Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 1081: Strange scholar

The first thousand and eighty-one chapter strange scholars

Unfortunately, the slightly rotating eyeballs exposed the thoughts of this woman's heart. Lin Xuan sighed and knew that she did not listen in, her brow wrinkled and her face was gloomy.


The majestic pressure made Zheng Zheng soft and his heart full of fear: "Master... Master."

"Small girl, I just dare to play with the snack machine, and dare to play with me. Just what I said, I’m afraid I don’t think so!"

"Don't dare."

"Don't dare, then you still sneak out. Since you told me to sing a ancestor, you should know that you have to be punished for violating the rules."

Lin Xuan’s voice did not fall, the sleeves glanced, and a blue lightning flew out. Zheng Xiao’s eyes showed the color of fear, but she did not dare to hide or hide.

I can only watch the lightning falling on my body.

Then the woman was sore and shivering, but she could not scream.

"Young Master."

Months are very painful apprentices, busy begging on the side.

Lin Xuan shook his head and ignored it. Everything was good in the month. It was when the master was too soft-minded, and he needed to know that the teacher was a high-spirited person. Sometimes, he could not be too indulgent.

It is good to eat and suffer.

After about a sip of tea, Lin Xuan was able to lift the ban on Zheng Zheng.

The girl was pale and her head was low, but Lin Xuan knew that her face would be full of fear.

"How, hate me?"

"Don't dare." The girl was shocked and hurried down.

"Stupid girl, is that what I dare not say, for this kind of thing, I will not punish you." Lin Xu said with a smile.

"Zhuzu..." Zheng Yi stayed, his face showed an incomprehensible expression.

"I have let the cockroaches suffer, and there is resentment. It is normal. I will not blame this kind of thing. I just wondered if I have thought about it. I just felt that it was difficult to get rid of the stipulations. Going out, if you fall into the hands of the bad guys, I am afraid that you will eat ten times as much as you can, even if you can’t stop it, you can’t even ask for death.” Lin Xuan’s serious expression.

Zheng Zheng was very clever, but she was only beside her, and she was pampered. Later, she was a master of such a month. She was spoiled, somewhat naughty, and somewhat mischievous, but it was not unclear.

After receiving a lesson from Lin Xuan, I couldn’t help but think about it. She certainly heard that there was a single woman repaired and sold as a tripod, and she was so miserable that she couldn’t add to it.

"Zhuzu, is a child who is wrong, and will not dare in the future." This time the girl's words are sincere and many, Lin Xuan's face showed a satisfactory color.

"Well, let's get up if you know it wrong!" Yueer was so sad that he was busy with the opening of the round.

Lin Xuan took a look at her, Zheng Yu daring to pack the sky, but also the reason for this indulgence in the weekdays, but then again, for the month, Lin Xuan can not pay attention to punishment.

"Is it said that Yinger has already arrived at Wohucheng?"

"Yes, Master Zu, are you going?" Zheng Yu cautiously said: "Although Lu Shishu did not say it, I know that she is really worried about your safety."

"Well, since I came here, I naturally have to take a look and lead the way."

The month returned to the sleeves, Lin Xuan turned into a shocking rainbow, wrapped in Zheng Yi, this girl is too slow, just need to guide the way.


With the mask that the dream is like, Lin Xuan is no longer afraid to reveal the trail. This is a tens of thousands of miles, and the masters are gathered. Although the Yuanying monk is still a look of people, it is not a place here. What attracts attention.

Although Lin Xuan did not do his best, but the speed of the tricks, it was also to the point of jaw-dropping, Zheng Zheng and even breathing are a bit uncomfortable, Lin Xuan had to open the body of the aura, this woman's expression is not so pale .

And she looked at Lin Xuan’s gaze, and she has turned from awe to worship. She used to listen to others saying that the Yuan Ying monk is more powerful, but she can never experience it. But now it’s just the speed of the light, it feels like The ant stood in front of the mountain.

Lin Xuan did not know what the little girl was thinking, all the way to the wind, just spent a meal of effort, I saw the outline of the Crouching Tiger City.

And if you let Zheng Xiaofei, even if you don't sleep, it will take at least a few days.

