Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1420: Unusual beast

The first thousand four hundred and twenty-two chapters of the unusual beast

Then the woman held the jade tube in her hands, her eyes half-squatting, and sank into the gods.

Just a few bites of effort, the red dragonfly raised the dagger, the left palm gently shook, the jade tube was wrapped in a layer of aura, slowly like Lin Xuanfei passed.

I didn’t see any action by Lin Xuan. The jade tube was directly attached to his forehead. Lin Xuan sank into the gods, and a picture of a beast was reflected in his mind.

Originally, I only had the idea of ​​growing my knowledge. However, Lin Xuan’s eyes swept over it, but his expression suddenly changed.

Consternation, moving, and stunned, all kinds of emotions turned in my mind.

"Predecessors, what happened to you?"

Lin Xuan's reaction was greatly unexpected to the expectations of Hung Hom, and the woman was not surprised.

"No, it’s just Lin’s guess that the monsters that the spiritual masters can **** must be different. I didn’t expect it to be like this.”

Lin Xuan’s quirky expression just flashed past, and then he looked calmly.


Hung Hom nodded and was silent. She certainly didn't believe Lin Xuan's explanation. But as the saying goes, the troubles are caused by more openings, and the disasters are all out of the fore. The so-called evils come out, she doesn't want to be curious because of the moment. Lin Xuan has a big heart.

That is not stupid.

A wise man must know how to score, and when you are stupid, you must not be too smart.

Lin Xuan is not moving, but deep inside, but it is already like a river.

It is no wonder that the map of the young beast that was engraved by Hung Hom has actually been seen.

No, not seen, but myself, and once had such a beast.

The little guy is like a meat ball, licking his furry body, looks embarrassing and fascinating.

Lin Xuan got such a beast from the Scorpio Monarch, and after several twists and turns, he finally hatched it.

The look of the little guy, and the map in the jade tube, are not the same, it is clearly the same animal.

I have also shed blood to recognize the Lord, but unfortunately in the seven-star island Yunhai, I entered the jade Xuanzong forbidden land, but the little guy was left in the Dongfu, and after he came out, it was inexplicably unknown.

Lin Xuan has also been looking for, but there is no clue. As time goes by, slowly, it will be forgotten.

After all, the little guy looks cute, but it doesn't seem to have any powerful strength. I didn't expect to get such news from the mouth of the red dragon fairy. Even the spiritual monks also competed. What is the origin of the little guy?

For a time, Lin Xuan was a bit worried about it, so such a great beast was actually taken off by himself.

However, he was not an ordinary cultivator, and he quickly adjusted his emotions.

After all, it is a past two hundred years ago, and depression does not help, and people always look forward.


Lin Xuan and Hung Hom chatted for a while.

The question was also asked. As for why Hung Hom would become a big elder of Luo’s family, he did not consult, instead of Lin Xuan’s negligence, but Luo’s family had been removed from his roots, and the inheritance of incense was broken. It doesn't make sense.

No matter how red and how they are hit, anyway, this woman is not a real Luo family disciple, Lin Xuan is not afraid of this woman to find their own revenge.

"What are the plans for the fairy in the future?" Lin Xuan suddenly spoke slowly.

"What else can you do, the Taoist friends have advanced the clutches, and the cultivation quickly makes them feel ashamed. I am going to travel around the country. After all, I can embark on the Fairy Way. Of course, I hope that I can fly to the spiritual world one day."

“It’s really a good idea to travel around, but although the fairy is in the late Yuan Ying, you should also know that there are many inconveniences in the repair. Can you be interested in joining a sect?” Lin Xuan seems to say casually.

"Mr. Douyou wants to introduce to Hung Hom, your kindness is good and bad, but the Luo family is gone, the red is all over, but it is also happy, and I don't want to enter any martial art for the time being." The woman said with a strong smile, but in her eyes The faintness reveals the color of vigilance. Although Lin Xuan has rescued himself, it is easy to move. Now that he knows what he wants, he will not turn his face.

"The fairy has no intention of getting started, and Lin is not reluctant, regretting the period."

Listening to Lin Xuan said, Hung Hom is overjoyed, and he has not read it wrong. This Lin Xiaozi is not a guy who is rebellious. She is more respectful on the surface, and she is full of good fortune: "Thank you for your predecessors, there will be a period later, today’s Da Enda De, as long as the red dragonfly does not fall, one day, will definitely return you."

After the talk, Chong Lin Xuan went to a ceremony, and then turned into a shocking rainbow, flying to the sky.

Lin Xuan is silent,

Then, he took a deep breath, spit out a smoldering gas in his chest, and turned his head to the left: "Moon, this hoe, come, come, and hide, do you play hide-and-seek with the young master?"

"Oh, it really is not the young master." The voice of smirk was introduced into the ear, and then there was no one on the left side, and the blue light flashed, and a beautiful girl emerged.

Pure and incomparable, cute and extreme, its color is better than the red dragonfly, it is naturally the moon fairy.

Xiao Shantou originally comforted the baby in Biyun Mountain, but left the young master to disappear, and the right young master still did not come back. Although Ming Xiao was able to pass Lin Xuan’s supernatural powers, it was a little dangerous to deal with several Luo’s immortals. Still can't sit still, I ran over.

The month is also advanced to the clutch, and its hidden power is not the same, but Lin Xuan still found it.

"Young master, you have to go red, it doesn't matter, she also said that the jade is not the same as the small one. If the news leaks, it will bring you a lot of trouble. As the saying goes, the amount is small, non-toxic. Not a husband, not as good as..."

The little girl licked her mouth, but it wasn't her heart. If she wanted to live happily in the cultivation of the fairyland, she would not be able to show her feelings.

"No need."

Lin Xuan shook his head: "Hey, rest assured, the young master, I am not confused by her beauty, but let this woman go, it will not hurt you or me."


"I just thought about the danger of the jade, I will never think about it, but who is going to say to Hung Hom, not to mention that she said that I have treasures in my hands and others will believe it, and I will only take my own troubles. ”

"This is not bad." The month nodded, but the face was faint, there are still some concerns, after all, not afraid of 10,000, just in case, the dead are more likely to keep secrets.

Three hundred years of ups and downs, Lin Xuanyuan will not understand the psychology of the month: "Stupid girl, rest assured, to the red dragonfly, I have a backhand."

"And backhand?"

"Yes, I thought that the young master, I am so generous, complaining with Germany. In fact, when I helped this woman to suppress the fire, I already left a back hand on her. If she is safe, she will dare to me. Unfavorable, it is only a matter of thought for her little life, but I believe that Hung Hom will not be enmity."

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