Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1324: Tianyi Zhenshui

The first thousand three hundred and twenty-four chapters

Wanfozong, Li Soo Valley, Tianya Haige.

As one of the seven major forces in Tianyun Twelve, in the long years of the past, the three factions guarded each other and shared the same spirit.

However, things are moving from time to time, but now they are in a situation where they are not in the same place.

The high-level cultivators of the three factions are **** and savage. One party occupies the right place and the other is a master.

The blink of an eye has been going on for a few hours, but it is still difficult to win.

In a valley full of ice crystals, the two women in the early days of Yuan Ying fell down at the same time, looking at the costumes, belonging to the Tianya Haige, but the starter was a ghostly guy.

In the soul of the soul, in addition to human cultivation of immortals, there are a lot of ghosts and ghosts.

The ghost emperor in front of him is already in the middle of Yuan Ying. It is not the same as the two women who have just married the baby.

A small lake not far from here, the fierce battle has just been divided.

A woman in white is barefooted, and her delicate face seems to have no human fireworks. However, the sword in her hand has blood dripping, and the two monks of the Yuan Ying period are smashed by her head.


In an innocent gravel desert, the three cultivators are fleeing with horror.

Flying in the forefront is a raging old man, another fat monk and a gloomy old woman followed closely behind.

All three are the old monsters in the mid-Yuan Ying period. However, not only the blood on the body is mottled, but also the arm of the monk has been removed. It is not a small bitter to eat at first glance.

"Hey, since the three friends have come to visit me in Pazhou, why bother to go immediately?"

The crisp sound was heard into the ears, and the gentleness was soft, but the three people seemed to be smashed by the wasp, and the face brush was pale.

Then the distant sky flashed, and a group of silver light appeared in the line of sight.

The figure inside flashed, and it was faintly visible that a woman of a young age was wrapped in it.

At first glance, the speed does not seem to be fast, but the silver flashes, but it is far away.

Even if it is not as fast as a teleport, it is almost the same.

The three souls flew away, but let them try their best and the distance between the two sides is still rapidly shortening.

After a few breaths, the silver light was in front of you.

The light converges to reveal the face of a young woman.

This is the great master of the late Yuan Dynasty, but the appearance is very strange. If you only look at the left face, it is the color of the country. Even if compared with the fairy, it will be slightly better, but her right half. The face is like a dry bark.

Not to mention that the skin is not shiny, and even the muscles are deeply sunken.

Ghost face fairy!

If the dream is ruled out, this Liu Ying can be called the first master of the Tianya Haige, the magical powers, more than the owner of the Su Shi lips.

No wonder that with one person's strength, you can win three mid-infant mid-terms.

Seeing the retreat was blocked, the three old monsters were shocked and angry, but after a short while, the face flashed a thick suffocation.

Although the enemies are powerful, they are not willing to sit still.

The old man took a breath and reached for a shot in the back of his head. He sacrificed a magical weapon in the shape of a hook.

The old woman is in a hurry, and the leading cane has appeared in the palm of her hand.

The monk's movements are much more fragile. If you don't say anything, you will take off your body.

Looking at the movements of the three people, Liu Ying’s mouth showed a trace of sarcasm. This woman did not even sacrifice her life treasure, but only a jade hand.

Suddenly a pink mist of fog flew from her sleeves.

The mist was swallowed and swallowed, and there seemed to be a living thing in it, and a sweet fragrance came out.

"Not good, toxic."

The old man was shocked, but he wanted to hide too late, and the fog enveloped them, and then several beautiful women appeared in sight.

The waist of the willow swings as if dancing.

The dance is wonderful, it seems to have a strange magic, the three clearly have a few hearts, it is certainly not appropriate to read more, but I do not know why, but the eyes can not move.

In the twinkling of an eye, the dancing beauty has come to the front, but suddenly changed, from the beautiful woman, to the bones.

Red powder!

The "Liang Rong" that Liu Ying practiced is the magical technique. The difference between it and the magical skills of the Soul Valley is not too much.

From the sly mouth, a smoldering smoldering fire is ejected, and the bones of other parts of the body are transformed into bone arrows, and they are shot at three people.

At the top of the bone arrow, bring a sweet smell.

However, it smells like a person, this is the poison of the corpse.


A light slamming into the ear, the old man was first pierced through the head, and then the monk and the old woman were also wrapped in smoldering fire.

The two people couldn’t even make a scream, and even Yuan Ying took the flesh and was burned to ashes.


A Buddha was introduced into the ear, but there was a raging anger.

"Liu Ying, the Lord, why is this?"

The voice did not fall, the distant light flashed, and a Xiangyun had come to the front in a slow and urgent way.

