Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1305: Lion King Fuxi

The first thousand three hundred and five chapters of the Lion King Fuxi

Even if there is not much left in his mana, there is no problem in killing this kid.

The face of Tiens’s man was full of violent fierceness. Not only did he not retreat, but he accelerated to rush toward it.

When people are not there, the overwhelming pressure is already jaw-dropping. If an ordinary Yuan Ying later cultivates the immortals, they will never dare to straighten their front.

As long as you retreat a little, you can catch the flaws, and then you will hit it.

Unfortunately, the months are different.

Although the little girl has not been condensed for a long time, but after the integration of Shura Shenshen, the strength is stronger than that of Lin Xuan. The master and the servant have competed, but they are slightly inferior.

If the lion is a suffocating person, the moon will not dare to touch him, but the old guy is not too strong now.

Little girl has the strength to beat the dog.

In my mind, my thoughts turned, and the pretty face of the moon was full of innocent smiles. The jade hand flipped, and a short sword with a crescent shape emerged in the palm.

The length is not too long, the style is exquisite, and the handshake is inlaid with more than ten gems.

With Lin Xuan's knowledge, one does not know, Xuanyin treasure box, even if Tongtian Lingbao is compared with it, it will also be a stunned color, that is the sword of the former King Ashura.

Of course, its mysterious mystery has long been sealed off, but even if only the power of the fur is left, it is no small feat.

The ten fingers are slender, and the exquisiteness is like a blue, and the moon child grasps the magic moon Xuanguang sword that has changed from the Xuanyin treasure box.

Then take a deep breath and inject the mana of the body.

The movement is simple, but it is the most basic Yu Jian, but the vitality of the surrounding world has been motivated.

The short sword on the moon's hand seems to have become a whirlpool, and the vitality of the sky is inhaled by madness.


The lion was stunned, and the fairy in the distance was equally wide-eyed. As everyone knows, only the advanced clutch can touch the rules of the world and let the heavens and the earth be used for their own purposes.

From the beginning of the flood season, this is the true truth of the immortal world, even the "monsters" such as Lin Xuan, but the mana is deeper than the same-order monks.

Heaven and Earth, Lin Xuan can not feel.

The girl in front of me...

She is not in the late Yuan Ying, why can she mobilize the strength of the world?

Tiens did not believe in the scene before him, and even the full-bodied grievances were temporarily thrown into the clouds.

However, he feels horrified, but the moon will not be in the same daze.

The jade hand waved, and the little girl had stabbed her hand toward the opponent.

The movements are like flowing water, without the breath of a human fireworks, but a green and sturdy sword, but it appears in sight.

The diameter is enough to be separated from the treasure, such as the stalwart sword, and the scorpion is going to the Tiens.

That power, compared with Lin Xuan's magic edge sword, there is still a little gap, but the month is understated, obviously does not consume much mana.

The distance of dozens of feet is instantaneous.

The Tiens Master finally realized from the stunned, and the expression suddenly became ugly to the extreme.

At this moment, there is not much left in his mana, and there is no problem in dealing with an ordinary Yuanshi late monk, but this girl can mobilize the strength of the world, obviously not a good match.


In the face of the oncoming sword, his face was full of fierce anger, opened his mouth and spewed a dark red light wave.

The two touched in midair, and suddenly the red and white color of the different awns flowed, and the afterglow generated by the light on the surface of the sea set off a hundred feet high.

It seems that there is no win or loss, but the month is a lot of spare time. If you don’t say anything, the fiber is even dancing, and the blue sword is in sight.

The little girl is full of confidence, but the Tiens master does not dare to touch her here. After all, the real spirit is not the same as a small one. In order to survive, he has tried his best to resist the time, and the mana is running low.

If he fights hard, he really has no grasp of winning. What's more, if the dream is like a slap in the face, once he is involved in the siege, he will be ruined.

Seeing a few sly swords as if they were swarming, Tiens went to open and spit out a fist-sized black gourd.

A sensational magicality came out.

Although Lin Xuan can't move, but his eyesight is still there, and his pupils are not shrinking. His face is a bit strange. The Tiens is obviously a Yaozu, and there are such magical treasures in his hands.

This magical spirit is very different from that of the ordinary cultivator, and it has some similarities with the Garro ancient demon on the demon island.

Is it the treasure of magic?

After the hoist was sacrificed, the wind was raging, and the magic fog was over the sky. Then a pair of four-armed monsters loomed inside.

The height is seven or eight feet, the green face is fangs, the head is a single-horned, and looks sinister and evil.

"The devil soul gourd, this treasure is actually given by you."

The dream is clear and the sound is heard into the ear, which is full of unexpected colors.

Lin Xuan’s face couldn’t help but go down.

