Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 1017: Xia Houlan

"What do you want to do?"

Although the new moon fairy is proud, it is not a big brain. At this moment, it has been faintly felt a little bad.

"Nothing, just Lin changed his mind, just a joke, the fairy is very honorable, Lin is bold, and does not dare to sign the blood of the master and servant with the $$." Lin Xuan looks calm, slowly open .

"That... are you going to let me go?" The new moon fairy browed and tried to test.

"Yes, the fairy just needs to take this Dan, and immediately will pay $$;


"Well, the fairy also said, $$; 爹爹 is the big man who is earth-shattering in the spirit world. If I kill the $$, it will be ruined, not to mention that we have no enmity, but ask for it, but protect ourselves..."

"Okay, I am taking this medicine."

Lin Xuan’s voice has not fallen, the voice of the new moon fairy has been passed to the ear, which makes him amazed, and many of the original words he has prepared are not used. This woman is really daring and does not ask what the purpose of this medicine is. Does she really have anything to rely on?

Lin Xuan's hand trembled, a piece of light flew out of the sleeves, holding the dragon's size of the dragon, to the front of the new moon fairy.

In the girl's eyes, there was a slight hesitation, but it soon became very clear. The martial arts that she practiced were so fascinating that the medicinal herbs in the district and the realm of the people in the district couldn’t help but devour themselves.

"How, whether the Taoist friend should lift the prohibition on me..."

The voice did not fall, the face of the Princess of the Crescent Moon suddenly showed a very painful look, the facial features twisted, and wrinkled together. If it was not **** by the obstacles, it would not move. Whether she would roll around, I am afraid that they would still say two things.

"Young master, what happened to her?" The curious voice of the month was passed to the ear.

"I don't know."

Lin Xuan shook his head, this sympathy Dan was passed down from the ancient times of the Moyu people. The jade tube only described the effect after taking it. As for what will happen in the middle, only God knows.

Lin Xuan brows slightly wrinkled, back two steps, at this moment, naturally not suitable for what to do, to watch the change is the best choice.

"Ah, one, one, one, one, one, one"

The new moon fairy smashed up, the expression became a bit strange, and after a sip of tea, the painful look finally gradually condensed from her face.

Lin Xuan looked at this scene.

He found that the look of this woman has become different.

The person is still that person, but the eyebrows of the eyebrows are a few more gentle, no longer have the arrogance

Could it be said that 1111 and 1) have achieved the effect, the other party has fallen in love with themselves? Lin Xuan thought about it. After all, there is still a sense of literacy, and the change in the look of the other party is not like a holiday.

Lin Xuan took a glimpse and slowly walked a few steps, but for a while, he did not know how to open it. After all, the opportunity and the face of the woman were completely different. In terms of emotional intelligence, Lin Xuan was slightly lacking.

Moreover, this is the scene now.

As for the month, my heart is not a taste, more or less resentment, naturally not even

Got an idea? That's something you don't want to think about. The little girl is holding a small mouth. Then, there was a very strange scene.

The teenager was slightly wrinkled and scratched his head - and his face was at a loss.

Treating the enemy Lin Xuan is full of wisdom, but once it involves the emotional things, it is a bit silly, otherwise the peacock fairy will not be anxious and angry, and finally had to make a drug and reverse push so ridiculous things.

Now, this situation has never happened before, Lin Xuan does not know how to be good. He is groaning, a soft voice is introduced into the ear work. "Formers, I am sorry." Seniors, sorry?" Lin Xuan stayed, his expression became a bit weird.

That... even if the new moon falls in love with himself, it is impossible to use the predecessors as a name. After all, the Yuan Ying period is a good old monster in the human world, but in her heart, it is not worth mentioning. .

Can you say one by one?

"Well, the predecessor, the little girl was really offended."

Sure enough, Xia Houlan, with a bit of sadness in his tone, but Lin Xuan did not hear it at this time, he was stunned.

how come?

I did not expect it, but this is the result!

It seems that the love of Dan did not play its original role. The Princess of the New Moon did not feel lingering about her own feelings, but another soul in her body woke up and occupied the dominant position of the body.

"The new moon fairy is like this?" Lin Xuan brows a pick, some concerns ask, when

She is not full of food, cares about the woman who is evil to her own, but worried that the other person suddenly woke up.

"Predecessors are saying another me?"

"Another $$??"

"Yes, just the new moon has said to the predecessors, she is me, I am her, although there are two gods, but in essence it is one," Xia Houlan explained.

