Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1187: Nine black water

The first thousand one hundred and eighty seven chapter nine black water

At the same time, the two hands go to the middle again, each holding a nine-day moon ring in the palm of the hand, the body of the law is slightly running, such as the water of the bank is injected.


Thunder-like loud noise was introduced into the ear, and a white hurricane appeared out of thin air. Even the sky was grounded, and the diameter was enough to make the sound look amazing.


With Lin Xuan scorning, from the white hurricane, tens of light waves were spurred, and the raindrops shot toward each other.

Then Lin Xuan left his hand, and the green fire sword also swam out with the fish. Li Mang dazzled, between a breath, actually turned into a giant sword of more than 100 feet.

This kind of spell, Lin Xuan used to deal with the King Kong Mountain blame, but at that time there was some effort, and now it is advanced to the late Yuan Ying, it seems to be smooth.

The green fire is good at attacking, and it becomes even more amazing after it becomes a giant sword.

Lin Xuan’s attack, although not doing his best, is not a big problem for the late Yuan Yu’s late monks.

At least the other party will be hit hard, and it is definitely certain.

However, Nine Infants did not show any fear, and the wings were a big, but not bloated body suddenly flew up. Even Lin Xuan was also a big headache for the ban, and it could be completely ignored.


Nine heads rise high, but this time the cry is no longer like a baby crying, but rather a few similarities with the thousands of souls of the nine souls.

A sound wave visible to the naked eye appeared, layered on top of each other, like the raging waves in the sea, madly rushing toward the front.

The next moment, I hit the light wave that came out of the hurricane...


Quiet and a little surprised.

Then I slammed into the ear, and the light waves were actually swallowed up. Lin Xuan’s pupils shrank and his face became ugly.

I don’t want to open the mouth, a blood spit out.

After the blood left his mouth, he immediately slammed into a **** fog. Then, as long whales took water, they merged into the white hurricane. Lin Xuan raised his hand again and threw the nine-day moon ring into it.


The deafening thunder was heard one after another, the whole ground was shaking and shaking, and the red dot in the hurricane was lit up, just like the eyes of a monster.

Two days of ice and fire, Lin Xuan will play the pole of the nine-day Mingyue ring.

On the other hand, the green fire turned into a giant sword of the size of a hundred feet, and it was also arrogant.

The ease in the eyes of the nine infants finally disappeared, and two wings and one wing, the dense wind blade appeared.

There is quite a bit of similarity with Lin Xuan’s light wave. The abominable guy actually wants to use his own way.

Lin Xuan stayed, and then some anger turned into a smile, but, after all, he is not an ordinary cultivator, in terms of combat experience, compared to the old monster in the clutch period is not inferior.

Lin Xuan soon found out that it was not appropriate, awkward, those wind blades in the midst of a turning point, even strange disappeared disappeared.

This is... space magic?

Lin Xuan saw a trace of tiredness from the eyes of the monster, and it was not easy to use it to display it.

At the same time, the monster's tail moves, and a layer of fish-scale shields emerges in front of it. Each fish scale has a palm shape, and the rune is spread over it, but it is formed by the heaven and earth.


Lin Xuan’s heart jumped a bit. It was just a guess. Now he can be 100% sure. The nine-infant soul in front of him is indeed the strongman of the clutch level.

Lin Xuan still dared to have a slight scorn, busy seems to take a step to the left.

His figure also disappeared from the place.

As the saying goes, the master has made a move, only to fight for it. Almost at the same moment that Lin Xuan took the nine-step microstep, dozens of wind blades were smashed in the place where he had just stood.

The sound of "嗤" was introduced into the ear, and the space was marked with white marks. Although it was not torn, the terrible power was also chilling.

Lin Xuan sighed, "risk" is a word.

But what happened later, let him put down his heart and hang high again.

The wind blade that fell through the air turned a corner, and like a long eye, it caught up again.

Is the nine baby in control?

Lin Xuan turned back in his busy schedule, but he gave this guess to him. After all, he was not good at it. Don't look at him being overwhelmed by the attack of the big demon ghost, the situation of the nine infants is similar.

This person and a beast are not the masters of the good temptation. Now they are all supernatural, and they are frustrated by the opponent’s tricks.

