Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1398: Save people to the end

The first thousand three hundred and ninety-eight chapters save people to the end

Looking at the beautiful girl standing side by side with Lin Xuan, Ye Jianer’s pretty face is full of surprises. It is clear that there are only two people and their predecessors. Where did the girl from the country’s allures come out?

The doubts in my heart, but Ye Jinger is very well-behaved. As the saying goes, the troubles are all due to the strong out of the head.

There are no different colors on the faces of the predecessors. This is enough to prove that the women in front of us are friends.

Don't talk if you don't want to ask, so she bows down and bows, and he answers the question.

However, deep inside, but horrified, Lin's predecessors can even eliminate the condensate monk, but the momentum that the woman exudes, but he can stand up against him.

It’s incredible!

You must know that although the level of cultivation is slightly better than that of the demon island, it is just a human world. Where are so many masters?

The children of the month did not have the mood to think about what the little cultivators were thinking about. After listening to this, they were greatly relieved, and the sacred sacred stalkers fled into the space vortex, and they all came here with trepidation. Xianger has her sister to take care of. After a hundred years, Yuanshi’s ten *** has advanced to the later stage of the transformation, and it is certainly no problem to protect her sister.

Lin Xuan’s thoughts are similar, but there is one person he cares about.

The red dragon fairy, the ancient monk who has survived for a million years is also safe and sound, although she has chased herself, but the time is easy to move, and now she has advanced to the clutch period, this woman naturally no longer constitutes a component. No threat.

Lin Xuan worried about her, not because of other reasons, but because when she was hoping, she once got a piece of jade, mysterious to the extreme, but unfortunately I never knew the purpose, but at the crucial moment, I also helped myself Second time.

The reason why Hung Hom pursued himself was because her jade Xuanzong’s head was the same as the jade in her hand.

This woman wants to take away, so the two talents turn against each other.

At that time, Lin Xuan had not succeeded in killing the baby. Seeing that this woman can only hide from the east, as the saying goes, people under the roof have to bow their heads, and their skills are not as good as people. Is there any way?

As a matter of course, Ning bully old, Mo deceived, and now he is in advanced clutch, the game of cat and mouse will of course change.

Lin Xuan is worried about the safety of Hung Hom. She wants to know the purpose of Yu Fu from her mouth. If she meets this woman again, she will confide, otherwise Lin Xuan will not pity the jade, directly search for the Dafa, want Living in the celestial world is happy and happy, sometimes it can't be too soft.

Of course, this is what I think in my heart. Can I reunite with Hung Hom or two, and what kind of situation I really met? Who knows now?

Lin Xuan’s thoughts turned, and the crisp and sweet voice was introduced into the ear: “Young master, do you say that we will see Xianger again?”


Lin Xuan brows slightly wrinkled, he did not dare to say, after all, he is just a clutch, too little understanding of the law of space.

Ye Jinger once said that when the demon island is about to be destroyed, there are several huge vortexes appearing in the sky, so make a bold guess.

Every vortex leads to a different place.

After all, there are nine people in the world and two in the Yin class.

Moreover, who knows if they will be transmitted to the spiritual world, or even the ancient demon world.

After all, the space storm is once in two million years, and what happened is not outrageous.

Think about it, these guesses are all very likely.

What about the 10,000 steps back.

Even if the end point of each vortex transmission is the interface that you are now in.

Then, the human world is very broad. Tianyun and Twelve states are just one of them. Lin Xuan is not clear in other places. At least he knows that there are still seven stars on the island.

So whether it is the red dragon fairy, the three-tailed snow fox, or even the Princess Yuan, the chances of meeting them are very embarrassing.

Of course, everything is not absolute.

The key is to see if there is any relationship between the two sides.

In fact, Lin Xuan also misses Xiang Er, but the girl is naughty, but overall, it is cute to the extreme.

"Moon, I don't know, but I don't have to worry about anything. Xianger is not a normal snow fox. She has three tails when she was born. The degree of qualification is so good that it is comparable to the spirit demon king. Flying up to other monks is difficult, but Xianger’s qualifications are too bad, but it’s not too lazy. There is no suspense in the spiritual world, so I believe that one day, I will definitely meet again with that little girl.”


Listening to Lin Xuan said that the face of the moon finally showed a smile, and he took a picture of his chest and his expression became easy.

Fairy is difficult, but fortunately, the immortals also have a long life, as long as there is hope for seeing again, wait for some time, do not worry.

The encounter with Ye Jiner unexpectedly allowed Lin Xuan to understand the news of the demon island, and he felt very sad in his heart. However, in a hurry for a hundred years, whoever wants to get the former demon holy place will be destroyed in a terrible space storm.

It is like the Wuding River, the palace of King Ashura, which has not been blossomed for millions of years, and is as beautiful as a world.

