Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1374: Experience the jade tube

The first thousand three hundred and seventy-four chapters experience the jade tube

"Lin Shishu, the front of Luoshen Peak is the spring eye of Weizhou Island. Except for the radius of the peak around the peak, you can't open the Dongfu. The rest of the island is your choice."

In the sky, there are two stunned rainbows. On the left is a woman wearing a green palace costume. It is about twenty-seven or eight years old, and the early Yuan Ying.

It is Chen Hongying who has had a relationship with Lin Xuan.

After breaking up with her sister, it was this woman who took Lin Xuan to choose Dongfu.

She has heard that the fairy fairy said that Lin Xuan will join the Tianya Haige, although the heart is horrified, but the expression on his face is respectful.

What about men?

The addition of two old ghosts during the clutch period will make the strength of this door soar to an incredible level.

Under the big tree, it’s good to enjoy the cold, and the sect of the sect is good for itself, so this woman is happy to see this thing.


Lin Xuan nodded, closed his eyes, and released the powerful gods. After a full effort of tea, Lin Xuan reopened his eyes and flew like the east side.

The palace dress woman was slightly surprised. It was not the most intimate place, but she naturally wouldn’t talk about anything more casually, and followed with respect and respect.

"It's not bad here."

Lin Xuan chose a small valley. From the perspective of scenery, it can definitely be described as painting, but the aura is not satisfactory.

The entire Weizhou Island has a vast area, and there are many similar spiritual veins. In addition to a main thread that runs through the island and has a distance of nearly 10,000 miles, there are hundreds of large and small spiritual veins.

Needless to say, the quality of the main spiritual veins, but those small spiritual veins are uneven, for example, this flower valley is the intersection of five small spiritual veins.

Every thread is nothing but a middle-class product, but it includes the golden wood and fire in the five elements.

The original Chinese products are also good, but the five elements meet together, but the aura in the square is confused.

Practice here, it is easy to get angry, so it has been abandoned.

However, Lin Xuan has a special situation. The nine-day phoenix dance he studied is a mystery that mimics the phoenix of the **** bird. The five elements can be used for others. Others can't see this flower valley. For themselves, it is excellent. The place of cultivation.

"Uncle Shi is going to open a cave house here?" Chen Hongying's face was full of horror, almost thinking that he had misunderstood.

"How, can't you?" Lin Xuan said with a wrinkle.

"No, of course, but the aura here seems too bad."

"How is the aura, Lin has a number of hearts, so you don't have to worry about it."

Lin Xuan's voice did not fall, the sleeves glanced, a Qingxia flew out, slightly flashing, changing the cyan big hand of more than ten feet long, the five fingers sharp, it is necessary to grab the mountain wall.

"Uncle Shi, please wait a moment." Chen Hongying's voice was heard in the ear.

"How?" Lin Xuan's face showed impatience, this woman is really embarrassed.

"Oh, as the saying goes, the elders have something to do with their disciples. This opens up the Dongfu, how can you do it by the uncle, you just have to choose the site." The palace girl said with a face.

"Well, I will send me a note after I have done it."

Lin Xuan took a moment and nodded and agreed. Although he was used to it, he did everything himself, but now he is the elder of the Tianya Haige, and some habits have to be changed.

After telling Chen Hongying, Lin Xuan turned into a shocking rainbow and flew to the west side of Weizhou Island.

Soon, a gorgeous building appeared in front.

The tall cockroach is also protected by a layer of blue light.

This is the collection of the Tianya Haige, as the five major forces in Yunzhou, which has a very rich collection of books.

Lin Xuan’s light fell.


After half an hour.

"Zhuzu, here is the ninth floor of Tibet. The books in it are all left by the ancestors of the dynasties. In addition to the palace master and the elders of the elders, this is the great master of the late Yuan Ying. Can not enter." Speaking is a petite woman, it looks like the age of seventeen or eight years old, looks respectful to the extreme, repaired in the late stage of the condensate.

Although the entrance ceremony was not held, the news that the doorkeeper had two more clutches and monks has spread throughout the Tianya Haige.

The woman's look in front of her eyes is respectful to the extreme, and the sedentary period of the immortal, the existence of this level she usually does not have the opportunity to see.

"Know it, let's quit." Lin Xuan waved his hand, no surprise.

"Yes, Master Zu, if you have any instructions, please call your disciples at any time." The woman repaired a blessing, and then retired.

Lin Xuan glanced at the front attic, flipped his left hand, and a slap-sized token emerged.

Then I gently lifted it and shot a red light from the inside.

A squeaking sound was heard into the ear, and the light curtain in front of the eyes shook like a wave of water, and a long channel appeared in the line of sight.

Lin Xuan’s face showed a satisfactory color, and when he was in shape, he entered the attic.

It is much smaller than you think.

Both length and width are only a few feet.

There is nothing else, only a lonely bookshelf stands.

If you haven't witnessed it, it's hard to imagine that this is one of the most important forbidden places in Tianya Haige.

