Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1257: Moon baby

The first thousand two hundred and fifty-seven chapters

Unplugging the cork, and suddenly the scent of the heart scented out, Lin Xuan poured out a few green pills from the inside.

This is a good healing spirit.

Lin Xuan swallowed it into his mouth.

Then he rubbed his hands and began to refine the medicine. In the clutch period, he was hit by a ghost. Lin Xuan’s injury was also non-light.

It is still because of the protection of Biyan Kirin, his physical strength is comparable to the same level of the demon, otherwise the consequences are even more unimaginable.

Since the moon has such a powerful devil guardian, and there is a small peach this hoe, Zhao Lin naturally do not have to worry about anything, first adjust his injuries.

Time passed by.


I don't know how long it took, Lin Xuan finally slowly opened his eyes.

Compared with just now, his temperament is much better. Although the injury cannot be said to be fully restored, it is no longer a problem.


Lin Xuan sighed and was about to shake his clothes. Suddenly his eyebrows moved and he suddenly showed a surprised face.

Could it be that……

Although there is speculation in my heart, it is natural to look at it to be sure.

Lin Xuan did not say anything, and he became a young man, and flew out from Lu Ying’s Dongfu.

A magnificent view came into view.

The sky has been restored to the clear, gloomy ghosts, and it has disappeared so far that there is no trace of it. The dark clouds above the head are slowly spreading, and the warm sunlight is transmitted.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xuan’s face showed great joy and oversight, and the vision disappeared.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but feel excited, and his body flashed and flew to the valley.

In the blink of an eye, the devil in the middle of the clutch has also disappeared.

Lin Xuan squinted and was about to fly in. Suddenly a loud noise rushed into his ears.

Then over the top of the head, a large cloud appeared again, but it was not black, but a multicolored glass, which looked beautiful.

Not only this vision, but also the nearby aura, it has become chaotic again, and the five-color spots one after another emerge, the size is like a baby's fist.

Then slowly penetrate into the cloud.

A fleet of fairy music came from the sky.


Such a strange scene, in addition to Lin Xuan, naturally also alerted the rest of the worshipers in the Baixuan Pavilion, in front of a tall and handsome mountain, there are two beautiful girls floating.

It is the two cabinet owners.

"Yinger sister, this is really a good sign for the baby, how it is completely different from the description on the ancient book." Wu Yuner slowly opened, staring at the colorful clouds in the distance, the face is full of surprise color.

"I asked me, I know where else." Lu Yinger smiled and shook his head. It is reasonable to say that the young master does not have to deceive himself. The Miss Yue is indeed the top of the condensate period.

In love, it should be condensed Yuan Ying, but this movement is not too surprising.

"Is it true that Miss Moon is not an ordinary ghost and ghost, but a certain person who has a big head..."

Lu Yinger’s repair is not mentioned for the time being, but it is very good for people. This speculation is completely correct. It can be said that it is very close to the truth.

Thinking of this, this female face changed indefinitely, but soon shook her head again and thought about what to do. The young master and the lady of the month were called the master servants. In fact, they were so good that the relationship between the two was not their own. Blending.

It is completely meaningless to think about these more.

Just do your part and you will do it.

As for the rest of the worshipers in the Baixuan Pavilion, they are even more worried, but they are not clear about the existence of the moon. Naturally, they do not know exactly where this vision came from.

There are also many speculations in the heart, but the owner has already sternly banned the password, the rules are strict, the people are savvy, and naturally they dare not talk about anything.

I had to look at the big eyes and look at the valley with the vision.


As time went by, the colored clouds surged, and the rumbling sounds were heard in the ears, accompanied by the ethereal music.

Colorful glaze, looks beautiful.

Then from the cloud group, there was also a young girl who was dancing, and she danced in the air.

Although each one is called the world, but if you look closely, they are obviously slightly different from the human race.

Some have small pointed corners on their heads, some have **** red eyes, and some have long tails behind them...

Obviously, they are ghosts and ghosts.

Among the major interfaces, the Yinshijie has always been the most mysterious one.

How many races, even the six kings who ruled the yin are not necessarily clear.

These ghosts and ghosts are not entities, but the virtual shadows of spiritual power.

Lin Xuan is also a well-informed, but the Tianzhao of the baby in the month also gives him a big eye-opener.


Let's talk about the other side.

About 20,000 miles away from here.

Here is an abandoned valley where three monks are gathering together to talk about something.

Two on the left, one is a white-haired old man, and the other is a beautiful woman wearing a green palace dress.

As for the person on the right, it is about forty, wearing a Confucian robes, keeping three long beards, and being graceful and elegant.

If Lin Xuan meets, he will definitely hate to gnash his teeth, and will never let the other party pass, because in that year, he was in the hands of this guy, and he suffered a lot.