"But I don't understand..." Lin Xuan scratched his head, which is obviously different from the practice of the second **** of the lower bound. As far as Lin Xuan is concerned, whether it is the second **** or the second yuan, there is a master. Supplementary, the main Yuan Ying (no god) can control the other, but if the Yuan Yuan Ying (Yuan Shen) is hit hard, or the chance coincidence, the second Yuan Ying (Yuan Shen) is cultivated to skyrocket, more than the main Yuan Ying (Yuan Shen) The most terrible reversal will happen.

But why is the upper bound of the practice, clearly have two gods, but can part of each other?

Lin Xuan’s doubts, Xia Houlan has explained: “In fact, I don’t know. “Although the body is now controlled by the **, from the new moon, I also got some memory, but it is not complete, I only know that two The Yuanshen is indeed one. In fact, I am also a new moon fairy. It is only her gentle side, and the one who has just been violent to her predecessors is "a new moon, but she is pampered..."

Xia Houzhen explained that it was unclear, but Lin Xuan had a low level of emotional intelligence. Other aspects were "very clever, and he has generally understood what is going on."

As the saying goes, there is evil in goodness, and light and darkness are essentially one.

Westerners have the same personality, sometimes they are determined, sometimes weak, and their wives and mothers are not necessarily perfect. They also have a dark side. Similarly, a woman who is annoying and disgusting has a gentle and considerate side, but only a gentle and considerate side. It will only behave at a specific time.

People are inherently contradictory creatures, even spiritual monks can't be excused.

Xia Houlan, the new moon fairy are all the same person, but it represents the two sides of her character.

On the surface, some extremes are actually related to the different growth experiences of her two lives.

In the spirit world, the father of the Crescent Moon Fairy is a big man who is earth-shattering, as his only daughter. Since childhood, he has been collecting thousands of people for a lifetime, and some people are shooting horses at any time.

It can be said that it is a matter of thought, and the road of others' cultivation of immortality is thorny, but she is all right. Needless to say, the crystals are rare medicinal herbs and magic weapons.


Although I also went out to try, but there is no danger, there are always many bodyguards in the dark, not to mention the existence of high-ranking families. Most of them know that the new moon princess has a backstage and does not look at the Buddha face, so she dare not It is said that it is rampant in the spiritual world, but there is really no experience of frustration.

This kind of environment grows up, and the character is arrogant. In fact, it is also excusable. Otherwise, it is called odd.


Xia Houlan, although it is the reincarnation of the new moon princess, but she is carrying her father and sneaking to the human world, although the woman’s own cultivation is also very extraordinary, but the body of the soul, facing the power of the border, also Really reluctantly, after reincarnation, I had to recuperate, so I used secret techniques to split a god.

This is Xia Houlan!

In essence, she is a new moon princess, but this time the growth experience, but it is much harder, the mother died young, the father is only a base of the cultivation of immortals, and there is no door, no one, for more than a decade, both father and daughter I spent my time alone in the mountains.

As the saying goes, the family is poor and filial, there is no glory in the spirit world, and the memory power is all sealed.

In existence, this woman's new moon princess grows up like a small family.

Gentle and sorrowful, even with a little bit of cowardice, is no different from ordinary cold women, and pitiful il makes people love.

The two gods are all one, but because of the growing environment, their personality is very different.


Lin Xuan with his hand, finally figured out the beginning and the end of the matter.

Since Xihouhoulan is in front of him, then there is no danger to himself. Lin Xuan’s sleeves glimpse, and a Qingxia flies out. The silver chain suddenly has a life, and it is separated from the girl’s body, and then flashes and differentiates into Silk, and then condensed into a ball, Lin Xuan will be included in the storage bag.

Of course, this is not over yet. Lin Xuan’s hands are smashed or smashed, and the law is smashed out, and the ban on the girl’s body is lifted.

Then several fist-sized runes also flew out, flashing, and restored to a few golden symbols, but soon there was no wind and spontaneous combustion, turned into ashes.

Lin Xuan sighed, his face showed a few points of regret, and it was not easy to get a few pieces of the soul of the town. It was also a coincidence that it fell into his own hands. I hope to buy it later, I am afraid it is quite troublesome.

"Thank you for your seniors!"

Xia Houlan took a look at some of the castor's hands and feet, and he was very sincere.

"Do not have so many friends."

Lin Xuan’s mouth showed a bitter smile: "You are also the immortal in the mid-Yuan Ying period. After returning to the spiritual world, I don’t know how much higher than Lin. This senior is called, no matter what. Dare to be."

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