The whole fighting method can only be described by the word "risk".

In the face of the incarnation of the green fire, Jiuying did not dare to have anything to scorn, but saw that its wings flashed, the whole body came a hundred and eighty degrees of flipping, the belly was facing up, revealing a pair of black and shiny The giant claws, then squatting up so catching.


The wind and the thunder, the shield around the square disappeared, the heavens and the earth were madly condensed, and a terrible vortex appeared in the air.

Then from the whirlpool, I discovered a **** long-nosed ghost, and made a flaming color. The most strange thing is that there is a squeaky voice coming into the ear, his whole body, being black and thick. The chain is bound, so it is so good, or a huge black and dark ghost claws are explored, and the green fire is caught quickly.

However, Lin Xuan’s attack is not only this one, but the hurricane that is grounded in the sky, and the konjac that is transformed into a sci-fi fire, also slammed into the eyes.

Nine infants have nine heads. Each of the legends has different magical powers, but the most powerful ones are the middle two, which can swallow water and spit fire.

Of course, it is not ordinary fires.

The water is the black water under the nine secluded pools. It is said that the space is vast and vast, and its terrible degree is far beyond the legendary eighteen layers of hell.

The Yin division is ruled by the six kings headed by Ashura, and their ghosts and ghosts will be thrown into the nine cold pools, tortured, their grievances and tears, turned into cold water, black water, Nine infants are used as thirst quenching to drink.

Of course, the legend is always a legend, but the black water sprayed by the nine infants is really different. Water is the source of life, which can moisten everything, but this black water can make everything in the world alive.

Legend has it that no matter what the spirit, as long as it is dripped, it will wither in the blink of an eye.

When the spirit world and the Yinshi world fought, they killed a blood flow into the river. Nine infants were the favorite pets of King Ashura, and naturally they were the vanguard of this war.

Everyone in the spiritual world has a lot of power to die in its hands. Other magical powers don’t mention it for the time being. If you just touch this drop of water, you will immediately call the old man, and hundreds of thousands of years of life will go by air. .

This lethality can be imagined.

Of course, what is in front of me is just a glimpse of the remnant of the nine-year-old baby, and it has passed the sacred sacred beast of the spirit world. Compared with the deity, the strength is even far behind.

The black water also has no terrible strength in the legend, otherwise Lin Xuan still fights, directly stretches the neck, and waits for the slaughter.

However, this is the case, the black water sprayed by the nine-infant soul is far from comparable to ordinary spells.

I saw the head in the middle of it stretched and shrunk, and then there was a black column of water in front of the eyes.

The diameter of the water is thick and thick, and it is divided into two immediately after the mouth.

There is no stink, and nothing else is wrong.

However, the entire square, but it is filled with a strong dead air.

Lin Xuan felt a bit of disgust in his heart, and at this moment, he was being chased by the terrible wind blade. Lin Xuan used nine days of microsteps. In a short moment, he has moved seventeen or eight times, but he can’t get rid of.

Without the nine-infant control, this wind blade can really track itself.


Lin Xuan’s sleeves glimpse, dozens of Jianguang fish swim out, although it is a simple spell of spiritual power, but with his cultivation as a supernatural power, the power of the sword, every Jianguang, is enough to marry the early infants of the US dollar The magic of the life.


The impact sound was transmitted to the ear, but the result was that Lin Xuan was disappointed. The sharp sword light that he had sacrificed, facing the wind blade like a paper paste, was smashed and smashed, and it did not stop. effect.

As a last resort, Lin Xuan had to display nine days of microsteps. Just removed, the wind blade smashed from where he stood. Is this trick really hard to pick up?

Lin Xuan’s thoughts are turning, so hiding is simply an endless result. As time goes by, it will only be more unfavorable to oneself.

Biting his teeth, Lin Xuan’s look became firm.

A sash of gowns, a squid fish swims out, looks like a woman's use of things, in fact, Lin Xuan is robbed from Tian Qiaomen **** old monster.

Although the rouge gas is a bit heavy, but the treasure is a supernatural power.

Lin Xuan, the defensive power of this water Yunjin, tried it personally. It is only weaker than Wujinlongjia shield. Since it can't be used, it is only hard to pick up this road.