Above the cloud, standing a kind-hearted monk, it seems to be 100 years old, the skin faintly reveals a layer of gold, just like the reincarnation of the golden body.

Although his breath is not revealed, but the pressure of the spirit makes the ghost face fairy can not help but change color.

The clutching period is perfect!

Wanfo Zong Hui Xuan that old monster.

"Master, you and I met again."

Liu Ying’s eyes flashed in a strange color, and she was full of happiness. She listened to her voice and they both knew each other.

"Hey, the fairy doesn't come innocent, and the magical power has risen a lot. Do you still remember that we are the old people? When we meet, we will destroy the old teacher's teacher." Hui Xuan's hands together, the thin body, but the sky Helium is amazing.

"Why should the master make that anger, you should be clear in your heart, we are all their own masters, you Wanfozong attacked me at the end of the world, Liu Ying naturally can only use swords to treat." Ghost face fairy eyebrows slightly said, In the face of the legendary old monster in the clutch period, the female face is full of alert colors, but it is not allowed to open.

"Everyone is his master, huh, huh, the fairy is not clear, is it still the amnesia? Who is eating and climbing outside, as the elder of the End of the World, but the weakness of the Jiugong Shoujian Swordsman?" Hui Xuan’s look is flat, but the content is striking.

If there is a third party here, it must be scornful, yes, this size of the martial art of evil, conspiracy, naturally is all-encompassing.

It is not surprising that heavy money is being bought into traitors.

But is Liu Ying possible?

As far as status is concerned, she is the second elder of the Tianya Haige. It is already extremely glory, and she has invested in Wanfozong.

Let's talk about strength.

If it is not a dream, this elder is too elder, her supernatural power is still above the Su Shi lips.

If it is not the practice of cultivation, such as the fairy, I am afraid that she has already accepted her as a disciple.

Although she did not become a pro-disciple, her dreams were very appreciated to her.

Frequent evangelism, such a favor, look at the world of the sea, only Qin can be compared.

In the Yuan Ying period, the perfection of the immortal, and hundreds of years later, it is very possible to advance the clutch.

In other words, in the future, she will be in charge of the Tianya Haige together with Qin.

As everyone knows, the fairy in the cloud is indifferent, and generally does not ask the things in the door.

In other words, the future of Tianya Haige is the helm of this woman.

She is a traitor, and it is ridiculously ridiculous. I am afraid that it will be heard by a dream, and I will never believe it.

However, at this moment, there is only her and Hui Xuan here. Unless the other party is crazy, there is no need to make a joke.

The key is that Liu Ying did not deny it.

"Yes, it is the palace that tells you the weakness of the Jiugong Sword, what about it?"

"How?" Hui Xuanyi, even with his city, couldn't figure out what medicine was being sold in the other gourd: "What do you mean by the fairy, since you betrayed the world, are you not ready to vote for me? Zong, once this matter is exposed, Tianyun Twelve States is vast, why do you think that dreams are still worthy?"

"Masters don't make mistakes. Although this fairy is sorry for the Tianya Haige, it has done nothing to eat and crawl, but it is also a last resort. This time alone does not mean that I will be a traitor. I have said that the Jiugong must be a sword. The weakness is to exchange treasures with you. Now that the transaction is over, there is nothing to do between you and me."

Liu Ying sighed and a calm voice came into her ear.

It is true that such a woman said that she betrayed the Tianya Haige, but it was a last resort.

The dry sputum has amazing magical powers. After cultivation, it is indeed easier to get ahead of other exercises. However, there is a small demand for cultivating and cultivating to the realm of Dacheng.

The cultivator must be the virgin.

This requirement, in front of the practice, is not mentioned at all. It is not the 34th generation of the sect who created this work. It is intended to set a trap, but in the eyes of the predecessor, this requirement is the same as saying it. .

After all, although the disciples of Tianya Haige can also marry, according to the rules of the door, every sixty years, a blind date will be held.

But those female disciples who marry have a common feature.

In terms of qualifications, it is not outstanding. Most of them are built in the base period. Very few luck is good. Condensation of Jindan is successful, but it is definitely hopeless to have a baby.

The true elite, how can the Tianya Haige let them marry?

And this "Liang Rong" is the practice of Yuan Ying's monk. In other words, in the eyes of the predecessor, if there is someone in this door who cultivates this magical power, needless to say, she is also satisfied with the virgin. Claim.

However, this grimace fairy is special.

Originally she was a secular and bureaucratic woman. Later, the draft was seen by the emperor and became a noble lady. She was very favored.

But her father is only a seven-country magistrate, and has no power in the DPRK, but the Queen is the daughter of the general, and her mother has a high weight.

The empress was good, and Liu Ying was sealed as a nobleman for less than a month. She was taken to the emperor’s southern tour by the empress, not in the palace, and she found a head and gave him a poisonous wine.

