Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1191: Lin Xuan brother

The first one hundred and ninety-one chapter Lin Xuan brother

"Reincarnation of King Ashura?"

After listening to the story of the moon, even with Lin Xuan’s city, the face was involuntarily exposed to surprise.

Although in the Wuding River, Lin Xuan knew that the little girl had hidden secrets, but never thought that it would be such an earth-shattering.

The Lord of the Yin dynasty, who had killed the spiritual world into a river millions of years ago, even had a true fairy, Lin Xuan was stunned, and it was difficult to digest at one time.

"Moon, aren't you kidding?" Lin Xuan swallowed a hard time, although from the heart, he knew that the little girl would not lie.

"Young Master, I know that this thing is too shocking. When the first time I heard the news, I was helpless. You... would you stop asking me?"

The weak girl's mouth, the delicate and pretty face is full of jealousy, Ashura, behind this name, represents too much enmity, she is really afraid that the young master retreats, after all, with the real immortal, far more than calm The courage to die.

For the monks, the soul flying is not the most terrible ending, falling in the hands of some monks. There are a thousand kinds of 10,000 kinds of means to torture the enemy, so that they can not survive, and die.

Living forever and forever, that is the most fearful thing.

These problems Lin Xuan thought of a moment.

Fairy is difficult, who does not want to live freely, Lin Xuan's creed is to drive the Kyrgyzstan.

Don't say that it is an enemy of the real fairy, even if the monk in the middle of the clutch can easily kill himself.

Lin Xuan’s face is a bit cloudy, and he hates trouble from instinct.

"Young master, I am sorry." The face of Yue Er is full of tears: "After going out from here, Xiao Yan will leave, and will never hurt you."

The opening of the moon was fascinating, and I saw Lin Xuan’s face. The little girl’s delicate body kept trembled, but she said that it was not disappointing and arrogant, but she really thought about Lin Xuan.

Too many grudges in past lives, although they are still very safe at present, but the moon has a hunch, one day, one day, the monks and monks of the real world will find their existence.

She really does not want to impede the young master, although for himself, leaving Lin Xuan is more difficult than death, but for the safety of the young master, you must do so.

Love him must think for him wholeheartedly.

As long as he is safe and happy, the month does not care what kind of suffering he will endure.

However, her voice did not fall, and Lin Xuan’s voice screamed at her ear: "Dead, nonsense."

The girl looked up in surprise, and in her impression, Lin Xuan had never been so vocal about himself.

"Young Master, I..."

"Who said to leave me!"

Lin Xuan couldn't help but say that he would hold the moon into his arms. Although he didn't have a body, he couldn't really touch it, but he still had a very warm and intimate feeling.

It seems that the water is melting, just like from the ancient times, the two are just like one.

Moon is very obsessed with this feeling, but she really does not want to impede the young master: "Lin Xuan brother, the month I thought, my existence, it will really pose a threat to you, although I do not know the past life, why will it kill There are so many people who can offend the spirit world, and the moon may not have a good end."


Lin Xuan is a little angry, and the phrase "Lin Xuan brother" seems to have broken his heart and soul. Although he has never called the moon as a small singer, on the contrary, he is like a pet. The name of the two, but the servant of the master, has never been so intimate as it is now.

There are not many words in the month, but from her look, the love for her has already gone deep into the bones.

Love does not have to be said every day.

Lin Xuan smiled, he looks very ordinary, but the smile is like a spring breeze: "Moon, we are together for two hundred years, my character, I believe it is clear, yes, I hate trouble, like to stay away from danger, but The young master is never afraid of things. Do you know that every person, good and evil, has a thing that is most worthy of cherish in his heart. For the treasure, he can not fear life and death, regard any danger as nothing, but against me. That is, that is the treasure."

"Young Master..." The month was so moved that she couldn't even tell her. Her eyes were as soft as the sea, as if she would melt Lin Xuan in that deep love.

Lin Xuan will hold her left arm tightly, free her right hand, gently stroking on the girl's silky blue silk, although it can not really touch, but still has a warm and intimate feeling.

"In order to be embarrassed, I am not afraid to be enemies with the real immortal. If one day, I can cultivate to such a situation, I will take the embarrassment and kill the fairy world, and I will be shameful before the snow..." Lin Xuan’s voice was introduced into the ear, in the gentleness. However, there is a faint scent of killing.

"You can be a young master, and you have a long way to go. You really don't know how many years you need to be. If you are in the meantime, once you are exposed, you will never have our place in the three worlds. Terrible, but the month does not want to drag the young master to suffer with me."