Suddenly, a strange force appeared.

Lin Xuan brows a pick, forbidden ban?

This degree, of course, is far from enough to tie him, but Lin Xuan came here, not wanting to cause trouble, a slight smile, and fell into the dawn.

There are several cultivators at the gate of the city, and some people are waiting in line to enter.

Lin Xuan was swept away and found that everyone needs to pay a hundred spar.

Standing on the sidelines, some expensive, of course, Lin Xuan does not care, and he does not need to line up anything, those people, have consciously let a road, strength and treatment is directly proportional to, in the cultivation of the world, Yuan Ying old strange Privilege is a strange thing.

"Predecessor, hello, two hundred spars."

There are a total of seven monks in the gatekeeper, headed by an old man in the early days of the condensate, full of respectful colors, a little uneasy opening.

Two hundred spar is not worth mentioning for the existence of this kind of order, but some old monsters are uncomfortable, and they do not know whether the other party will get angry. The monks in the gates are all exposed with nervous colors.

However, Lin Xuan’s action made them relieved. I saw that the predecessor didn’t think that he was taking two crystal spar from his arms. However, at this moment, a clearing sound came into the ear, and Lin Xuan turned back. I saw a dazzling red rainbow.

The light converges, revealing a scholar who is over twenty years old.

Dressed up as a show, handsome and handsome, even Tian Xiaojian can not compare, smiled and revealed white teeth, but somehow, Lin Xuan felt a bit of evil.

Yuan Ying mid!

Needless to say, this old monster's *** also has a resident effect.

Most of the surrounding monks took a sigh of relief. Although today's masters are gathered, few people can see the two Yuan Ying monks at the same time.

The person's gaze swept around, and when he saw Lin Xuan, he bowed, but soon he looked as usual, but when he fell on Zheng Zheng, he suddenly changed.

First stay, then some awkward.

But soon, but the expression of overjoyed eyes, the eyes of the eyes burst out of the glare, unabashed greedy eyes, the girl looked up and down.

Lin Xuan brows his face and his face suddenly sinks. He is very short-sighted, stepping forward without hesitation, and is in front of Zheng Zheng.

"What is the meaning of Daoyou, with your identity as a monk in the Yuan Ying, Guangtianhua, so peeping at a young woman, isn't it rude?" Lin Xuan said with an unpleasant tone.

"Oh, the Taoist friend is strange, what is the relationship between the girl and you, is the friend of the Taoist or a disciple?" The scholar arched his hand, and the opening of the color.

"I don't know each other with Daoyou. Why should I tell you?" Lin Xuan didn't leave his face at all. He didn't like to cause trouble, but it didn't mean that he would be swallowed up in the face of provocation. This old monster obviously has no security. Good intentions.

"Why should a friend refuse to be a thousand miles away, well, I admit that I am a girl, she has some uses for me. From the appearance, she is not a blood relative of the descendants of a friend. In this case, the district is built. The basic monk, transferred to me, what is wrong, the reward given below, will certainly not let the Taoist friends disappointed." See Lin Xuan a tough attitude, the scholar's expression is also somewhat ugly, but resisted no fire The word is open.

"Master ancestors."

Zheng Hao listened, and his face could not help but reveal the color of fear. As for the other immortals around, it was not strange.

In the eyes of the immortal, the mortal is an ant.

Similarly, for high-ranking monks, low-level cultivators can also be used as transactions for goods. Except for the blood of the younger generation, the disciples, the aides, as long as there are sufficient benefits, they can be transferred.

These rules, Lin Xuan naturally knows that the road to repairing immortals is inherently cruel, as long as it is good for longevity, what kind of morality and morality can be abandoned.

However, Lin Xuan can not do such ruthlessness. For the deceased, Lin Xuan has always given care, not to mention Zheng Zheng is still a love for the moon.

Of course it is impossible to use it as an exchange of goods.

But from the other side's eyes, Lin Xuan saw that the old monster was hot, obviously it was necessary for Zheng Yuzhi.

Even if they refused, the other party did not give up.