There are hundreds of jade cylinders on the bookshelf, which are all left by the elders of the Tianya Haige.

In other words, it is all about the swearing and cultivation of the monks. Even with Lin Xuan’s city, the eyes can’t help but show the hot color.

Although he was a coincidence, he was promoted successfully, but how to cultivate it is a fog.

For him, it is a treasure house in front of him. The decision to join the Tianya Haige is correct.

Thinking about it in the heart, Lin Xuan's eyes swept over the bookshelf, then his right hand lifted up, the index finger moved gently, and a jade tube of green and green drops into the palm of his hand.

Lin Xuan bowed his head and sank into the gods.

This is a cultivation experience left by a woman named Long Kexin.

Although this woman did not succeed in flying, but she was also the cultivator of the peak of the early days of the clutch. Her cultivation experience, there are naturally many places to learn from, Lin Xuan carefully understands.


At the same time, Tianya Haige is immersed in a beam of joy.

The addition of two clutched monks means what it means to the faction. Every woman knows what she wants. Although she dreams that the ceremonial ceremonies are all simple, they are all active, and they don’t want to let the two On the elders, I feel that I have been scorned.

The gifts of the overseas Zongmen family have piled up like mountains, but they have been declined to participate in the ceremony.

Even so, a large number of monks have gathered in the vicinity of Weizhou Island.

As for the hinterland of Yunzhou, and other state capitals, the news has spread, and the sensation caused by it is simply astounding.

In the past few years, Tianya Haige has caused some dissatisfaction of the Zongmen family because of its expansion too fast. The annihilation of Wanfozong and Lishen Valley cannot shock all the ambitions. The cultivation of the fairyland is always speaking with strength. After the Battle of Chau Island, the strength of Tianya Haige was obviously weakened, but the territory they occupied was more than doubled.

How about the five major forces, Tianyun Twelve States Hidden Dragons and Crouching Tigers, it is not only their few factions have the old monsters in the clutch period.

Of course, the single-player fight can't beat the end of the world, but if the alliance of several big factions wins, it is sure.

However, the conspiracy has not yet been revealed, but it has been killed in the cradle.

Such as the successful promotion of the fairy, Tianya Haige has added two new monsters during the clutch period, so strong, compared with the Songfeng College, almost can also go hand in hand, who still have enough to support the tiger.

This is the role of the monk in the clutch period. It does not need to be shot at all. Just doing deterrence can make the enemy chill.


In Tianfeng County, Yunzhou, there is an inaccessible barren mountain Daze. A beautiful woman stands at the top of a mountain of 10,000 feet high.

She was wearing an ordinary white dress, but she was like a fairy for nine days.

It looks like the age of ten years old, and it has the beauty of a country.

However, the pressure from the body is not the same, this is actually a mid-infant immortal.

Qin Hao!

At this time in her hand, holding a jade thing, Wan Li Fu.

This was issued by Master and asked her to return to the Tianyao Pavilion to participate in Lin Xuan’s ceremony.

At this moment, Qin Hao's face is full of complex colors, and the scene of Lin Xuan's acquaintance is flowing in front of him.

Piaoyun Valley is a very stupid younger brother. It is ridiculed by the same door all the time. When the creek is leaping, it shows amazing strength and can cooperate with itself to defend the enemy.

After the appointment of Yuan Ying, the full moon was double repaired.

What happened to the phonetic notes, Qin Hao is now unclear.

But I have to deny that she has a good impression on Lin Xuan since the encounter of Xueyan Mountain.

But now he will not only join the faction, but will also become an elder.

Qin Hao bite the bite, she is not jealous, Lin Xuan is able to advance the clutch, this woman is sincerely happy, but he will never call him uncle.

The pride of the sky is the pride of the arrogant woman. If she can't advance the clutch, she will not return to the world.

The beautiful face of Qin Yu flashed a steadfast color, sinking the gods into the Wanli, and after telling his master the determination, he turned into a shocking rainbow and flew to the distant sky.


Nearly ten million miles away, Wuqing Lingshan.

A palace loaded beautiful woman looked at the legend of Feijian in her hand, her face full of horror.

Needless to say, this woman is naturally a five-color fairy.

"After a hundred years, the Lin Xiaozi actually advanced to the clutch period?" If you don't know that Meng Ruyi will not deceive yourself in this kind of thing, the five-color fairy is killed and will not believe it: "Yuan Yuan's vision is true. Yes, if Lin Xiaozi is really only three hundred years old, then flying up the spiritual world is very likely."

When I think of it, the five colors are relieved. She is really distressed to raise a woman. Although she is in alliance with Tianya Haige, she is not in favor of the marriage of two people.

After all, the **** is a different way, Yuanyuan is a heaven and a poetry, and Shouyuan is a million years old. Although Lin Xiaozi is a cultivator, it is far behind.

If Yuanyuan is too deep in love, when Lin Xiaozi dies, it will definitely be sad, but if he can break the void, the situation will be different...

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