It is also a coincidence.

Dreams go out to find the treasures of materials used in alchemy, just passing by, seeing this female Linggen qualification is extremely good, suddenly began to love the meaning, cast a magical power, saved her back to the End of the Sea.

So Liu Ying was on the road to repairing immortals.

After her art, she naturally returned to the world and killed the Queens.

Later, Liu Ying succeeded in killing her baby. Because of the suffering she had suffered before, she was more determined than the ordinary monk.

The woman looks beautiful and how to do it. The mana of the immortal world is the first, so she did not hesitate to choose the supernatural power.

However, after the thirty-fourth lord was seated, this practice has been shelved, and even the dream is not clear. If you want to cultivate it to Dacheng, you still need such conditions.

Although Liu Ying was selected into the palace, it was only one month before and after, but since she was favored by the emperor and was named as a nobleman, it is certainly impossible to be a virgin. If she does not practice this practice to the last step, her hope of advanced clutching is It has become a bubble.

One lost, thousands of hate, Liu Ying is full of depression.

But this woman is also a tough figure of the mind, and she is not willing to accept this.

You must be an advanced clutch.

After reading a large number of ancient books, she carefully studied and finally found a solution.

With Tianyi Zhenshui, to make up for the shortcomings of his own foundation, there is also hope that the "Liang Rong" will be cultivated to the final step.

Of course, it is more difficult than others, but there is hope that Liu Ying is very satisfied.

But Tianyi Zhenshui is so easy to get. If you can find such treasures in the spiritual world, you can think of the world, but you don’t even think about it. This kind of anti-sky thing is said to have been a million years ago. It has been lost.

However, there is no way in the sky. On a very unexpected occasion, Liu Ying got a clue.

Wan Fo Zong, said to be in their rudder, also passed down the next bottle of such treasures.

This is also the only bottle in the human world.

After learning the news, Liu Ying’s heart is still very difficult.

Without him, this sect has already sinned with Wan Fo Zong.

What's more, this kind of anti-day thing, even if the relationship between the two factions is harmonious, the other party will refuse to transfer or two.

Now, I don’t even think about it.

What should I do?

Strong grabs? This thought has just been turned in my mind, Liu Ying will give it no.

Although I am fully aware of my own God's communication, even if I am a big one in the late Yuan Ying, I will be able to win with a dozen or even a dozen.

But what is the general rudder of Wanfozong? The Tiger Cave Longtan is not enough to describe it. Don’t say it yourself. Even if you don’t go alone, you can’t get rid of the whole body, and you don’t have to think about it. Words - idiots say dreams.

Then give up?

Liu Ying is naturally unwilling. When she was in the world, she almost died in the hands of the Queen. She was rescued by the uncle and the uncle, and embarked on the path of the pursuit of the path of longevity.

Although from now on, you can call the wind and rain, and the clouds will be foggy. However, the cultivation of the world is more cruel than the world.

This is a world of strength. Whoever has a big fist can speak loudly.

After a lot of hardships, I finally became a great master of the late Yuan Ying, and I was only a short step away from the clutch. I must know that once I successfully promoted, other benefits will not be mentioned for the time being. Last time, it has increased by a thousand years.

This temptation, who can block, so that is a desperate fight, Liu Ying also got to get the water.

The goal has been determined, so do it with your heart.

After all the hard work, Liu Ying finally got on the line with Wan Fo Zong.

Bargaining, imaginary and servant snakes, then the woman revealed the weakness of the Jiugong Shoujian sword array, and finally got the Tianyi Zhenshui.

However, this move is a last resort. It does not mean that she is willing to be a traitor. For Tianya Haige, Liu Ying still has a very deep feeling.

If it wasn't for the uncle, then I had already returned to the government, how can I have today's achievements?

Moreover, for hundreds of years, I have been practicing in Weizhou Island. Here is my home.

Although it was impossible to lie because of all kinds of imprisonment when the conditions were exchanged, the woman was determined in the heart and would fight against the enemy with the same door.

Once you have done your duty, the second is to make up for the fault. As long as you are lucky, you may still be able to hold it.

"Amitabha, the fairy is too innocent. Since he has become a traitor, I thought that I still have a chance to look back. If the dream is like a sorrow, I will not let go of it. If I understand it, I will vote for my 10,000 Buddhas. Many benefits." Hui Xuan hands together, his face full of compassion, the expression is more earnest.

After all, it is not only the great master of the late Yuan Ying, but also the magical power, but also far above the same level.

"Why should the master pay more attention to it, Liu Ying has made a mistake, and will never betray the Tianya Haige." The ghost face fairy said.