If it is only his own and the servant of the month, Lin Xuan will certainly not be afraid of anything, but they are also here, Lin Xuan is afraid of his revenge against his own.

After the illness can not stay.

But it is not suitable for hands-on here.

In my mind, Lin Xuan thought a little and thought that it had come.

"It seems that the Taoist friend is very sincere. This woman is a swearing disciple. If you really want it, it is not impossible, but it depends on what you are willing to pay."

"Oh, the younger brother said, definitely will not let the brothers and sisters disappointed, here people are mixed, simply let us find a quiet place to talk about it!" The scholars heard the words, but the eyes flashed a hint of embarrassment.

"Okay, good." Lin Xuan naturally would not oppose, the two looked at each other and began to laugh at each other.

"Zhuzu." Zheng Yan's face was extremely scared. Lin Xuan waited for her begging. She was already cold and reprimanded: "Stop, the deity decides what to do, and swears at this little girl to refute."

As for the month, I snickered in my mind. The character of the young master, she has a lot of thoughts. When facing the enemy, there will never be a soft heart, but there are also very principles that cannot sell their own people.

It’s quite interesting for a child to be scared. A woman is “sacrificing” and she is not aware of the consciousness of others.

Seeing the two Yuanying monks leave, the rest of the people face each other, but they are relieved and very happy. They are really afraid that the two predecessors will disagree and fight, but it is really a fire in the city gate, and the fish in the pool.

"Young master, you said that this person really fancy what is the child?" After a moment of flying, the moon finally couldn't help but curious, quietly using the gods to contact Lin Xuan, the other party is only a mid-infant monk, it is impossible to find Yourself.

"Ask me, who am I to ask me?"

Lin Xuan sighed, and he was also puzzled. In this case, the most easy explanation was the beauty, but Lin Xuan shook his head.

Zheng Xiao’s Xiao Nizi looks good, and says that the beauty can’t be overemphasized, but it’s still far from the point of blaming the country and the people. If it’s a month or a Qin dynasty, the other side wants to get into the arms and say it. .

But Zheng Zheng is not so outrageous, for her to fight evil with the same-order monks, unless the scholar’s ​​head kicks the cricket.

What's more, the other's eyes are crazy, but they are not lustful.

What is his purpose?

Although Lin Xuan is smart, he is also incomplete.

Since he can't figure it out, he will stop thinking about it. Anyway, after killing the other party in a while, it is inevitable to search for the soul. The purpose is not to be truthful.

The dawn was rapid. After half an hour, the two had already flown out of tens of thousands of miles, and the surrounding scenery was getting more and more remote.

"Young master, it seems that this guy is not bad!" The sound of the moon's chuckle is heard in the ear. If you only talk about the conditions, it is too much to go to such a far place.

"Normal, it seems that this guy also wants to kill people to grab treasure." Lin Xuan did not care about the voice.

"But this is still a bit strange. He is just a mid-imperial cultivator. Why do you have the confidence to deal with this same-order monk?" The month was a bit suspicious.

"What do you do with so many tubes, even if this guy has a backhand, can you still fight for both of us?" Lin Xu said with a smile.

"Also, I am just curious, and..." When it comes to this, the moon sniffs the nose: "I don't know if it is an illusion. From this guy, I smell it..."

"What?" Lin Xuan said curiously.

"I don't know, it seems to be the same kind of feeling."

"The same kind?" Lin Xuan stayed, the look became a little weird, the moon is the body of the ghost, the same kind of her mouth, should refer to the demon from the Yin division, can see Lin Xuan left, this guy is obviously human At this point, Lin Xuan believes that he will not leave his eyes.

If it was before, for this ridiculous statement of the month, Lin Xuan must have laughed, but now, but dare not be the same thing.

The experience of Xueyu Mountain, the three paintings appeared in my mind.

Even the Xuanyin treasure box that you can't touch, the identity of this girl is very mysterious.

Lin Xuan did not say it, but his heart never forgot.

Therefore, he desperately wants to enhance his strength. The identity of the month, one day, may bring trouble, and only strengthen, can protect himself and his beloved girl.

Lin Xuan re-wood, but with the moon and children for so long, if you do not like it, it is obviously a violation of the words, what power, can not separate themselves from the moon.


