope.

The other party actually saw nothing, and the screaming screams came to the ear: "Idiot, the deity is born to be afraid of a hundred poisons, and he does this, but it is a class door."

It is not a bluff, but the poison of the flowers, the people who stand up, but they are in it, but there is no trace of color.

The new moon is eclipsed. Of course, the power of the fragrance of flowers is not the only thing. I only see her sticking out her hand, and she seems to be moving forward slowly.

The petals of the sky, suddenly gathered together, flying rapidly, a whirlwind of a pool of petals, appeared in the line of sight.

The diameter is sufficient, but the sound is not surprising, but the petals have a daunting sharpness.

The two treasures that he had just sacrificed in the battle were just touching the whirlwind, and they were easily cut off by the seemingly weak petals.

Turned into the iron, fell from the sky.

Lin Xuan's boring hole is narrow, and he has rich experience in his battle. Of course, he can see that the two treasures are not ordinary goods. So easily destroyed, this hundred flowers and fragrances are really remarkable, even if they are themselves. It is not easy to break.

But you are not afraid of anything at all.

The four evil spirits are not good things, but every beast is brave.

I saw that it lifted the forefoot and suddenly pushed out the light ball that had just gathered with the heavens and the earth.

The new moon dared to ignore it. With the drive of her gods, the whirlwind of the petals turned a little, and it greeted the air.


The two touched each other, and the unimaginable horrible cracking sound was transmitted to the ears. The earth moved and the mountain swayed. The hurricane blew through and the area was affected for dozens of miles. Some hills were razed to the ground and the trees were uprooted. For the powder, the sky has become more and more gloomy.

Although the light ball is gathered by the heavens and the earth, the power is terrible, and the flower-filled fragrance is blown up. Although it has not been broken, it has also played a role in reducing the tenth meeting.

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