"Isn't you afraid of dreams to clean up the portal?" Hui Xuan is a bit strange, such as the character of the fairy, he is clear, is definitely a person with no sand in his eyes.

"Afraid, but the master thinks that the uncle will believe that the two elders of the Tianya Haige will be traitors, not to mention that I have just killed three elders in the middle of the Yuan Ying. You say that I am a traitor, is it ridiculous? Extremely?" Liu Ying smiled and opened her mouth, apparently full of confidence.

"Hey..." Hui Xuan brows a pick, then his face is also haunted down: "Little girl, I did not expect to count the seat, let you bind, but I do not want to kill innocent, otherwise I think that Can the Yuan Ying period immortal match the old man?"

"Since I don't know the current affairs, I don't have to write love with my love. If I am willing to loyal to the world, then I will be buried with it."

The voice has not fallen, and a terrible spiritual pressure has come out.

Hey, Liu Ying couldn't help but retreat three steps. The first time his face was scared: "You...when did you advance, it is now in the middle of the clutch."

My own magical powers are clear to myself. It is not a common spell. If you only face the cultivators in the early days of the clutch, you can’t beat them, but Liu Ying still has more than 70% of the confidence to escape, but the middle of the clutch is different. .

"How, if you are willing to vote for me today, the old man is not guilty, and he is willing to accept it."

Seeing the ghost face fairy revealing the fear, Hui Xuan's voice is peaceful and open, the so-called coercion and lure, the other party is willing to sell the Tianya Haige for the advanced clutch. In other words, this woman must be a selfish and fearful death guy, facing an invincible opponent. She will eventually choose to give in.

However, it is different from the imagination of the old monk.

The heart is unpredictable.

Grimace fairy blinked, but he finally shook his head.

"No, Liu Ying has already done a traitor and will never do it again."

After waiting for a long time, it was the depressing result. The city of Hui Xuan could not help but be furious: "Well, well, since the donor does not know how to live and die, then I will send it to the sinister government."

The voice did not fall, the pressure on his body became more and more majestic, and the whole person seemed to become a whirlpool. The heavens and the earth, condensed into a thumb-sized light spot, like inside his body, swarmed away.

"This is the law of heaven and earth that can be touched by the clutch?" Liu Ying's face is full of fear, but deep in the bottom, but faintly with a hint of fanaticism.

After all the twists and turns, it’s still a mirror, and I’m going to die here?

The thoughts in my mind turned, but soon, Liu Ying’s eyes became firm again, and a jade hand smashed, and a yellow orange-orange sword flew out.

Circling around her body, this sword is refining with Wannian ancient wood, and in her gas sea Dantian, using the fire of Yuan Ying to train day and night, the power is not the same, but at this moment, Liu Ying has no points. The opponent is too strong.

"Amitabha, the donor is obsessed with it, and the old man is going to take it."

Hui Xuan’s voice did not fall, and suddenly a cold voice came to the ear: “The old guy who is shameless, what is the trick of big bullying, since I came to my home, I still treat you with this fairy.”

Huitong's pupils were miniature, and they turned their heads and stared at something empty, but there was nothing but stone and grass.

"Amitabha!" With the Buddha's name, the old monk's eyes were wrapped in a layer of blue awns, and then he sighed: "The comer is like a lord, and the sly hidden technique is strange, with the pre-arrangement here. The illusion prohibition, but the old man has also passed, but I think I have a lot of thoughts. I can’t attack me alone. If so, what else is hidden, why not see the old man?”

"The old man? Hui Xuan, what I hate the most is that you put on the face of this hypocrite, and things have developed to this point. It is not that you are dead or that I am alive. If you want to fight and fight, what is the use of so many nonsense?"

In the air, there is a pleasant sound again, but the tone is cold to the extreme.

Then the blue light flashed, and a slender figure appeared. The jade was the lips and the skin was made of water, but the expression was cold to the extreme.

Needless to say, it is the elders of the Tianya Haige.

"If you are uncle."

Liu Ying’s face was very pale.

As the saying goes, people are not as good as days, she never dreamed that things would be so coincidental, dreams are just hidden.

In the conversation just now, how much did the uncle Shi heard, and what happened to her own family and her betrayal of the Tianya Haige, she did not know.

I think that in the past, if it wasn’t for the uncle’s rescue, he had already returned to the land, but now because of selfishness, the end of the world is in danger of being overwhelmed.

Liu Ying regrets and hurts in her heart.

After all, even if you are a cultivator, you have to talk about conscience.

Just in the middle of the clutch, Hui Xuan did not retreat at all. At this moment, she slammed down.

The dream sighed: "The other party will send a high-level monk raid, I know that this faction must have a traitor, so it exposed the weakness of the Jiugong sword array, but I couldn't think of dreaming. Yinger, that person is actually awkward."

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