The so-called devil soul gourd, he has seen in a classic.

To put it simply, there are some similarities with the character of the beast that has just come into contact with the immortal world.

Only the seal of the beast's soul is the soul of the demon, and the nature of this devil's gourd is the demon of the ancient demon.

Of course, it will be tempered by the spirits, and the ancient devils that make the instruments are naturally not high enough, but at the crucial moment, it is very effective to use as a life-saving power.

In addition to releasing the demon spirit, the surface of the gourd flashed black and white, and released a myriad of pure magic.

Then the magical spirits gathered in the middle, turning into a few cloaks of bucket thickness, and screaming like a sword.

The sound of the rumble was heard in the ears, and although it was quickly blown up, there were cover them. The Tiens went on the opportunity to display the shrinking technique and flew away like the horizon.

This supernatural power, the late Yuan Yuying monk can master, but used by him, naturally much more than his son, a flash, just outside the seven or eighty feet.

Of course, this distance is nothing at all, and the moon is still blocked.

But the magical spirit of the two arms and four arms is in front.

The strength of this guy, about the middle of Yuan Ying, Tian Tiguan, of course, does not expect it to defeat this mysterious girl, the purpose is to abandon the car.

Just grab a little bit of time.

The moon and the eyebrows are slightly picked. This is the first time that I have faced a strong enemy after the integration of Shura’s blood. The young master is still looking at himself behind the scenes. How can the old lion play the golden scorpion?

"court death!"

A slap in the sleeves of the moon, a palm-sized flag fluttered out, slightly flashing, and turned into a cloud of more than 10 acres in diameter.


The dark clouds of Nawu, the sullen sky, a **** red, the ghosts of more than ten feet tall are looming.

Blood ghost!

Just like the user of the month, after many years of warmth and silence, the beast soul finally showed his power.

The so-called blood ghost, as the name suggests, is also a monster in the genital world, and must be a ghost king level. After being used by the monks to control the gods, it is cultivated by the secret method. The process is similar to that of alchemy, but it is more dangerous. .

The difference is not to mention for the time being. It is said that every few days, the owner must use his own blood to feed the blood ghosts. Only in this way can the suppression of this crazy ghost be countered.

Because blood ghosts are difficult, and the method of breeding and cultivating is too cumbersome and dangerous, this kind of ghost supernatural is rarely seen in the world.

However, as the saying goes, it’s a good thing to lose it. It’s hard to raise a **** ghost. But this kind of ghost is powerless. At the time, he killed the traitor leader Ma Yuntong of Baixuan Pavilion.

The **** ghosts of the monks in the first district are also different. It can only be said that the luck of the moon is very good.

Nowadays, after the **** ghost has been raised for many years, although the strength cannot be compared with the magical soul, it is not weaker than the monk in the early days of Yuan Ying. It is completely no problem to block the other party for a while.


The yin and the wind are intertwined with each other, and the blood and the ghosts are beaten together.

The demon soul is blocked, and the moon can naturally free up his hand to intercept the Tiens.

The jade hand waved, and the scorpion's sword gas was smashed out one after another. It was as fast as electricity, and it was faster than the shattered power.

The lion's face is very sullen, although one hundred are unwilling, they have to stop to resist the attack...

This process is complicated, but in fact, for a moment, with the help of the month, the dream is finally arrived in time.

Still playing two dozen.

Compared with Lin Xuan, the magical power of Yueer is not too bad. For example, although the fairy goddess used the magical skills of Wan Jian, it is still full of enthusiasm and full of mana.

But the situation of Tiens is very bad.

Other injuries are not mentioned for the time being. The most conspicuous thing is that you lose one hand and you have a lot of mana.

At this point, he has no resistance at all.

As the saying goes, the tiger falls Pingyang is bullied by the dog, the dragon swims in the shoal, and the fifth-order Yaozu, which was once pretentious, is now almost the same as the dog of the funeral.

Reluctantly resisted the effort of a few interest, dreams like water, the formation of numerous shackles to bind him. If you change the time, this kind of trick, Tiens can break freely, but at this moment, he is powerless. .

"Hey, let's report it, the old man is a ghost..."

The lion was glaring and sullen, and his expression was fierce. However, when the voice did not fall, he was stunned by the moon.

The dust is returning to the dust, and the earth is returning to the earth. The Tiens is also unlucky to the extreme. Who asked him to support his son and Lin Xuan to grab his wife. The once powerful figure, now it is the end of the lonely ghost.

No, he doesn't even have to do the ghosts and ghosts. Don't forget that this guy is a demon, and the level is outrageous, the fur skeleton, and even the demon soul, but they are all good refining magic materials.

With Lin Xuan’s character, how can it be wasted?

He is doomed to have no chance to reincarnate.

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