This guy, not a human cultivator, but a ghost from the Yin dynasty, used to stir up the secluded state of that year. Later, after the change of heaven and earth, it was destroyed by the monks of the rest of the state.

A few ghost emperors, all of them fell, only the old guy who stayed in the sky, has been outside.

He even joined the seven powerful forces of Soul Valley, and sneak attack on the peacock is also his proposal.

Even in the face of smashing the soul, he also showed great power and made the other party heavy.

In short, in peacetime, regardless of whether it is a supernatural power or a mentality, Haotian is far better than the same-level cultivator. It is not an exaggeration to call it a generation.

Nowadays, it has not been seen for dozens of years, and Hao Tianxiu has also risen a lot, and advanced to the middle of the Yuan Ying.

At the time of the Li Ling Valley, Hao Tian was quite crowded. However, with his deep heart, now he is already mixed with the wind.

This time, it was the life of the elders who came to the secrets of the Wu family.

A Xiuxian family in the district is nothing.

However, the ancestors of the Wu family were the disciples of the Wanfozong. For thousands of years, they have been attached to each other. They have been praised by the Buddha. This time they represent the forces behind them and come into contact with Li Soo.

Since the change of Xuanyuan City, Yunzhou has been chaotic, and the major forces are also in a row.

The reason why Wanfozong was concealed was because he had a bad relationship with Tianyahaige and did not want to let the other party discover it. Therefore, he did not send the elders of this ancestry, but let Wu Jiaxian secretly contact.

Although it is only an initial temptation, the two sides are already slashing their swords and estimating each other's bottom line.

"昊天道友, the meaning of the host has been conveyed, I don't know..."

The white-haired old man’s voice did not fall, and suddenly he opened his mouth and saw the distant sky, suddenly showing the color of multicolored glass.

The vision created by the baby in the month is too big. Although the worship house has opened the Guardian squad, it has not been able to cover it. Although it is separated by 20,000 miles, the other party can still feel some.

Although I can't see it clearly, the faces of the three old monsters have all changed. As the Yuan Ying period, they have a natural and broad experience.

"Multicolored halo is full of heaven, is there any different treasure to be born?" The palace girl was murmured.

After the horror of the white-haired old man, his face also showed a greedy color. Only the ghostly emperor’s heart was deep and deep. Except for the first time, there was a flash of light in his eyes, and he could not see what he was thinking.

The three were silent.

Then they looked up and looked at the distant vision. As time went by, not only did it not disappear, but it became clearer.

"Perhaps there are different treasures born, not far away, or let us go and see." After about half a cup of tea, the white-haired old man finally could not help but open.

As for the beauty of the palace, since it is with him, of course, there is no possibility of dissent.

"Okay." Hao Tian nodded and his face was full of surprise.

Then the three looked at each other, and the white-haired old man first dribbled and turned around, and was wrapped in a layer of red awns, and first flew to the horizon.

Hao Tian and Gong Fumei also showed their magical powers, and they followed behind without a word.


For all of this, Lin Xuan is not clear. At this time, at the main rudder of the Baixuan Pavilion, from the colorful cloud, a golden beam of light was spurred.

About ten feet thick, the momentum is huge, the surface has a rune flashing and floating, at first glance it is shocking.

Lin Xuan was not shrunk by the pupil. If he was alone, he must be very worried, but glanced at the little peach next to him. Seeing that the girl was very calm, Lin Xuan also let go of his heart.

The beam of light fell into the valley, but there was no trace of sound. Instead, it was absorbed by what, Lin Xuan first showed a look, then his face showed a thoughtful color.

After another martial arts effort, the light column has gradually dissipated, and the clouds have been turned into nothingness, and the sky has returned to the clear colors.

A strange smell floated out of the valley.

Different from the floral fragrance, it is also very different from the fragrance of the medicinal herbs. What kind of fragrance is it, Lin Xuan can't recognize it. In one sentence, it makes people feel very comfortable after smelling.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath and his face showed an intoxicating expression. Needless to say, the little girl had successfully passed the baby.

Xiaotao’s face is also full of smiles. He stretches out his jade hand and pats his chest. Although it is reasonable to say that after the integration of Shura’s blood, it should be successful, but there is no absolute thing, not to mention that when the lady was reincarnate, those hateful immortals changed specially. The law of heaven and earth, if you don’t worry at all, it’s definitely a lie.

Fortunately, success.

Then the little girl turned into a shocking rainbow and flew to the valley. Lin Xuan was just about to follow, and the sudden change happened.

Oh la la...

Originally, the valley was ruined in the suffocation of the previous yin. At this moment, it completely collapsed.

The gravel powder fell like rain, but soon, there was a dazzling rainbow that flew out of the rubble.

Then the screaming rainbow spread out, revealing a beautiful girl.

Zhu Yu is the lip, the water is the skin, and the beauty is at the extreme. Needless to say, it is naturally the moon.

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