Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 327 The sun came out from the west?

"Okay, boss, I'll reply to Mr. Xu right now."


Suddenly, there was the sound of the door opening from the right side, Mo Jingchun turned his head and glanced.

In the next second, Mo Jingchun crossed his hands and looked at the two actors, trying to sneak away.

The little guy was in front, Zhou Yaling was behind, and the two walked on tiptoes like kangaroos.

As a result, Tangtang, who had just left the house, looked around to see if his brother was there, and happened to meet his brother's half-smile smile.

Mom! Guoer was scared.

"Brother... brother..."

Looking at Zhou Yaling who was walking behind her sister with her head down, Mo Jingchun asked with a smile:

"Where is this going to go?"

The little guy turned his clever little head and said with a smile:

"Go to the kindergarten to find the children to play with."

Although the kindergarten is on holiday, the employees are not on holiday yet. During the day, there are children playing on the kindergarten playground, and Mo Jingchun knows about it.

However, is this little clever ghost really going to kindergarten?

never mind.

Mo Jingchun warned Zhou Yaling:

"Don't bring my sister into trouble again, or you will understand."

Zhou Yaling wanted to say that I didn't understand, but she knew what my brother meant by "you understand".

Isn't it just because she is afraid of her old man.

Hmph, wait a few more years, when my old sister's wings harden, I won't be afraid of the old man anymore.

If Mo Jingchun knew Zhou Yaling's naive thoughts, he would definitely laugh out loud.

Also the wings are stiff.

Uncle can directly cut your wings, so that you can't fly at all.

After the little guy took Zhou Yaling and ran out, Mo Jingchun shook his head, picked up the book that had just been placed on the table, and continued to read and study.

We can't give up learning and stagnate because of momentary pride.

On the other side, after the little guy took Zhou Yaling downstairs, he just went for a stroll around the kindergarten.

In the words of the little ones, they have already been to kindergarten.

On the lawn, an orange bun was lazily basking in the sun.

Dahei even put his head on Baozi's body, feeling very uncomfortable.

It's just that the sun is about to set and the outdoor temperature is about to drop, so the two guys probably won't be able to sleep for a while.

As a matter of fact... two poor fellows couldn't sleep for a quarter of an hour.

"Bun! Dahei!"

Candy, who was riding a scooter, braked to a stop on the asphalt road next to Dagger and Baozi.

Behind Candy, Zhou Yaling was chasing after her out of breath.

Feiyan, on the other hand, walked fast all the way without panting.

Zhou Yaling couldn't help feeling that she didn't exercise for three years in college, and her physical fitness had indeed declined.

Now I run a little and I'm out of breath.

Look at Feiyan, what is a professional bodyguard.

"Dahei, let's compete." The little guy stroked Dahei's soft hair with a smile.


Baozi raised his head and glanced at the little devil in the world, then fell back and continued to pretend to be asleep.

If you win, you get nothing, if you lose, you lose face to the cats.

This kind of tired cat who has no benefits will not follow.

"Dahei! Come here quickly."



In fact, when the little guy shouted to get ready, the dagger had already run out.

Countless painful lessons have taught Dahei that the candy will rush out when he is ready to shout.

Just when Zhou Yaling was about to follow, a hand was placed on her shoulder.

Feiyan shook her head at Zhou Yaling and said, "Don't chase after her, you will return to the original point in a while."

It's good that you don't need to chase, Zhou Yaling is also relieved.

Just had time, and my brother was not around, Zhou Yaling asked Feiyan curiously:

"Sister Feiyan, what is the situation with the intern my brother mentioned?"

"The more he doesn't say anything, the more curious I am."

Feiyan smiled slightly, Zhou Yaling thought the answer was about to be revealed.

I don't know...

"have no idea."

"I won't ask what I shouldn't ask, I won't say what I shouldn't say, and I won't do what I shouldn't do."

The smile and expectation on Zhou Yaling's face stopped abruptly.

The next day, there were only two days left before the New Year's Eve holiday of Candy Technology.

When Zhou Yaling came back, Mo Jingchun felt a lot more relaxed.

Although this guy is often unreliable.

When I woke up in the morning, breakfast was ready, and the little guy got up with Zhou Yaling.

Mo Jingchun was somewhat surprised.

College students hey! Still a junior college student.

It's finally a holiday, so why don't you sleep in in the morning.

Really weird.

This is not at all like Zhou Yaling's usual style.

Not to mention she gets up early at school too.

When she was in high school, Zhou Yaling liked to sleep until noon during the holidays.

Can I change this habit when I get to college?

This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible!

"Tsk tsk tsk, is the sun coming out from the west today?" Mo Jingchun picked up a tea egg and smashed it on the table.

Sitting at the dining table, Zhou Yaling, who was not ready to wait for Mo Jingchun to come down for breakfast, glanced at Mo Jingchun and said nothing.

If the little guy hadn't said he was hungry, she wouldn't be so diligent.

Mo Jingchun filled a bowl of white rice porridge by himself, and as soon as he ate it, Mo Jingchun frowned slightly.

"Did you add sugar?"

"Hmm, otherwise it won't taste at all, how can I drink it?"

Mo Jingchun was speechless for a while.

"Let's make up."

Eating pickles, Mo Jingchun asked the white rice porridge in the dry bowl without lifting his head:

"The company will be on holiday the day after tomorrow. Are you going to go back to my hometown first with me, or are you going to go with uncle."

"It's the day after tomorrow?" Zhou Yaling said in surprise.

"Isn't there still ten days before the Chinese New Year? Why is the holiday so early?"

Mo Jingchun chuckled and said, "It's not the first time you have come to our company. The company always has early holidays, and you don't know it yet."

"Tsk tsk, how much money will be lost! I am very heartbroken."

"Then you can also start a business after graduation and build your own business empire. By then, you can do whatever you want."

"You can pull it down."

Although Zhou Yaling envied her elder brother, she still knew how much she had for herself.

After breakfast, Mo Jingchun put down the bowl and chopsticks and saw Zhou Yaling and her sister were still eating slowly.

"You two eat slowly, I will go to the company in the morning."

"It's going to be a holiday soon, and it's time for me to check the development progress of my student's graduation project."

"You look at Dian Guoer at home, the little girl wants to be a lady, do you understand?"

"It's really okay, you can let Guo'er learn the harmonica."

"Thousands of dollars should not be wasted."


student! Zhou Yaling's eyes lit up, and she was about to say that she was going too.

As a result, Mo Jingchun had already closed the door.

With a bang, Mo Jingchun closed the car door and said to Peter Pan in the driver's seat:

"go to company."

PS: Thank you book friend 20190822041058053 for your support, thank you!


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