But in the end, it was washed by the spiritual army and turned into a ruin today.

For a time, Lin Xuan felt very much, for a long time, only sighed and sighed, looking like a girl with a low eyebrow in front of her body: "So, when you come to Yunzhou, it’s only half a year before and after?"

"Yes." Ye Pinger nodded, and the opening was so savvy.

"Well, what plans does the friend have in the future?"


Ye Pinger's expression is stiff, his eyes are also blurred, grievances, jealousy, sorrow, all kinds of bitterness and sweetness, all kinds of tastes come to mind.

At the time of the demon island, although she was in the middle of the family, she was also drifting around as a mess, but it was a place of her birth, and there was no sense of alienation.

Since Jin Dan Dacheng, although the days are not happy, but barely can be said to be free.

As long as you are careful, you don't have to worry about being bullied. But when you come to Yunzhou, the situation is different. Although it is only a human world, if you are at the level of cultivation, it is higher than the demon island.

The demon islands look at the two demons, and there is only one old monster in the clutch period.

But when she came to Yunzhou, I heard that there are five major forces here.

Every foundation is profound.

Have a legendary clutch period monk.

Especially the Tianya Haige, the recent period is even more stunned.

I heard that the faction has just announced the world, and held a ceremony for the existence of two separation periods.

A sect, with three clutch periods, is unimaginable in the demon island.

Seeing the micro-knowledge, from this point also reflects the extent to which Yunzhou Xiuxian is high.

And the more places like this master, the easier it is to meet the opportunity, but the corresponding, it is also easy to encounter danger.

Under the big tree, it’s better to take a cool ride, but it’s more difficult than the demon island.

Especially, I have a natural charm.

It’s been less than half a year since I came to Tianyun Twelve. In fact, she has been in distress several times.

One time, I was ruined by a child, and I want to use it as a singer. Ye bottle is of course not willing. I can repair the ethics of the celestial beings, and disagree with them.

The ancestral *** of Ye Jinger's cultivation, although it is also wonderful to the extreme, but how can a monk who has just condensed Jin Dan compete with Yuan Ying?

Seeing that it is to be caught by the other party, it is also her fortune, the enemy of the old monster has arrived.

And it is the kind that doesn't wear the sky.

When the narrow road meets, the two Yuan Ying period immortals play a lot of fun, Ye Jianer is finally a coincidence, escape from birth.

And this time, if it wasn't for the help of the former generation of Lin, I would have fallen into the hands of three evils. It is best to describe death.

Thinking about these experiences, Ye Jinger was scared.

If you are careful, you can go on a happy life in Tianyun Twelve, but you can be born with a bone. If you can't find a big tree that you can rely on...

Good luck can't be anywhere, anytime, and one day it will be ruined.

Ye Bao did not think about joining a family.

I can't be familiar with myself. One is not good. It is also to send the sheep to the tiger's mouth. It is used by the monks of those sects.

Beauty is a curse, and if she is not fully grasped, she would not dare to go to the back of the mountain.

The only hope is that Tianya Haige, I heard that the martial art is all women, naturally will not worry that someone will be malicious.

Can be one of the five major forces in Yunzhou, Tianya Haige is so easy to join in, although Ye Pinger is full of confidence in his qualifications, but she is a demon.

Will Tianya Haige accept yourself?

I feel that the future is bumpy.

What should be the future, Ye Jinger himself, in fact, did not think of any good ideas.

The face is full of confusion, but this woman is very clever, raised the dagger, and Lin Xuan eyes, the mind suddenly became alive.

Lin’s predecessors are open to inquiries, but they may not necessarily be ordinary concerns. Maybe there is something deep about it.

This woman did not think that Lin Xuan would be unfavorable to himself. After all, the other party has saved himself twice. What are the bad intentions, and why should I wait until now?

Different from the secular, the cultivation of the immortal world respects the strong, the handsome guy does not eat incense, although Lin Xuan looks ordinary, but his strength, it is easy for the female to cultivate the heart.

As long as it is not treated as a singer, the Lin’s predecessors are self-confident, and Ye Jianer is also willing to do so.

Thinking of this, the blush on the face of Ye Pinger rises, of course, Lin Xuan is completely unnoticed.

He is not a **** person. He has no idea at all, but he is now advanced to the clutch. When he sees the old man, he is embarrassed to go hand in hand.

As the saying goes, saving people to the end, sending the Buddha to the west, Lin Xuan's habit of doing things is the most annoying to half-way, not to mention the woman is really pitiful, then she wants to point her to a clear road.

"The little girl is unfamiliar in Yunzhou's life, and she is lonely and helpless. She also asks the seniors to point out the maze, and the great grace and dedication will be remembered." Ye Jinger is a tribute, but respectful but with a bit of shame. meaning.

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