"Stupid." Lin Xuan interrupted the girl's words: "Before knowing this secret, two hundred years, we are still not safe, who said that the identity of Yan is so easy to expose, let alone even if there is such a day, do I have another I have the heart to look at the suffering of a person, and suffer the torture of the soul. Even if it falls into the hands of the immortal, we have to suffer together. As long as we are in harmony with each other, even if it is a soul-smelling, I think the young master is also a kind of happiness. ”

"Lin Xuan brother."

This is the second time that the month is called him. The sweetness inside does not need to be said. For a woman, can she find a loved one who is so distressed, and what is not satisfied?

The broken square, which has been ruined by the recent war, has a sweet atmosphere flowing between the two.

For a long time, the moon looked up and looked at the beautiful face of the little girl. Lin Xuan threw all the troubles and sorrows into the clouds. The corners of his mouth were upturned, and some narrowed openings: "In fact, compared to the threat of immortals, I I am more worried about another thing."

"What?" In the beautiful eyes of the moon, she could not help but flash the color of curiosity. Since she knew her identity, she was most worried about being seen and hunted into endless pursuit.

How did the young master say that there are still more terrible things, which is unlikely?

"Young master, talk about, what are you worried about?" Yueer curiously spoke.

"Nature is worried about it. I didn't expect my baby month. It was actually the reincarnation of King Ashura. It was repaired as a supernatural power. It was not inferior to the real fairy, but it was inexplicably signed with the blood of the master and servant. I am worried that one day. I solved the seal and memory and became the master of the yin. At that time, the first one to kill, I am afraid that I am a small monk who offended Xianwei."

Lin Xuan’s look is a positive opening, but his heart is snickering. This so-called worrying speech is actually just a joke with Baby Moon. Of course, he does not rule out his curiosity. In his own impression, Yueer It’s a prostitute. It’s hard to imagine her ruling the yin and leading the millions of demons to the spirit world.

Lin Xuan is just joking to find fun, but the month is very "honest". In her heart, Lin Xuan has already seen it more than anything else. He is busy setting his hand: "No... young master, the moon will not, The master servant contract is the willingness of the month, how can you blame you in the opposite direction, even if one day, I will restore the cultivation and memory, become the master of the yin, but in front of you, the moon will always be the same as the past, is the young girl’s little girl ......"

"Okay is good." Seeing the moon in the face anxious, Lin Xuan could not help but flash a trace of pity: "Hey, this stupid Nizi, I am just joking, I am still serious."

"Oh!" If you change a woman and meet this situation, even if you are not angry and angry, you will definitely be a bit squeaky, but the moon is nodded, as long as the young master is not separated from himself, if Can choose, if you can choose, she does not care about the power of King Ashura, can be the happiest for the young master.

Of course, waiting for the condensed Yuan Ying, after having the body, that ... I am willing to warm the bed for the young master.

Thinking of this, the moon is pretty red, the endless, the endless shyness.

"Moon, what's wrong with you, isn't it uncomfortable, just the explosion has hurt you?" Lin Xuan stunned, and then some nervous openings.

"Ah, no!" See the young master questioning, the moon is getting more and more blushing, for fear that the little ninety-nine in the heart is guessed by the young master: "The little donkey is not uncomfortable, the young master, your mana can be restored, we have been here for too long."

The so-called eagerness and enthusiasm, the moon is still honest in front of Lin Xuan in the weekdays, but at the crucial moment, he is also blessed to the soul, learning to take care of him, successfully transferred the topic!

Lin Xuan stayed, and the reminder of the month reminded him of the business. If you remember correctly, the monks who entered the Ashura Palace could not only have one of them, but also had time to delay slowly here, if they were taken away. The treasures in the palace, I am not crying, no place to cry.

At this point, Lin Xuan’s expression was restored to seriousness, and the sleeves were glanced. Several treasures appeared in the blue light.

The most eye-catching is a jade belt, the style is simple, needless to say, it is the treasure of the reservoir that came from the Seven Star Island.

This thing has the effect of instantly recovering mana. Of course, there are times when it is ***, precious and extremely precious. If in normal times, Lin Xuan will not use it easily, but now time is tight, he does not hesitate to surround the reservoir with himself. The waist is gone.

The majestic mana poured into the body, extending from Dantian to the limbs meridians, and soon Lin Xuan would fill up some depleted mana.

In addition to this treasure, there are some jade bottles suspended in front of them, which contain a variety of spirits.

Although the mana is full, but just after the big battle, Lin Xuan suffered more or less injuries, and the gods also have great consumption. He unplugs the cork, pours the colorful Ling Dan into his mouth, and then sits cross-legged. Lin Xuan has returned to his best state with only half a cup of tea.

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