The gang helped a sip, and the scent of the spurt came out. After the water Yunjin absorbed it, it immediately released a dazzling blue luster, and a heavy water wall was in front of him.

This process is complicated, but it is a hard work.

Puff puff……

The dull voice came into the ear, and the wind blades followed, and the sly smashed into the water wall. Lin Xuan’s face sank, naturally it’s not just a defensive thing, waving with both hands, one after another诀 诀 forward.

After the water wall is absorbed, it becomes more and more dignified, and the speed at which the wind blade runs inside is obviously reduced by multiples.

Can not rely on the old gear, after a few moments, there are still a few wind blade spurt out, the water Yunjin was worn, but it is not a little effect, the wind blade has been significantly reduced a lot, obviously the mana left There are very few.


Then the impact sound came, Wujinlong A shield is also an extraordinary treasure, blocking this remaining attack is naturally a suspense.

Lin Xuan’s face was not smiling, but when he was in the face of a smashing soul, he couldn’t seem to have a good time in the middle of the Yuan Ying, and the nine-baby’s just hit, but forced himself to such a wolf. Circumstance.

This guy, sure enough to be better than Wanhui's Huitong, Lin Xuan has planned how to smear the soles.

After all, there is no advantage in playing, but it is not easy to get out of it. Lin Xuan thought in his mind, raised his head, and saw the scene in front of him, but his expression suddenly solidified.

He just saw the scene of Blackwater fighting against his magic weapon.

The nine-day moon is circulated into a white hurricane. After absorbing its own blood, the hurricane is further evolved into a blood-colored dragon with a length of 100 feet.

Zhang’s opening is an imposing light column, as if the mountains in front of him can smash a hole. The nine infants do not blink, as if they are confident in the fish-scale shield in front of them.

A thunderous bang came into the ear, the surface of the fish-scale shield, and the cracks of countless spider webs appeared. Although it was awkward, it blocked the light column. Then the tail of the nine infants slammed, and the cracks actually closed. .

The clutch period can use the strength of the world, greatly saving the mana in the body.

Lin Xuan's face is ugly, and the black water that is divided into two, but some of it turned into a mist, not into the wind dragon.

Silent and uninteresting, however, Lin Xuan had an induction in an instant, and the nine-day Mingyue ring was his treasure of life. Lin Xuan felt that there was some turning point in this treasure.

It seems as if it is filthy, although it is not as good as the haze, but the aura inside is constantly flowing...

"not good!"

Lin Xuan did not want to, did not want to reach out, the wind blew away, two quaint rings flew back, but the surface has some bleak.

On the other hand, the remaining black hydration is a hundred feet long, and the konjac that changes with the illusion of sorrow and tears tears each other.

If it is the previous Bi-Fantasy fire, perhaps only a defeat, but after the integration of the fire of the robbery, the power has increased a lot.

Obviously, the beast is more fierce than the cockroach. After all, this black water is just the spit of the nine-infant soul.

Lin Xuan took a sigh of relief and took the nine-day Mingyue ring into Dantian. Although it was stained with a trace, it was not a big problem. As long as a little sacrifice was made, the traces of black water on it could be removed.

The nine-day Mingyue ring suffered a loss, and the Bi-Fantasy fire was slightly better. In general, it also struggled with the terrible black water.

Above the top of the head, the giant sword of the green fire collided with the ghost claws in the whirlpool.

Lin Xuan's pupils are miniature, is it the legendary gods descending?

As everyone knows, some of the magical powers of the magical pythons are special, and they can borrow the magical possession of the ancient demons across the boundary, so that the magical powers soar in a short time.

And this is just borrowing magical power. The so-called **** drop technique is even more advanced. You can open the space directly and invite the upper bound to exist.

In front of the **** long nose, Lin Xuan does not know what the monster is, but it is obviously not the same, the green sword of the Baizhang giant sword and the ghost claws touched, obviously unable to resist the enemy, the screaming screamed .

The eyes of the devil have flashed a glimmer of color, and the five fingers are closed. It seems that they want to use what kind of evil skills, and ruin the treasures in front of them.

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