Flying another gong of tea, Lin Xuan looked at the surrounding scenery, it has become more and more ridiculous, the grass on the ground, turned into a yellow color, and occasionally can see some low bushes.

"Daoyou, if you have finished, you want to kill and grab the treasure, there is no one to disturb this place." Lin Xuan finally had some impatience.

"It seems that Xiongtai understands people and knows that Sun wants to kill people and steal treasures. In fact, your plan is not the same. From the beginning, you have never thought of giving this woman a hand." The scholars changed and stopped. There is no tension on his face, even in a very relaxed tone.

Lin Xuan also laughed. Today's event is really fun. The scholar is also full of confidence. Is it true that he is sure to kill a cultivator of the same level? This can be quite interesting.

You must know that the Yuan Ying monk who died in Lin Xuan’s hands is not a minority, but it is because his supernatural power is too much for the sake of the sky.

In fact, after the cultivation of the immortal world, after the advanced Yuan Ying period, this kind of existence rarely dies in the fighting, and most of them are exhausted and degraded.

In the Yuan Ying period, the immortals, each with the pressure of the bottom of the box, the magical powers, the low-level monks and more, can not form an effective deterrent to them, and the same level of monks, but most of them are sure to escape.

During the clutch period, the old geeks are not moving around the world. There is an absolute mastery of killing the Yuan Ying period. Only the late monks of the same order.

However, the late monks broke through the clutches and did not sway.

In the medium term and mid-term, it is almost impossible to defeat the opponent and kill it.

This book is a bit interesting.

Lin Xuan smiled: "The Taoist friends open the door to see the mountain, and there is no need to hide it underneath. The child is the daughter of my old man, and is also the younger brother of the next generation. Ming said, I am very short-sighted, and the requirements of the Taoist friend will make it difficult for me to do so. ”

"Well, I understand, I didn't say anything about it. For this woman, Xiaosheng is determined to win. Since there is no room for negotiation, we can only see the real chapter under the hand." The scholar is still a face and a cheerful, very graceful opening.

But the more such an enemy, the more often it is not simple.

"This is not busy. Before I started, Lin wanted to ask a question."

"Daoyou wants to ask me why I have to get this girl?"

"Not bad." Lin Xuan nodded, talking to smart people is simple.

"This, it is difficult to tell, there is a bad habit under, like to let my enemies, all fools." The scholar was a little evil chuckle.

"This way, then you are looking for yourself, Lin is looking at you is not bad, originally intended to kill the Taoist friends, even if you do not want to suffer from the soul of the soul, do not blame the next heart for a while." Lin Xuan The brow is picking and understating the way.

"Oh, after the Taoist friends killed the enemy, they also liked to search for souls. Fortunately, they will be lucky. It turns out that you and I are still confidants. Unfortunately, this woman is in the will, and the friends will not give up, otherwise you and I could find a Place, drink a glass of wine." The scholar sighed, his face full of regret.

Lin Xuan couldn't help but be speechless. He was also very knowledgeable, but such an interesting opponent was really unheard of.

Interesting, Lin Xuan also put away the contempt in the heart.

Although he is a self-sufficient supernatural master, he also has a month, a corpse, and a pangolin as a helper. It is reasonable to say that the following should be invincible.

As the saying goes, there is no absolute thing. Although Lin Xuan is full of confidence in himself, he does not dare to underestimate the heroes of the world.

If you have an adventure, you can't have it.

Who dares to say that I am the best in the world, this time the Tianyun Fair will gather, in addition to the local monks in Yunzhou, the rest of the state, also exquisitely made, maybe where to find a guy who is against the sky.

For example, if the venomous gods were not murdered in the past, Lin Xuan would be worse than his qualifiers.

Modesty is good, Lin Xuan’s eyes are slightly stunned, and the pride of his heart is put away, and he begins to look at the strange monk in front of him with a cautious eye.

Ps: Happy holidays, today is *** earlier, there are still things in the afternoon, this is what I wrote up early in the morning, huh, huh, in addition, double ***, please support the rain, thank you. (To be continued,)

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