Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1372: sincere invitation

The first thousand three hundred and seventy two chapters sincere invitation

"Brother, how are you, are you willing to take an adventure with your sister?" The voice of dreams came into the ear, which contained a certain expectation.

"Sister, I am joking, such a good opportunity, the younger brother will miss it. The door to Shura is of great danger, but compared with the day of robbery, it is nothing, but there are still a few things that the younger brother must ask for." Lin Xuan’s eyes flashed and his eyes calmed.

"I have a big problem, do you have any doubts, even if you know what you know, you will not hide anything."

The dream was nodded, and the color of the thumb flashed in the eyes.

I have the courage to know, no wonder Lin Xuan is a mess, but he can advance the clutch. If he just said nothing, he promised it, although he is happy, but Lin Xuan’s evaluation will be slightly discounted.

After all, such a big thing, always ask clearly, this is not a question of trust between the two brothers and brothers, but an attitude that should be there before doing a big event.

Seeking for wealth and danger.

If you don't have the courage, then you are destined to be mediocre. If you dare to do it, it doesn't mean anything. You should also consider the details clearly, so that the success rate can be high.

"I heard that this Tianya Haige conflicts with the two factions. The pavilion has helped him. I think he has a good relationship with his sister. Why didn't the sister join him? The other is the first master in the human world?" Lin Xuan blinked in his eyes. There was a hint of doubt in the tone.

"Don't mention the guy who has a bad heart." The dream is like a glimmer of anger in the eyes. Although Wang Tinglou helped the Tianyahai Pavilion this time, the woman’s affection for him has not increased much. It is the saying that Three feet frozen, not a cold day.

"Reluctantly thin?" Lin Xuan stayed, and the expression suddenly became a bit strange: "Is it between sister and Wangtinglou..."

"Nonsense, the younger brother, you will open your mouth again, be careful that I will turn my face." The dream was like a slap in the face, and Lin Xuan was scared.

If it is an ordinary clutching period, Lin Xuan will not be afraid of anything, but the people in front of him are different. Lin Xuan does not want to work with his sister... What is the reason for this inexplicable reason.

"Sister, don't be angry, the younger brother is just curious, what is the relationship between you and Wangtinglou?"

"I can't beat the guy, the gossip, but that guy, almost became my brother-in-law, but he is too lascivious..."

Such as the opening of the scent of the fairy, followed by a slight sigh, slowly like Lin Xuan told the secret of eight hundred years ago.

"Brother, you judge, my sister is dead in the hands of the wind, the pavilion has also tried his best, this, I do not blame him, if the pavilion really loves my sister, it should be lifelong, but that old Guys, greedy and lascivious, not long after, they liked the old and tired, and after my sister was thrown into the brain, the waiters were one after another." The dream said, hateful.

"Coughing cough..." Lin Xuan was speechless. Of course, on the surface, he did not dare to reveal a strange color: "Sister, like the ice fairy, it seems that he did not marry the pavilion, and he is always hanging in the room. After a hundred years, I got the first woman..."

"That's how, in general, Wang Tinglou is greedy and lascivious. Do you think that he is doing this right?" If the fairy turned to the dagger, the sound was cold and cold.

"Sister, look at what you said, the younger brother certainly thinks that Wang Tinglou is wrong. He should not be jealous for life. He has always missed the ice fairy." Lin Xuan was busy with a wrinkle and pretended to be filled with indignation.

"That is, this is my good brother, understand the truth." The dreamy face, finally revealed a few smiles.

Lin Xuan also smiled, but deep inside, but it was greatly disapproving.

There are even some sympathy for the first master of Tianyun Twelve.

Who said that the immortals are selfish and self-interested?

There are exceptions to everything, and Wang Tinglou is a model of affection and righteousness.

He does not need to say anything about the ice fairy. For eight hundred years, he still guards the Tianya Haige. Unfortunately, his sister is too stubborn, but he is a **** man.

But in other words, if there is no barrier to the pavilion like the fairy, will you invite yourself to the door of Shura or two?

After all, Wangtinglou Weizheng Tianyun has been in the 12th state for a thousand years, and his supernatural powers are outstanding, and he is the first master of the human world.

This point of self-knowledge Lin Xuan still has.

The thoughts in my mind turned, and Lin Xuan’s doubts were relieved.

"Sister, the news of this transmission, the other old monsters are unclear. If I am not mistaken, the number of people he transmits should be ***. Will we have competitors when we arrive?" Lin Xuan looks stunned. Said.

"You can rest assured that this secret is what my sister knows under a very chance. Except for you and me, no one knows it, but it is hard to say on the side of the Yinshi..."

"But you can rest assured that those big demons will not want to go to the spiritual world."

Lin Xuan nodded, the secluded land and the spiritual world are in the same fire, the big demon unless you are tired of life, or go there to find death?

"But although there are no competitors, but the transmission array is located in the depths of Shura's door, I still don't know how many difficulties and obstacles I have experienced along the way, and the danger is not small." The dream is as open and honest.

"I have a few in my heart." Lin Xuan said calmly: "The last question, if the younger brother is expected to be correct, the transmission array can break the void, but there should be a number of people."

"This is of course, use at least one year of rest, and only three people can be transferred each time. Besides the younger brother, I am also ready to invite..."

"Oh, my sister is not busy saying that this last person has already had me." The dream is not falling, but Lin Xuan has interrupted.

"You have a choice?" The dream was like a sigh, and then the eyes showed a bit: "You mean Yuanyuan, but unfortunately she can't, although the peacock is also a great master of the late Yuan Ying, but Shurao The door is too dangerous, especially the road leading to the transmission array, step by step, whether the monk can protect himself during the clutch period, she goes..."

"I don't mean Yuanyuan." Lin Xuan sighed. Of course he wanted to bring Yuanyuan to the spiritual world. However, the road to repairing the fairyland was full of bumps and sorrows, and you could do whatever you want.

Let Yuanyuan go, it is harmful to her.

"Then you are saying..."

"Sister, can you forget the month?"

"Moon, what little girl?"

"Sister, can't you say this, don't you hear it, don't you think about it for three days, when you look at it?" Lin Xuanyan had an opening.

Then I took a shot at the waist, and the fragrance was also the same. A beautiful girl appeared in front of me.

"If you are sister, the moon is polite." The girl is full of happiness, but she is stunned, but there is an amazing momentum.

As a person who repairs the immortal during the clutch period, although the dream can not be said that the Taishan collapsed before the discoloration, but looking at the world, there are not many things that can make her move.

But at this moment, the woman was shocked.

The eyes were swept over the moon, yes, it was indeed the clutching period, and this little girl, was also promoted.

Impossible, although in the space of the ghost, but only a hundred years, Lin Xuan can enter the clutch from Yuan Ying, it is unprecedented, no one after the month, the month of the little girl is also the same as the clutch, simply too It’s incredible.

If you don't see it for yourself, no matter who tells you, dreams don't feel like you.

What secrets are hidden between the master and the servant, otherwise it is impossible for the two to advance together.

Dreams are like doubts in my heart, but naturally I will not openly ask questions.

Although Lin Xuan is a younger brother and sister, everyone has their own secrets. Even if they are dual monks, they can't be white like a piece of paper. There is no privacy.

The thoughts in my mind turned, and the doubts on the face of the dream were retired, and the surprise was replaced.

Joining the month is naturally more secure than the other person in your mind. As a result, the success is even greater.

"I didn't expect the sister of the month to advance to the clutch. It is really gratifying."

"Sister, did you agree?"

"This is of course, the fertilizer does not flow outside the field, since the month is eligible to take risks with us, my sister has no reason to ignore it?" Dream said with a smile.

"Thank you." Lin Xuan hugged his fist.

"Okay, you kid, you know that the mouth is slippery, between our sisters, what do these vagrants do?" The dream was as white as he opened his eyes: "Yes, there is one more thing I want to discuss with you." If you agree, it will be good for us, but you don’t know what your brother meant?"

"Sister, hey."

"I don't know if I have no interest in joining my Tianyahai Pavilion." The dream is as open as a look.

"What, join Tianya Haige?" Lin Xuan listened to this but could not help but stay, and then the expression became quite weird: "Sister, what about jokes, according to the younger brother, Tianya Haige passed down from ancient times, but For millions of years, I have never received male disciples. It is said that this is the rule set by the founding fathers."

"You have a good saying about the younger brother, but the rules are dead after all. The so-called things are easy to move, and the law is changed. There are no rules in the world that cannot be changed. This is because men are disciples because most men are greedy. Spend lustre, see the righteous, but your brother is different, you are a good person..."

"Cough, cough..."

Dreams are like voices, Lin Xuan, who is drinking tea, has been given a sip of water. Of course, he understands that his sister is talking about inner feelings, but is he a good person?

Lin Xuan’s face is full of laughter and laughter. His own affairs are clear to himself. Of course, it’s not bad, but it’s hard to get along with good words... This is how ironic it sounds.

"And don't say that you and I have a knot with Jinlan. A hundred years ago, when I was a brother of the Weizhou Island, if I didn't have a strong brother, even if I hope that the pavilion will help each other, it is still two, at least the loss of this door will be much greater. You are envious of my end of the world, so my sister is now inviting you to join, I don't know what your brother is doing?" The dream is like lifting up the dagger, his face full of expectations.

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